郑州市2019-2020年度英语三年级上册期末专项训练_ 阅读测试卷A卷

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郑州市2019-2020年度英语三年级上册期末专项训练_ 阅读测试卷A卷_第1页
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郑州市2019-2020年度英语三年级上册期末专项训练_ 阅读测试卷A卷_第2页
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郑州市2019-2020年度英语三年级上册期末专项训练_ 阅读测试卷A卷_第3页
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郑州市2019-2020年度英语三年级上册期末专项训练_ 阅读测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读理解Hello! My name is Benny. Im from Hubei, China. The people of Hubei are called nine-headed birds. The nine-headed bird is a very beautiful and clever bird in the story. It has nine heads. It has two long and colourful wings(翅膀). It has a long and beautiful tail, too. I love it. What about you?1 . Benny is from.( )AHubeiBBeijingCSichuan2 . The people of Hubei are called .( )AbirdsBsix-headed birdsCnine-headed birds3 . The nine-headed bird is very. ( )AbeautifulBcleverCA and B4 . The nine-headed bird has two long and colourful.( )AhandsBwingsClegs5 . The nine-headed bird has a tail.( )AlongBshortCfat阅读理解We Can Do Many ThingsI am a cat. I can dance very well. My friend is fish. He can swim in the river. But he cant dance. A bird is my friend, too. She can fly in the sky(天空). But she cant swim.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。6 . Who can dance very well?( )AA cat.BFish.CA bird.7 . Fish canin the river. ( )AsingBswimCfly8 . Fishdance.( )AcanBisntCcant9 . Can a bird fly in the sky?( )AYes, it canBNo, it cantCYes, I am二、任务型阅读阅读理解。Christmas is a popular holiday in Western countries. People always buy presents and give them to their children and their friends. Children always like to get up early to find the presents in the stocking or under the Christmas trees on Christmas Day.Peter wakes up at six twenty on Christmas Day. He quickly puts on his new clothes and looks for his present in the stocking. He finds a lovely toy dog in it. Then he runs down to the first floor and he sees a box under the Christmas tree. He opens the box. Theres a pretty dress in it. Its his sister Nancys present.Peter looks around, and finally he sees another box for him under the tree.根据短文内容判断句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。10 . Christmas is a popular holiday in China. (_)11 . Peter gets up at twenty to six. (_)12 . The pretty dress is for Peters sister. (_)13 . Peter gets one Christmas present. (_)14 . Peter and his sister are very happy. (_)三、判断题15 . 判断句子与所给图片是否相符:(_)There was a fire.四、选内容补全对话选词填空。A. want B. get C. got D. took E. first F.one G. interestedDear Daming,How are you? I16 . to tell you something about spaceships. Yesterday was my birthday. I 17 . a book about space travel. Shenzhou V 18 . a Chinese taikonaut into spaceship for the 19 . time in China. I was 20 . in the book.五、匹配题看图填空。同学们,我们的校园生活丰富多彩,可下面有五位来自贫困地区的同学需要你的帮助。请根据他们的述说,从AF五幅图中,为他们各选出一份合适的礼物。希望他们开心、进步。A.B.C.D.E.F.21 . Lin Yang: I know Yao Ming. He is great. I want to play sports with my friends. But we have no footballs, basketballs, volleyballs. _22 . Liu Wei: Its very cold here, but I have only an old sweater(毛衣).Its my mothers. I need new clothes. _23 . Wang Li and Wang Xia: We are sisters. We dont have a clock in our home. We dont know the time to go to school. We dont want to be late for school, so we get up early. _24 . Zheng Lei: Our teachers tell us books are our friends. I want to read many books and I want to write books. _25 . Dai Su: My shoes are broken(破旧), I go to school with very old shoes. _第 4 页 共 4 页

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