重庆市2020版英语四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner's ready 单元测试卷A卷

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重庆市2020版英语四年级上册Unit 5 Dinners ready 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Mike, what time is it? ( )_AIts cold.BIts 12:00.CIts very hot.2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AvideoBletterCborn3 . -_are the books? ( )-They are in the study.AWhoBWhereCWhen4 . Today was my first day in the UK and I learned _ about the weather there. ( )Ainteresting somethingBinteresting anythingCsomething interesting5 . ( ) _ Kitty.AImBICmy6 . this a dog? ( )AIsBisC/Dare7 . There _ a desk, a chair and a sofa in the room. ( )AisBareCam8 . - _ they taking a picture? - Yes, they are.AAmBIsCAre9 . 选出不同类的单词。( )1AvegetablesBfishCbeef( )2Arice Bnoodles Cjuice( )3AjuiceBchicken Csoup( )4AspoonBknifeChamburger( )5Adinner BbowlCchopsticks10 . I usually go to school _ seven oclock _ the morning. ( )Aat; onBat; inCabout; on二、阅读选择阅读理解Hello, everybody! My name is Amy. Im ten years old. I go to school everyday. I get up at 7 oclock. I have milk and bread for breakfast. I like milk. Milk is good for us. Then I go to school. I have lunch at school. At 3:40, school is over. I go back home. Dinner is ready, theres some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner. I am so happy.11 . What time does Amy get up? ( )AAt six.BAt seven.CAt eight.12 . Whats for Amys breakfast? ( )AMilk.BBread.CMilk and bread.13 . Where does Amy have lunch? ( )AAt home.BAt school.CNot mentioned(没提到).14 . When is class over? ( )AAt 7 oclock.BAt 11:30 oclock.CAt 3:40 oclock.15 . Whats for Amys dinner? ( )ATheres some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner.BTheres some soup, meat, vegetables, fish and rice for dinner.CTheres some soup, chicken, vegetables, fish and bread for dinner.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Waiter: Good evening, Sir. Can I help you?Dad: Yes, please. What would you like, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: Some chicken.Dad: Anything to drink(喝)?Chen Jie: Milk, please.Dad: OK. Peter, what would you like?Peter: Im not hungry. Just some juice, please. What about you, Dad?Dad: Id like some noodles and fish.Waiter: Anything else?Dad: Some water, please.Waiter: OK. Wait a moment.16 . Chen Jie would like some beef and milk. (_)17 . Peter isnt hungry, so he would not like any food. (_)18 . Peter just would like some water. (_)19 . Peters dad would like some noodles, fish and water. (_)20 . They are in a restaurant(餐馆)now. (_)四、判断题21 . 判断单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同: matter late (_)五、选内容补全对话22 . 补全对话。A: _?B: Id like some fish and rice.A: OK. Hold on, please.B: _?A: Fifty yuan, please.B: Thats OK. _.阅读短文,选词填空。long hair teachers desk thin toys schoolbagI have a friend. Her name is Amy. She is 23 . . She has 24 . . She has many 25 . . Her 26 . is heavy. Her seat is near the 27 . .We are good friends.六、连词成句连词成句。28 . forcomepleaseTomtopartythe(.)_29 . wantsurprisewetoLi Ming(!)_30 . forwhotheispartysurprise(?)_31 . dontwetgetItowant(.)_32 . forIwillsummerinbeholidayCanadathe(.)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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