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南宁市2020年三年级下册期中考试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_ ( )-No, she hasnt.AHave she got a new pen?BHas she got a new pen?CHave you got a new pen?2 . In China, Childrens Day is in _. ( )AJulyBJuneCMayDApril3 . Do you play _ guitar after school? ( )AaBanCthe4 . Where is the bird? ( )_AIts on the sofa.BIts on the house.5 . What is the weathertoday? ( )Sunny.AlikeBlikesCon6 . I _ a boy and you _ a girl. ( )Aam; amBam; areCare; are7 . -Whats that? ( )-_ a robot.ATheyreBItsCThis is二、阅读选择8 . 阅读理解Dear Jim,Im in Hangzhou now. I will spend(度过) the next three years here. Im in No. 6 Middle School. Its a good school. The people here are very friendly. My best friend is Li Lei, and my favourite food is Dongpo pork(猪肉).Now Im writing to you in my bedroom. We have a new home here in China. Its different from our old home in America. Our new house is white, and the old one is red. The walls of my bedroom are blue. My mother is watering some flowers. My father is repairing a car. Im going to do my homework. Please write back soon.Yours,Tom【小题1】What school is Tom in? ( )-_ANo. 5 Middle School.BNo. 6 Middle School.CNo. 7 Middle School.DNo. 16 Middle School.【小题2】Whos Toms best friend? ( )-_ALi Lei.BLucy.CJim.DJohn.【小题3】What color are the walls of Toms bedroom? ( )-_ARed.BWhite.CBlue.DYellow.【小题4】Whats Toms father doing? ( )-_AFixing a plane.BWatering some flowers.CFixing a car.DRepairing a bike.【小题5】Wheres Tom from? ( )-_AEngland.BAustralia.CAmerica.DCanada.三、情景交际9 . John来自美国,他做自我介绍时应该说: ( )AHi! Im John. Im from America.BHi! Im John. Im from Canada.10 . 再次与别人见面时,应说:( )ANice to see you again.BNice to meet you.11 . 你的朋友Mike昨天生病了,你想问他今天怎么样,可以说:_( )AWhats your name?BHow are you?12 . 母亲节在每年5月第二个星期的星期几?( )ASunday.BSaturday.CFriday.13 . ( )当别人问你:Who is the man?时,你不应回答:AHes my uncle.BShes my sister.四、选内容补全对话14 . 选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在前面的括号里。A No, I wont.B Yes, I can.C They are eggs.D My name is Ann.E. There are four.( ) 1. Dont litter. _( ) 2. How many bananas are there? _( ) 3. What are these? _( ) 4. Whats your name? _( ) 5. Can you draw a snake? _五、匹配题选择合适的答语。AYes, you can. BNo, it isnt. Its sunny and warm. CGreat. DI have a cold. EIts rainy today.15 . Whats the weather like in Kunming? (_)16 . Is it cold outside? (_)17 . Dad, lets fly a kite. (_)18 . Mom, can I put on my shoes? (_)19 . Are you OK? (_)第 5 页 共 5 页


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