郑州市2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar单元测试卷A卷

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郑州市2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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郑州市2019-2020年度英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Whats that?( )_ a bear.AItsBthatCIt2 . _ month are they talking about? ( ) April.AWhereBWhichCWho3 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AclothesBshirtCskirt4 . In the _, we ask “Where is the toilet?” ( )AUNBUKCUS5 . This month is August. Next month is _. ( )ASeptemberBOctoberCAprilDJune6 . I usually go shopping _ my mum on Saturdays.AtoBwithCfor二、情景交际7 . 情景交际。( )1. 过中国新年见到好朋友时, 应该对他说:A. Merry Christmas!B. Happy Chinese New Year!( )2. 你想请别人吃些糖果, 你会说:A. Have some candies, please.B. Have some candy, please.( )3. 你欢迎别人来到你们家, 应该说:A. Welcome to our school.B. Welcome to our house.( )4. 你想对别人说“你也一样”时, 你应该说:A. The same to you.B. We are same.( )5. 你想和好朋友一起庆祝新年, 你会对他说:A. Lets celebrate Chinese New Year together.B. Let celebrate Chinese New Year together.8 . 你想询问对方的朋友是否乘公交车上班时,应问:ADo your friend go to work by bus?BDoes your friend go to work by bus?9 . 你叫李宁,你可以用英语介绍自己_.( )AHello, Im Li Ning.BHi, Im Lining.CHello, Im Li Ming.10 . 怎么用英语表达“春季是我最喜欢的季节。”?( )AWhich season do you like best?BAutumn is my favourite season.CSpring is my favourite season.11 . 当你想和对方一起去游泳时,应说:( )ALets run.BLets swim.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hi, Im Jack. I like winter best, because my birthday is in December. My sisters birthday is in December, too. We will have a birthday party in December. At the party, our friends will come to my house(房子). We will sing the birthday song and play games. My mother will make a birthday cake for us. Well have a lot of fun.12 . Jack likes summer best. (_)13 . Jacks sisters birthday is in December. (_)14 . They will dance at the birthday party. (_)15 . Jacks father will make a birthday cake for them. (_)16 . They will have a good time. (_)四、选内容补全对话从方框中选择选择合适的句子补全下面的对话。A. When is your birthday?B. Which season do you like best?C. No, it isnt.D. What will you do on that day?E. Because Mid-Autumn Day is in autumn.Amy: 17 . Zhang Peng: I like autumn best.Amy: Why do you like autumn?Zhang Peng: 18 . Amy: 3. 19 . Zhang Peng: Ill eat mooncakes.Amy: Is your birthday in autumn?Zhang Peng: 20 . Amy: 21 . Zhang Peng: Its in March.Amy: Cool! Tree Planting Day is in March.Zhang Peng: Womens Day is in March, too.五、匹配题选出恰当的应答语。A. Hello, I am Tom.B. Yes.C. Goodbye, Ann.D. Good morning, Dad.E. Hello! 22 . A box? (_)23 . Hello! (_)24 . Good morning, John. (_)25 . Goodbye, Mike. (_)26 . Hello, I am Bill. (_)六、连词成句27 . 将下列单词排成一句话。1. What, I, can, for, you , do_2. one, choose, like, you._3. the, one , red, how, about._4. I, black, one, the, like_5. is, it, much, how _第 5 页 共 5 页

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