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西宁市2019-2020年度四年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ carefully they do homework! ( )AHowBWhat aCHow a2 . Do you always _ pants? ( )Aput onBwearCwears3 . are you? ( )Fine. Thank you.AWhatBWhatsCHow4 . Can Mikes sister play football? ( )Yes, _.Ahe canBshe canCI can5 . We cant eat drink in the library. ( )AorBandCbutDto6 . _ brother is a police officer. ( )AYouBYourCYoure7 . -What is _ name? ( )-My name is Danny.AyourBmyCher8 . -“the robot clean the room for me?” ( )-Yes, it can.”AWillBDoesCCan9 . Would you like hamburgers? ( )AsomeBaCan10 . In the park, I see two babies and _ mothers. ( )AhisBherCtheir二、填空题11 . 选择合适的疑问词填空。Where When What How WhoseWhere When What How Whose1._birthday is it?2._is her birthday?3._gift will you buy for him?4._about you?5._is your birthday party?12 . 选出正确的单词。(1)I have three_(friendfriends)(2)_(WhatWhere)are you from?(3)Jack_(areis)from China(4)Alice is a new student_(SheHe)is funny三、任务型阅读Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示) We have two new students in our school. They are Mike and Tim. They look the same, but they are not brothers. Mike is American. He is twelve. He is in Class Four. His father is a worker. His mother can cook well. Tim is English. He is twelve too. He is in Class One. He likes football. He often plays football with Mike. Mike and Tim are good friends.13 . There are two new children in our school. (_)14 . Tims father is a worker. (_)15 . Mike can cook well. (_)16 . Mike and Tim like playing football. (_)17 . Mike and Tim are classmates. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。18 . 准时_19 . birthday party _20 . 在十月_21 . on the first of June _22 . help sb to do sth _五、句型转换按要求改写句子。23 . Mr Green teaches us English.(对画线部分提问)_ English?24 . Mandy is good at playing the piano.(同义句转换)Mandy _ the piano.25 . Leo likes Maths and PE.(对画线部分提问)_ does Leo _?26 . He likes playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ basketball?27 . She sends an email to her sister first.(改为否定句)She _ an email to her sister first.28 . My father has a lot of students.(同义句转换)My father has _ students.六、填内容补全对话29 . 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整。每空一词。1.A: I have a toothache.B: You should brush your teeth. You _eat too many sweets _ ice cream.2. A: Whats Nancy _?B: She _ the floor.3. A: _ Liu Tao live?B: He lives in Sunshine Town. He goes to school by taxi.4. A: _ your birthday?B: Its on _ of November.七、匹配题双语对对碰。A. 吃些鱼吧!B. 很好,谢谢。C. 给我看看你的钢笔。D. 我是约翰。E. 把它涂成棕色。30 . Im John. (_)31 . Colour it brown. (_)32 . Very well, thanks. (_)33 . Eat some fish. (_)34 . Show me your pen. (_)第 6 页 共 6 页

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