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银川市2020版五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷1A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Please visit _ someday. ( )AIBmyCme2 . I _ the information on the Internet yesterday. ( )Alook atBlooked upClooked like3 . Its raining. We have to stay at home and watch “Super Girls”. ( )AbadlyBstronglyCheavyDheavily4 . I have _stickers.( )AfiveBfiftyCfifteen5 . I like _ best because I can go swimming.( )AspringBsummerCwinter6 . Li Ming learns to skate very _. ( )AslowBlongCfastDfastly选出每组单词中不同类的一项。7 . AamazingBstudyCcook8 . AAustraliaBChinaCpuzzles9 . AdrawBteachesCsleep10 . AdanceBliveChiking11 . AswimmingBclimbingCmountains12 . Dont take _ away. ( )AtheyBtheirCthem13 . There arent _ tall buildings in the village. ( )AsomeBanyCa找出下列单词中不同类的一项。14 . ArulerBgrandpaCgrandma15 . AthirstyBbetterChungry16 . AmatterBclassroomCplayground17 . AsadBboredCfeeling18 . AtellBcallCnoodle19 . 英语询问现在几点了:_AWhat is it?BWho is that?CWhat time is it?20 . _ your father _ the trees now? ( )AIs; wateringBDoes; waterCis; water21 . Yang Ling like football? Yes,she .ADoes;doesBDo;doCDo;does DDoes;do22 . How much cheese do we need? ( )_ .AHalf a kiloBA kilo halfCKilo of half选出不同类的一项。23 . AthatBthisCwindow24 . ApencilBcrayonCwhere25 . AunderBcloseCbehind26 . AafternoonBmorningCLiu Tao27 . AlistenBtalkCrobot二、情景交际情景交际。AShes my mother.BNice to meet you.CThis is my family.DWhats your name?EI am eight.28 . 当你想知道对方的名字时应该问:(_)29 . 当别人指着你妈妈问“Whos she?”, 你应回答:(_)30 . 当老师问玲玲“How old are you?”, 她应回答:(_)31 . 想表达见到朋友时的喜悦心情, 你应说:(_)32 . 当你向别人介绍你的一家时, 你应说:(_)33 . 你想问对方Alice喜欢她的村庄吗,应该说:_( )AAre Alice love her village?BIs Alice love her village?CDoes Alice love her village?34 . 看到好朋友好像不舒服时,你会关切地问:( )AAre you cold?BWhats the matter?CYoure ill.35 . 你想提醒别人小心些,你可以说:_ ( )AIts OK.BBe careful.36 . 你想告诉对方“他是个学生。”你应该这样说:( )AHes a student.BShes a student.三、填空题37 . 看图,补全下列句子:Look, the ball _ the box. 38 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。help family scary lot are1. Many _ like to eat n restaurants.2 There _ some beautiful trees before.3. We can see _ of birds in the sky.4 The little girl is very _ .5. Dont _ other people. Its bad.39 . 选词填空。write, right1. Thats _. 2. I can _ in English. China, Chinese3. I am from _. 4. She can speak _. can, cant5. Monkeys _ swim, but they _ climb trees.40 . She _(couldnt, cant)speak before.41 . Choose and write.getcould play my fall1. The blind people _ see.2. The blue trousers are _ .3. Our team _ thirty points last week.4. He _ off the bike this morning.5. You shouldnt _ with the books.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. I got up at half past six in the morning. I did the housework at nine oclock. At noon, mum cooked fish. We ate lunch at twelve oclock.In the afternoon,I walked to the supermarket with my mother. We bought lots of thing homework at six oclock.42 . Today is Sunday. (_)43 . I got up before seven oclock. (_)44 . I did the homework at eight oclock. (_)45 . We had lunch at twelve oclock. (_)46 . We went to the supermarket by bus. (_)五、判断题看图,判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的打“ T ”,不相符的打“ F ”。47 . The panda is fat. The monkey is thin. (_)48 . My friend is from Canada. (_)49 . The car is on the watermelon.(_)50 . Look and write ”T” or “F”: She got seventy points.(_)看图,判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)。51 . May Day is on May lst.(_)52 . There are some special days in May.(_)53 . I will make a card for my mum.(_)54 . My birthday is on August 20th.(_)55 . Mid-Autumn Day is in September this year.(_)56 . 看情景图,根据题意判断句子正误,正确的打勾,错误的打错。ABCD E. F.(_)1.My books are in the study.(_)2.I am in the living room.(_)3.My puppy is in the bathroom.(_)4.My cat is on the fridge.(_)5.My mom is in the kitchen.(_)6.The balls are under the chair.57 . 看图,判断对( T )错( F )。1.This is a football.2.I like table tennis. 3.I like lions. 4.I like morning exercises. 5.Theyre monkeys. 六、连词成句58 . 连词成句:【小题1】Whats , colour , favourite , your , ?【小题2】elephant , The , fat , is , .【小题3】it , a , lion , Is , ? , ?【小题4】they , are , What ? ?【小题5】dogs ,They , are .连词成句。59 . a well this afternoon have it meeting in (.)_60 . often here meetings you have do(?)_61 . language this lab our is (.)_62 . very you well English speak (.)_63 . us can sing dance for you and(?)_64 . 连词成句1.I ,come,France, from._2. from ,you , do ,Where ,come ?_3.Perry , Germany , from , is ._65 . . have,a,computer,we,new(.)_66 . 连词成句。1.finger hurts my (.)_2.am not I well today(.)_3.is he how today (?)_4.stomach her huts (.)_第 10 页 共 10 页

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