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西安市2019年四年级上册期末测试英语试卷(4)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im going to the bookstore _ foot. ( )AwithBbyCon2 . _ a nice day! ( )AWhatBWhereCHow3 . We can help _. ( )AheBsheChim4 . 选出每组词中不同类的一项。【小题1】AbusBbicycleCtruckDbed【小题2】AtigerBnewCwolfDelephant【小题3】ArockBeraserCpencilDpen【小题4】AappleBbananaCmountainDorange5 . -How _you go to Hai Nan? ( )-_.Adoes; By bikeBdo; By shipCare; By plane6 . I am seven, _.( )AtooBtoCand7 . 你想询问对方这件连衣裙是不是她的,你可以问:_AWhose dress is this?BIs this dress yours?8 . _ I come in?( )AMayBCanCDo9 . Amy goes _. ( )AtoBtooCtwo10 . We dont wear _ in spring. ( )AsunglassesBsunglass11 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AhomeBlateCschool12 . He could _ his friends in Australia. ( )AemailBemailedCemails选出与所给单词相同的一项。13 . far ( ) AhighBjumpCsing14 . he ( )AhisBsheCmy15 . jump ( )ArideBdownCred16 . run( )AfastBjumpCold17 . girl( )AboyBtreeCapple18 . To cross the road _, you _ cross it when it is the red man. ( )Asafely, mustBsafety, mustntCsafely, mustnt19 . What_ you do? ( )I can draw cartoons.AcantBcanCcannot二、阅读选择阅读理解,选出正确的答案。There are different kinds of climates in one year. The whole years work depends on a good start in spring. It is warm outside. We can fly a kite. The farmers are busy in sowing. It rains a lot. Summer is very hot. We can go swimming and enjoy the sunshine. Also we can eat ice creams. Autumn is a beautiful season and you can see the fallen leaves on the streets. Its cool.Winter is quite cold. Its snowy. But for our children, we can make a snowman. It is fun.20 . Which season is very warm? ( )ASpring.BSummer.CWinter.21 . What can we do in summer? ( )AFly a kite.BGo swimming.CMake a snowman.22 . Whats the weather like in winter? ( )AWarm.BCool.CCold.23 . Which one is not true? ( )AThere are different kinds of climates in one year.BYou can see the fallen leaves on the streets in winter.CIts cold and snowy in winter.三、单词拼写24 . 组成单词并翻译1. p, t, c, l, a, i_, (中文) _2. k, s, e, a, p _, (中文) _3. e, h, t, S, U _, (中文) _4. h, t, e, K, U _, (中文) _5. w, t, s, e _, (中文) _四、排序题25 . 给下列句子按AE排序,组成一段对话。( ) 1. What about a kite?( ) 2. I think hes got a toy panda.( ) 3. Im going to visit my cousin. What present can I take?( ) 4. Good idea!( ) 5. What about a toy panda?五、任务型阅读阅读短文判断对错There was a big monster. It has three heads. There were three children. The monster wanted to eat the children. The children ran away.26 . There was a small monster.(_)27 . It had two heads. (_)28 . There were four children. (_)29 . The monster wanted to eat the children. (_)30 . The children didnt run away. (_)六、英汉混合英汉互译。31 . 16个汉堡_32 . Youre welcome._33 . 一些果汁_34 . my favourite _35 . 17个桌子_36 . would like _七、匹配题看图片,选出与图片内容相符的句子,并将字母代号填在括号内。AChristmas is coming.BThere are three pigs in this photo.CWere going to visit the zoo.DGo straight on.ETheyre playing chess.37 . (_)38 . (_)39 . (_)40 . (_)41 . (_)八、仿写句子42 . 句子仿写。例:I like this skirt. I dont like that dress. (1)I like this_. I dont like that_.(2)I like_. I dont like_.(3)_九、连词成句连词成句。43 . library, the, he, is, talking, in (.)_44 . any, tigers, see, you, do (?) _45 . together, TV, lets, watch (.)_46 . season, spring, favourite, my, is (.)_47 . Sundays, clean, room, on, I, my, often (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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