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海口市2019-2020年度五年级下册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出画线字母发音不同的选项(_)1. A. feet B. readC. idea(_)2.A. dinner B. worker C. term(_)3.A. just, jump B. sunny, lunchC. cup, cute(_)4. A. line B. fantastic C. mine2 . - How many rectangles are there? -( )AYes, there are.BThere is one.CThere are two.3 . Whatshehaveinherbedroom? ( )AdoBisCdoes4 . She can _ Chinese. ( )Aspeak someBspeaks someCspoke anyDspeak any5 . Its blue and red. ( )A它是蓝红相间的。B它是黄绿相问的。6 . Please helpfind my English book. ( )AmeBICmy7 . Lily and her mother their cat in the street. But they didnt it. ( )Alooked for; findBfound; look forCfound; looked forDlooked for; found选出与下列图片相符的内容。8 . ( )Athe London EyeBthe Great Wall9 . ( )ABig BenBthe British Museum10 . ( )Aby planeBby train11 . ( )Aswim in the seaBplay at Beidaihe12 . ( )Atake a tripBtake a photo13 . -Can you count to three? ( )- Yes,_.AI canBI cantCI am14 . _ do you get up? ( )I usually get up at 6:30.AWhatBWhenCHow读一读,选一选。15 . Do you like pears? ( ) Yes, I do.AB16 . I like apples. ( )AB17 . Lets have some oranges. ( )OK.AB18 . Do you like pears? ( )No, I dont. I like bananas.AB二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Mothers DayHello, boys and girls. Do you know Mothers Day? Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. Its on the second Sunday in May. It is celebrated in the UK, the USA, Sweden and other countries. On this day, fathers and children make breakfast, mothers dont work, and many people give flowers and cards to their mothers. Mothers Day began on the 10th May 1908 in the USA. The idea of a day for mother was first by Anna Jarvis of the USA. She wanted people to spend one day saying thanks to their mothers. Soon the holiday became popular around the country and the world. However, in 1923, Anna wanted to stop Mothers Day. Because she didnt like the way people chose to celebrate it. She wanted people to spend more time telling their mothers they love them and spend less money buying things.19 . Mothers Day is on _. ( )Athe second Sunday in MayBthe second Saturday in MayCMay the second20 . Where did people celebrate Mothers Day first? ( )A.People celebrated it in England.APeople celebrated it in the USA.BPeople celebrated it in England, America, Sweden and other countries.21 . Why did Anna want to stop Mothers Day? ( )ABecause she didnt want to be a famous woman.BBecause she didnt like the way people chose to celebrate it.CBecause she didnt like mothers.22 . The idea of _of mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis. ( )Aa childBa weekCa day23 . “Saying thanks to their mothers.” means_. ( )Aask their fathers to spend a lot of money for their mothersBspend much money buying presents for their mothersCspend some time telling mothers that they love them阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Youth(芳华)Place: Dongjin CinemaTime: 6:30 8:30 p.m. on Saturday and SundayPrice: Adults: ¥45Children: ¥ 16Note: Children under 10 years old cannot come in.24 . The name of the film is _. ( )ARed StarBSaturdayCDongjinDYouth25 . You can watch the film at _. ( )AGuangming CinemaBDongjin CinemaCHongxing CinemaDDafang Cinema26 . You can see the film _. ( )Aat 4:00 p.m. on SaturdayBat 6:30 8:30 p.m. on MondayCat 6:30 8:30 p.m. on SundayDat 6:30 8:30 a.m. on Saturday27 . Mr and Mrs. Read have two sons. They are both 12. If they four want to see the film, how much should they spend? ( )A122 yuan.B77 yuan.C106 yuan.D61 yuan.28 . Kate is nine years old, Jim is eleven years old and Simon is thirteen years old. Who cant go to see the film? ( )AJim.BKate.CSimon.DAll of them三、完形填空完型填空。