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石家庄市2020版英语六年级下册小升初专项训练:动词A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . She _the clothes yesterday. ( )Adidnt washedBdidnt washCdont washed2 . A typhoon was near. Rose closed the windows but she _ plants outside. ( )AleaveBleavingCleft3 . Yang Ling should _ some warm water every day. ( )AdrinkBdrinksCdrinking4 . I _ born in 2001. ( )AamBwasCis5 . There _ seven days in a week. ( )AareBisCbe6 . My friend me to swim yesterday. ( )AhelpBhelpedChelps7 . _ the door, please.AOpenBLookCSit8 . - What_he do at the party. ( )-He sang and danced.AdoBdidCdoes9 . She went away and she _ say, “Thank you!” ( )Adidnt evenBeven didntCdoesnt even10 . What _ he do at eight oclock every weekday? ( )He goes to school.AdidBdoesCdo11 . 选出不同类的一项【小题1】AoftenBcanCusually【小题2】AreadBtidyCbook【小题3】AplayBtidyingCdoing【小题4】AyourBmyCwe【小题5】AbedBdeskCplay12 . you wash your T-shirt?No,I didnt. ( )AAreBDidCDo13 . There_ a football match tomorrow.AbeBwill beCare14 . _ he helpful at home? ( )ACanBAreCIs15 . Its time for PE class. Lets _. ( )Ajump and runBread and writeCsing and dance选出不同类的单词。16 . AcakeBarmCneck17 . AtenBsixCthe18 . AmorningBfaceCafternoon19 . AtigerBcowCname20 . AmouthBrulerCpen按要求填空21 . I(宾格)_22 . cut(现在分词)_23 . of course(同义词)_24 . here(对应词)_25 . dont(完整形式)_26 . have(现在分词)_27 . he(宾格)_28 . want(单三)_29 . helpful(动词)_30 . wash(单三)_31 . see(同音词)_32 . cant(完全形式)_33 . Look! He is _ a story. ( )AtellBtellingCtold34 . -I cant find my notebook. It_beside the watch just now. ( )-Look, it_under your chair.Ais; isBwas; isCwere; is35 . There _ no tall buildings before in the city. ( )AisBwasCwere36 . 选出每组中不同类的单词( )(1)A.having B.reading C.jumping D.sing( )(2)Amine B.hers C.they D.yours( )(3)A.fifth B.three C.first D.third( )(4)A.spring B.autumn C.season D.summer( )(5)A.whose B.wait C.who D.when37 . What did they do in Beijing? They .Awent to BeijingBsaw a filmCwent by plane38 . Do you like to sing in the library?_.( )AYes, I doBYes, I dontCNo, I do39 . He is in the _ room. ( )AsitBsitingCsitting40 . This ball is _, I cant throw it.AheavyBlightCeasy41 . _I take a taxi.A、Will B、Shall C、Am42 . John is going to take a trip _. ( )AnowBnext weekClast summer43 . Did you go fishing _ Sarah? ( )No, I didnt. I _ TV at home.Awith; watchBand; watchedCwith; watched44 . Do you want to come _ after school? ( )AtoBatCover45 . Would you like _some cola? ( )Yes, please.Ato drinkBdrinkCdrinking46 . Do you want to _ Mr Lin tomorrow afternoon? ( )AvisitBvisitingCvisitsDvisited47 . The children are _TV.AwatchBreadingCwatching48 . There _ ten English teachers in our school. ( )AamBisCare49 . We food for our picnic. ( )AbuysBwantsCneed50 . good. ( )ASoundBSomeCSounds51 . I want _ fly to the moon. ( )AforBgoCto52 . May I _ your bike? ( )Sure.ArideBridingCreadDto ride53 . _ you _ your mother yesterday? ( )ADid, callBDo, callCDid, called54 . _did you eat yesterday? At a fast food restaurant. ( )AWhatBWhenCWhere55 . Boys and girls, I want you _ your living room. ( )AdrawBto drawCdrawing56 . Its hot. Please _ your hat. ( )Atake offBput awayCput on57 . You should _ off at the third stop. ( )AgoBgetCturn58 . Lets _ Peter about the volleyball club. ( )AmeetBtellCsay59 . My mother reads English stories _ me.AtoBforCfrom60 . My mouth_big.( )AareBis61 . Last Friday, they _ a _ race. ( )Ahave; runningBhad; runingChave; runningDhad; running62 . Have you_ your homework? ( )AdoBdoneCdid63 . _ the animal show interesting? ( )AWasBAreCWere64 . I_ fine. ( )AareBgoodCam65 . She _ at the weekend. ( )Awrite booksBreads books66 . My father is _ a letter. ( )AwriteBwritingCwriteing67 . Get at the post office, and you can see the museum. ( )AonBoffCof68 . Welcome _my school. ( )AatBforCto69 . They are _ at home. ( )AhelpBhelpsChelping70 . She cant make _, because her hand _. ( )Acakes, hurtBcake, hurtsCcakes, hurts71 . We often take _ walk after supper. ( )AtheBaCan72 . “Cinderella” _ Grimms Fairy Tales. ( )Ais fromBare fromCbe fromDwas from73 . We wantmy brother happy. ( )AmakeBto make74 . Amy _run fast.( )AcansBcantCcant75 . Your hair is wet. Please _ it. ( )AwashBdryCtouch第 8 页 共 8 页

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