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长沙市2019年三年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Pass_the ketchup and a spoon. ( )AheBhimCshe2 . How about this skirt? ( )AIts cute.BHooray!COh.3 . -Whats this? ( )-_ANo, it isnt.BIts a kite.4 . -Whatsthat?-_.( )AItsaelephant.BItsabird.CEatsomeeggs.5 . What colour is it? ( ) Its _.A8:00ByellowCyours6 . -Who can work on a plane? ( )-A _.AvetBstudentCpilot7 . Is there a shop near here?It s next to the hospital.AYes, there is.BNo, it isnt.CSorry, I dont know.8 . Which is the first day of the week? _. ( )AMondayBSundayCSaturday9 . This is my schoolbag. ( )AB10 . 一_ is Christmas? ( )Its _ the 25th of December.AWhat; onBWhat; inCWhen; onDWhen; in11 . -_ are you?( )-Im five.AHowBHow oldCHow many二、完形填空完形填空。It is Sunday today. _ is a fine day. The sky is _. Mr. Green is with his family. The family _ having an outing. Tom is Mr. and Mrs. Greens son. Mary is _ daughter. They are walking _ a small river. There _ some boats on the river. Mr. and Mrs. Green are looking _ them. Mary is not looking at the boats. She is looking at some ducks. The ducks are swimming _ the river. What is Tom _? He is in the river now. He is _. Mr. Green and his family are very happy today.12 . AThisBThatCIt13 . AgreenBblueCblack14 . AareBisCam15 . AtheirBherCyour16 . AatBonCalong17 . AbeBareCis18 . AforBatCout19 . AonBunderCin20 . AcleaningBdoingCwatching21 . AcryingBsleepingCswimming三、情景交际22 . 早晨上学时,在学校门口碰见你的同学迈克,你可以说:_( )AGood afternoon, Mike.BGood morning, class.CGood morning, Mike.23 . 你想告诉对方远处的那个是一只猴子,你说: _ ( )AThat is a monkey.BThis is a monkey.24 . 当你走进服装店时,服务员会对你说:_ ( )AThankyouverymuch. BCanIhelpyou?25 . 别人把东西递给你时,你应说:( )AThank you.BHere you are.26 . 你向你的妈妈介绍你的老师,你应该说:_ ( )AShesmy teacher.BThisismyteacher.CHereismyteacher.四、填空题27 . 将下列单词归类,只填序号。AEnglish bookBstrongCblackboardDquiet E. Chinese bookF. maths book G. friendly H. computer I. window1.教室设备:_2.性格体貌:_3.科目:_五、单词拼写根据汉语完成英语单词。28 . (瘦的)_h_n29 . (学生)p_p_l30 . (爸爸) _d31 . (男人)m_32 . (女人)w_m_n33 . (小的)s_ll34 . (七) s_v_n35 . (长的)l_ g36 . (短的)sh_t六、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Hello, Im Jenny. Im hungry now. I would like some rice, vegetables and fish. I would like some apple juice, too. My mum would like some milk and chicken. My dad would like some coffee, fish and bread. My brother would like some eggs and bread. What a big dinner!37 . Jenny would like some rice, vegetables, fish and orange juice. (_)38 . My brother would like some fish. (_)39 . My dad would like some eggs and bread. (_)40 . My mum would like some apple juice, too. (_)41 . My brother is hungry now. (_)七、匹配题42 . 选择与汉语意思想对应的单词见其序号填在括号内。( ) 1. whatA 是( ) 2. is B 我的( ) 3. name C 你的( ) 4. yourD 你好( ) 5. my E 什么( ) 6. helloF 名字在右边的方框中给下列问句选择相应的答语。A. No, you cant.B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, we do.D. Its on the second floor.E. Its sunny and hot.43 . Do you have a library? (_)44 . Where is the library? (_)45 . Is Classroom 2 next to Classroom 3? (_)46 . Whats the weather like in Sydney? (_)47 . Can I go outside? (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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