郑州市2019版英语六年级下册Module 3单元测试卷A卷

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郑州市2019版英语六年级下册Module 3单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 下列每组单词中,选出不同类一项。( )1. A. swimB. playC. birthday( )2. A. 2rd B.4th C.Sat.( )3. A. meB. myC. them( )4. A. underB.onC.dear( )5. A. swimmingB.morning C. shopping2 . Look!They are _under a big tree. ( )AsittingBsitsCsit读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。3 . The children played games. They were happy. ( )AeatBsadCphoto4 . Danny was seven years old last year. ( )AwereBisCare5 . I hurt my leg last week. ( )AmonthBmouthCyesterday6 . Mike went to Tiananmen Square by bike. ( )AbusBshortCfood7 . Tim was on the plane to Canada. ( )AtrainBChinaCBeijing8 . This _ my English teacher. ( ) AamBisCare9 . Whats_hobby? She likes _.AAmys; singingBAmy; singingCAmys; sing10 . Let me _ you my new room. ( )AtellBlookCwatchDshow选出每组单词中不同类的一项。11 . AgoodBsecondCthird12 . AmapBlakeCfind13 . AleftBshopCstraight14 . AshopBofficeCnear15 . AjumpBfunnyCrun16 . ( )AcoolBhotCcold17 . Were both 145 cm tall. But you weigh 40 kilos, I weigh 50 kilos. I am _. ( )AshorterBtallerCheavier (更重)18 . Steven usually _ storybooks, but now he _ a magazine. ( )Areads; is going toBread; is readingCreads; is reading二、填空题19 . 用所给的动词适当形式填空。1. She is _(wear) a funny hat2. I am_(tell)a story.3. He is_(sing)a famous English song.读句子,选择相应的短语完成句子。A. have a try B. help C. How much D. grape juice E. a cup of20 . Would you like some _? Yes, please.21 . I cant play table tennis.Dont be sad. Please_22 . Come and have _ tea.OK!23 . Can I _ you?Yes, Id like an orange.24 . _ is the book? Five yuan.25 . 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We are_(talk)about the movie now. 2. The teacher is _(have)a class. 3. _ your brother _(swim)now? 4.What _she _(do)? She is reading a book.5. Look! This pop star _(sing)a famous American song.26 . 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。(1)work _ (2) live _ (3)sit _ (4)swim _(5) dance _ (6) lie _ (7)sing _ (8) ask _(9)die _ (10) climb _27 . 动词(三步曲,固定时态-人称)1.Look, the boy _(put) a new shoe.2.The girl _(be) happy _(try) on the shoes.3.Where was my sister? She _(take) photos in the park.4.Where_your_(go) last Sunday. I _(go) to shanghai. I _(buy) a e-bike.(电动车)5.There _(be) a bird in the tree.三、任务型阅读判断句子正(T)误(F)。Tomorrow we will go to Hainan. Its warm there. We will have a special Chinese New Years Day. Now lets get ready! We need three tickets from Shijiazhuang to Hainan. We dont need winter clothes. I want a beautiful dress. My parents take some T-shirts and shorts. We need to take milk, cakes and fruit. We need three hats. The sun is very hot there. We dont want to turn black. Thats all done.28 . They will go to Shijiazhuang from Hainan.(_)29 . The holiday is the Spring Festival.(_)30 . They need to buy three tickets.(_)31 . They want to take some winter clothes.(_)32 . The weather is warm in Hainan.(_)四、填内容补全对话看表格,补全问句或答语。33 . Whats Marys hobby?Her hobby is _34 . Does Tom like playing chess? _35 . Whats Marks hobby?_36 . _His hobby is collecting old photos.37 . 根据答句问问句A:1. _.(书店)B: Its near the cinema.A: 2. _?B: You can see the bookstore on the right.38 . 读一读,根据提示补全对话。1. What are you doing? Im _.2. What do you usually do on Sundays? I usually _.3. What is she doing?Shes _.4. What does she usually do on Saturdays?She usually _.5. What do they usually do on Sundays?They usually _.39 . 补全对话,请做肯定回答。Are you my mum?Yes,_ .40 . 看图,补全对话:What do you like? I like _.五、选内容补全对话41 . 选择合适的句子,补全对话。AHeres a call for you.BI often go fishing.CIm playing the guitar and singing.DCan I speak to him?EWhat time?FThis is Jack.GWhos that?H. Thank you.I. What about playing ball games this Saturday?J. Whats your brother doing?Tom: Hello.Jack: Hello. 1. _ What are you doing, Tom?Tom: 2. _Jack: Thats great! 3. _Tom: Hes writing an email on the computer in his study.Jack: OK. 4. _Tom: Hold on, please. Tim! Tim! 5. _Tim: Im coming. 6. _Tom: Your friend, Jack.Tim: 7. _Tom: Youre welcome.Tim: Hello, Jack?Jack: Hello! What do you usually do on the weekend?Tim: 8. _Jack: 9. _Tim: Good idea! 10. _Jack: At about 8:30.Tim: OK. Goodbye.Jack: Bye!42 . 补全对话。A:Hello, Zhang Peng. 1. _B:Im fine. Thank you. A:Today is Saturday. 2. _B:I often play sports. Sometimes I read some books. 3. _A:Usually I visit my grandparents. 4. _B:We can play sports together next Saturday. A:5. _AWhat do you do on the weekend?BSometimes, I play sports, too. CHow are you today?DGood idea!EHow about you?六、书面表达43 . 书面表达。根据图片提示,写一写你去年暑假是怎样度过的。注意:正确地运用动词的过去式。(不少于40词)go toBeijingvisit theGreat Walleat goodfoodbought somegiftstake manypicturesLast summer holiday, _第 9 页 共 9 页

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