内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly 单元测试卷B卷

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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly 单元测试卷B卷_第1页
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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly 单元测试卷B卷_第3页
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内蒙古自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词。1 . AyearBflyCyellow2 . AdoctorBcakeCice3 . AbusBcomputerCsummer4 . AiceBalwaysCmusic5 . AmakeBcakeCbag6 . Where can we find out about _? ( )At the zoo.AwordsBanimalsCbooks7 . What are you going totomorrow?( )A comic book.AbuyBdoCbe8 . Can I help you? ( )_AI like it.BYes. Can I try on the red hat?CIts too expensive.9 . _usually go to work on foot.( )ASheBTheirCThey10 . _ are they doing ? ( )They are catching butterflies.AWhatBWhereCWhose11 . We must _ the traffic light. ( )Apays attention toBpay attention toCpay attention二、阅读回答问题阅读对话并回答问题John: Hello! This is John. Im doing a survey. Can I ask you some questions?Jack: Sure. John: What are you doing, Jack?Jack: I am watching TV. John: What is your mother doing?Jack: She is cooking dinner. John: What is your father doing?Jack: He is reading a book. John: Thank you. Jack: Youre welcome.12 . What is John doing?_13 . Is Jack reading a book?_14 . What is Jacks mother doing?_15 . Is Jacks father listening to music?_三、英汉混合英汉互译16 . go out_17 . 快餐_18 . make friends_19 . 龙舟_20 . run a race_21 . 走开_22 . come in_23 . 运动日_24 . come on_25 . 跳远_四、句型转换26 . 按要求完成下面的句子。1.It isnt a duck.(改为肯定句)_2.Is his birthday in July?(作肯定和否定回答)_3.When is your mothers birthday?(按实际情况回答)_五、选内容补全对话补全对话,从方框里选择合适的选项。A. Have fun.B. And what about the others?C. What is your father doing?D. Hi, this is Mike.E. Hi! Can I speak to Bailing, please?Father: Hello!Mike: 27 . .Father: Sure. Hold on, please. Shes doing homework.Bailing: Hello.Mike: 28 . . Bailing: Hi, Mike. What are you doing? Mike: My family is having a field trip.Bailing: 29 . ?Mike: Hes taking pictures.Bailing: 30 . ?Mike: My mother is having a picnic. My sister and my brother are under the tree. They are listening to music. Bailing: 31 . .Mike: Thank you. Talk to you later.六、连线题32 . 将下列问句与其相应的答语连线。1.What time do you get up?AYes, I do.2.How do you go to school?BI get up at seven oclock.3.What time do you go to bed?CI go to school by bus.4.Do you skip in the playground? D I go swimming at the weekend.5.What do you do at the weekend?DAt ten oclock.七、书面表达33 . 图书馆是同学们学习的地方,为了不打扰他人,我们必须了解图书馆规则。请根据提示完成这篇作文。参考词汇:keep your desk clean, work quietly, talk quietly, no eating, no drinking, no running 参考句型: No KeepThese are the library rules. Please read carefully._Please obey (遵守) the rules. Have a good day!第 5 页 共 5 页

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