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郑州市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:完成单词A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题读一读,选择与音标相符的单词1 . /gra:s/ ( )AgrassBglassCgrapes2 . /r:/ ( )AfourBrawCrock3 . /li:f/ ( )AliveBleaveCleaf4 . /mt / ( )AmatchBmuchCtouch二、填空题填空题。5 . Tom is my b_.6 . You are late. You need a c_.7 . I brush my t_ at seven oclock. 8 . I will f_ a kite on Saturday.9 . She _ my mother. She _ thin. She has _ hair. 词汇运用。10 . We can_more trees.11 . Li Ming is s_ than Tom. 12 . W_ is your new PE teacher?13 . I like _(滑稽的)people.14 . Jack and Pingping are in the same c_.15 . 根据汉语提示完成句子1. Mr. Smart cooked rice _(作为晚餐).2. Did you _(打乒乓球) last night ?3. Was it _(一个好天气) ?4. _(怎样) Tom?5. We _(和一些朋友聊天) yesterday.6. It _(这儿下雨了).根据句意填入所缺的单词。16 . W_ is Mothers Day?17 . Mothers Day is on the s_ Sunday in May.18 . There are some s_ days in April.19 . New Years Day is on J_ 1st.20 . We eat m_ on Mid-Autumn Day.21 . 根据要求填空。1. close(反义词)_ 2. this(对应词)_3.在上课(英语)_ 4.我的书包 (英语)_5. in the library(汉语)_根据句意写单词。22 . Id like to invite you _ see the film.23 . I hope that I _ pass the English test.24 . Shall we meet _ the school gate _ 10:00 _ the morning?25 . My aunt will arrive _ Guangzhou by plane next week.26 . If you are late for the film, please call me _ 8452-1074.27 . The plane will arrive _ Beijing _ 2:00 p.m.28 . I _ like to plant flowers in spring.29 . 依次写出含有与f共同读音的字母(大小写)。_.根据提示写单词。30 . 英语 E_31 . 数学m_32 . 美术 a_33 . 音乐 m_34 . 体育_35 . 语文_36 . 课程 s_37 . 喜欢_38 . What _to you? ( happen )39 . 用所给字母组成单词,补全句子:I _ (t, r, e, l, a, n) to draw at school.三、单词拼写词汇运用40 . Where did you _?41 . Please tidy up your_. Its a mess! 42 . -What did you do?-I _(读)a book at home.43 . 在四线三格上抄写单词。tall short big small long short old new happy44 . The book is_.将下列单词改变一个字母使其成为另一个单词。45 . cake_46 . too_47 . smell_48 . big_49 . rice_50 . cry_51 . 根据提示,选择正确的一项,完成单词。1. l_t 左边的 A. ef B. af C. am2. rig_t 右边的 A. g B. m C. h3. h_r 头发 A. ni B. ai C. hn4. f_t 脚(单数)A. oo B. ee C. mm第 5 页 共 5 页

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