银川市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 5 My clothes 单元测试卷A卷

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银川市2019年英语四年级下册Unit 5 My clothes 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . ( )(2) _ about you ?AHowBWhereCWho选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。2 . AwhiteBgreenCcolour3 . AshirtBblueCsweater4 . AyoursBmyCmine5 . AwhoseBwhoCweather6 . AshopBcoatCsock7 . AschoolBskirtCfarm8 . I want _ a new bike. ( )AhaveBto haveChas9 . 看汉语,选择正确的单词。( )1衣服 A.dress B.clothes( )2.裤子 A.pink B.pants( )3.帽子 A.hat B.that( )4.连衣裙 A.dress B.press( )5.女裙 A.skirt B.shirt( )6.外衣A.coat B.cool( )7.毛衣 A.sweater B.water( )8.短袜 A.sock B.shorts( )9.夹克衫 A.pack B.jacket( )10.衬衫 A.skirt B.shirt10 . -How many cars are there?-There _one car.AisBare11 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AhospitalBfarmCtired12 . -Are you a panda? ( )-No,.AI amBIm notCyou arent13 . Mr Black has a _. ( )Aten year old boyBten-years old boyCboy of ten year oldDboy of ten14 . My shoesblack and white. ( )AisBareCam15 . -Are you a doctor? ( )- _, Im not.AYesBNoCNot16 . _ does Lele live? ( )AWhatBWhereCHow二、排序题17 . 给下列句子排序。(_)They are your fathers.(_)Oh! They are so long!(_)Whose coat is it?(_)Its your brothers.(_)And those? Whose pants are those?三、任务型阅读18 . Read and write.陈杰和Sarah正在超市里购物,仔细读她们的对话,将她们喜欢的衣物写下来。Sarah: Do you like that dress, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: No, I like that pink one.Sarah: I like it, and I also like that yellow jacket.Chen Jie: Me, too, and I like that white sweater with the red skirt.Sarah: Wow. Theyre so nice.Sarah likes the (1) _ and the (2) _.Chen Jie likes the (3) _, the (4) _, the (5) _ and the (6) _.四、判断题19 . 判断下列单词划线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同(10).( ) A.cakeB.nameC.name( ) A.inB.isC.ice( ) A.lostB.dogC.hot( ) A.window B.light C.picture( ) A.classroom B.catC.bag 五、句型转换按要求改写句子。20 . Nancys father is a cook.(对画线部分提问)_ Nancys father _?21 . Mr Green teaches us history.(对画线部分提问)_ history?22 . There are a lot of workers in the factory.(同义句转换)There are _ workers in the factory.23 . My mother is a factory worker.(改为一般疑问句)_ mother a factory worker?24 . My father makes sweets.(改为否定句)My father _ sweets.六、选内容补全对话25 . 选择合适的选项补全对话。ANo, they arent.BIs it Sarahs?CNo, it isnt.DIts Toms.Amy: Is this your coat?Mike:_My coat is yellow_Amy: Are these Bobs shoes?Mike:_Theyre JohnsAmy: Whose hat is this?_Mike: No, it isntIts Lucys七、匹配题26 . 对答如流1.Whats in the classroom ?AReally? lets go and have a look.2 .We have a new classroom.BA board,two lights, many desks and chairs.3、How many story-booksCHis name is Zhang Peng.4、10+20=?DThirty.5、Whats his name ?E I have 23.看图,选出与所给图片相对应的单词。AhandBearCeyeDpencilEmouthFrulerGbag H. foot I. school J. pencil box!27 . (_)28 . (_)29 . (_)30 . (_)31 . (_)32 . (_)33 . (_)34 . (_)35 . (_)36 . (_)给下列问句选择正确的应答语。A. Its 11 oclock.B. Its on the first floor.C. Yes, it is.D. No, we dont.E. Yes, you can.37 . Wheres the art room?(_)38 . Can I play football now? (_)39 . What time is it? (_)40 . Is it cloudy? (_)41 . Do you have a computer?(_) .第 7 页 共 7 页

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