郑州市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do_ 单元测试卷A卷

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郑州市2019版英语五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do_ 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Can I wear my shirt ? ( )Yes , you _.AcanBareCcant2 . 选出发音不同的一项。(_) 1.A. lunch B. headache C. teach D. watch(_) 2.A. wash B. brush C. mushroom D. much(_) 3.A. driver B. drink C. traffic D. draw(_) 4.A. hospital B. doctor C. shop D. metro(_) 5.A. bedtime B. medicine C. evening D. dentist3 . ( )_she work in a company?ADoesBIsCAre4 . Can you play _ erhu?A、/B、anC、the5 . _can wash the window? ( )AWhereBWhosCWho6 . -No problem . Let me_you .-Thank you .Ato helpBhelpingChelp二、填空题7 . 选出方框内的单词填空。speak play learn aboutrobot clean help sing1. Chen Jie can _ basketball .2. Can you _ me ,Sarah ?3. I can _ ! La la la .4. Mr Wang can _ English .5. I often _ the house on the weekend .6. Well_some Chinese songs .7. -Lets make a _.-Wonderful !8. - How _ you ,John?-I can dance ,too .三、任务型阅读阅读理解。ThingsNameplay basketballwash the clothesdo some kung fusing English songsZhang PengChen JieAmyMikeSarah阅读上表,补全句子。8 . Zhang Peng can _ .But he cant _ .9 . Chen Jie can _ .But _ .10 . Amy _ .But _ .11 . Mike _ .But _ .12 . Sarah _ .But _ .四、句型转换13 . We like playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_五、选内容补全对话选词填空,补全短文。play, burn, matches, careful, cookWhat do you know about fire? Fire is useful(有用的).With fire people can14 . food, warm themselves and frighten(使惊吓)animals, But fire can be very dangerous too. For example, it can 15 . down buildings and forests. So we must be 16 . with fire. We mustnt 17 . near fire and we mustnt play with18 . .从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,将序号写在相应的横线上。A. What can you do for the party?B. Cool!C. Can you sing English songs?D. Great! What about you, Sarah?E. Lets sing togetherA. What can you do for the party?B. Cool!C. Can you sing English songs?D. Great! What about you, Sarah?E. Lets sing togetherT: Good morning, children. Today is Amys birthday. Well have a party for her.S1: 19 . T: 20 . S1: I can draw cartoons.T: 21 . S2: I can dance.T: 22 . S2: Yes, I can.T: 23 . 六、看图题根据图片填空。24 . Did you go anywhere in winter? I _ a famous _.25 . Look at the snowman. Its _ (矮的) and _(胖的). 26 . Wang Tao _ his leg. Hes in hospital now. 27 . I can _ you _ your English. 28 . Xiao Xin have a _. 七、书面表达29 . 写作: 写一写你们班的同学都会做什么?第 5 页 共 5 页

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