The Fox and the GrapesOne hot summer day a fox was walking _ an orchard(果园). He saw some_ of grapes on the vine(葡萄树). They were ripe and juicy. Im just feeling_, he thought. So he jumped up _, but could not _the grapes. Then he walked back. One, two, three, he jumped up _, but still, he missed the grapes. The fox _again and again, _ couldnt get the grapes. _, he gave up trying. He walked away _ his nose in the air (趾高气昂地;自命不凡地) and said “I am sure they are sour(酸的).”29 . A. through B. on C. under30 . A. the Bund B. bunches C. bunch31 . A. thirty B. thirsty C. thirstily32 . A. difficulty B. hard C. easy33 . A. bit B. reach C. caught34 . A. again B. too C. also35 . A. tries B. tried C. tired36 . A. but B. and C. so37 . A. At first B. Next C. Finally38 . A. about B. in C. with四、填空题39 . 用动词适当形式填空。1. It will_(rain) tomorrow.2. Ill have a_(dance) lesson on Friday.3. There are many interesting_(city) in the country.4. Many_ (people) visit Xihu Park every year.5. Mr. Brown is a_(visit) from Canada.6. Bill wants_(find) out about cooking.7. I want_(be) a cook.用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。40 . There are four _(season)in a year.41 . She can _(run)very fast.42 . Do you like _(swim)in Dameisha in summer?43 . I dont like _(rain)days.44 . Be quiet. Please dont disturb _(he).五、任务型阅读45 . 任务型阅读Dear Alice,Im a Chinese girl.My name is Zhou Lan.I am thirteen.I have a brother and a sister.My brother is Zhou Qiang.He is a worker.My sister is Zhou Yan.She and I are students.We go to school from Monday to Friday.And we dont have classes on Saturdays or Sundays.I often play games with my friends.I like reading but I dont like singing.Lets be good friends.Please write to me soon.Yours,Zhou Lan阅读以上信息,完成下面的短文,每空一词。Zhou Lan isto Alice.She tells her that she is from.She is thirteen years old.She has a brother and a sister.Zhou Qiang is her.She and her sister, Zhou Yan are students.They go to schooldays a week.They haveclasses on Saturdays or Sundays.She often plays games with her friends.She likes reading.She wants to be a friend with Alice.六、英汉混合英汉互译46 . make an e-card_47 . 一本关于电脑的书_48 . 图书卡_49 . 带回_50 . 在三天内_51 . train information_52 . find out_53 . the next day_七、句型转换54 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. He throws a banana skin on the ground.(变为一般疑问句)_2. Bobby likes eating bananas.(对划线部分提问)_3. Billy goes to the hospital.(对划线部分提问)_4. There are many museums,shops and cinemas.(变为否定句)_5. Is it too late?(作否定回答) _八、填内容补全对话根据所给情境,完成对话。A: Excuse me, is 55 . a post office near here?B: Yes. Its 56 . Moon Street.A: 57 . can I get to Moon Street?B: Go 58 . this street, then 59 . right 60 . the traffic lights. And then you can see it 61 . your left.A: Thanks.B: Youre welcome.九、选内容补全对话完成对话,从方框中选择合适的句子,把序号写在横线上,注意有粮项是多余的。A. What should I do?B. I hope you can get better soon.C. Should I stay in bed?D. Whats the matter?E. Are you feeling well now?F. No, I dont.G. What other things?A: Good afternoon, young man. 62 . B: Good afternoon, doctor. I dont feel well. I have a headache.A: Do you have a fever?B: 63 . My mother took my temperature just now. She said it was OK.A: Oh, I think you may have a cold.B: 64 . A: You should drink much water.B: OK. 65 . A: Well, you should go to bed early and have a good restB: 66 . A: No. It is not serious(严重的), so you can go to school.B: Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome.十、书面表达67 . 书面表达。你的好朋友Amy给你发了一封e-mail,告诉你她发烧了,你能回复她的e-mail并给她提出一些合理建议,来帮助她早日康复吗?Dear Amy,Ive got your e-mail. Im sorry to hear that you are ill. You should_I think you will be better soon. Good luck.第 11 页 共 11 页

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