南宁市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册 Unit 5 General Revision 2 task1-task2 练习卷B卷

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南宁市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册 Unit 5 General Revision 2 task1-task2 练习卷B卷_第1页
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南宁市2019-2020学年英语六年级下册 Unit 5 General Revision 2 task1-task2 练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . MymotherandI_alwayswatchromanticfilms.( )AdoesntBdontCdo2 . Well get some _. ( )ApineappleBpineapplesCa pineapple3 . After dinner, Jim never _ computer games .AplayBplaysCplaying4 . We ll take _ .AthemBtheyCtheir5 . - Would you like some fruit?- _AYes.BYes, please.CGive me.二、阅读选择6 . 阅读对话,选出正确的答案。My name is Tom. I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are too many people in shop. I dont like shopping with other people. It usually takes me much time to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to find the same thing cheaper. Im good at finding cheap things. I dont like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in the supermarket is fresh and cheap.( )1. Does Tom lile go shopping ?A. Yes, he does . B. No, he doesnt . C. I dont know.( )2. How does Tom go shopping on weekends ?A. Usually . B. Always . C.Never .( )3. Why does shopping take Tom much time ?A.Because there are too many people in shop .B. Because I never buy the first thing I see .C. Because Im good at finding cheap things .( )4. Where does Tom buy food?A. In small shops .B. In street markets .C. In the supermarket.三、填空题按要求写词。7 . foolish(反义词)_8 . tell(过去式)_9 . wear(现在分词)_10 . was(原形)_11 . story(复数)_12 . turn(过去式)_13 . live(过去式)_14 . behind(反义词)_15 . pick(过去式)_四、句型转换16 . 按要求完成句子。1. can every I swimming go day(.) (连词成句) _2. Teachers Day is in September.(就划线部分提问)_ is _ Day?3. I like autumn. (改为否定句)I _ autumn.4. When is Childrens Day?(按实际情况回答)Its _ .5. 我们通常在6:30分吃早餐。(中译英)We usually _ at 6:30.五、匹配题17 . 从B栏中找出A栏词组的正确汉语意思,并将序号填入括号中。A B(_) (1) go to the zooA许多猪(_) (2) lots of pigsB泰晤士河(_) (3) River ThamesC在天空(_) (4) have a tea partyD去动物园(_) (5) Big BenE21(_) (6) Tower BridgeF伦敦眼(_) (7) in the skyG绿色公园(_) (8) Green Park H. 塔桥(_) (9) London Eye I. 大本钟(_) (10) twenty-one J. 开茶会第 4 页 共 4 页

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