沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 2单元测试卷A卷

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沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 2单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 2单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . But I am _doing my homework now. ( )AnotBdontCisntDno2 . Open your _.AmouthBmonth Cmonitor3 . Lets _to work, class!Ato getBgetCgets4 . They _ have a party next week. ( )AwillBareCis going to5 . Look! My sister is _ her homework. ( )AdoBdoesCdoing6 . It rainy yesterday. ( )AisBareCwas7 . His _ is about the new research. ( )AreportBbookCstory8 . I am _ the piano. ( )AplayingBplaysCplay9 . ( ) Wehaving an English lesson.A/BareCcan10 . Wow. A _ robot! ( )AtalksBtalkCtalking二、英译汉英译汉。11 . under the book_12 . Is it in the desk?_13 . Excuse me?_14 . 英译汉:These are stamps from Canada._15 . Read and write.e.g. There is a pair of shoes.一双1. There are two hats on the table. _2. Theres a cat in the tree. _3. There are two basketballs under the desk. _4. I get dressed every day. _16 . 将下列句子翻译成汉语1. Can I go outside now?_2. How beautiful!_17 . 翻译下列句子。1. What are you doing?_2. Im drinking._3. Are you watching TV?_4. Are you listening to music?_三、改错找出错误并改正。18 . Theyaretalk totheir teacher. (_)_A B C D19 . Imhaveingfun. (_)_A B C20 . Pleasedontsittingdown. (_)_A B C D21 . The dogruntome. (_)_A B C D22 . Dannyis singing a songfromyour mother. (_)_A B C D改错。23 . Liu Tao sometimefeelssleepy. (_)_A B C24 . All the students are nice to me. I feel happily. (_)_A B C25 . The mouse said quietlyto the lion, “Please dont ate me”. (_)_A BC26 . They are sitingunder the tree quietly. (_)_A B C27 . He made a big hole in his teeth. (_)_A B C 改错。28 . You can get thereonNo. 6 bus.A B C D(_)_29 . I want to see allthisfamous places .A B C D(_)_30 . I also go shopingwithmy mum.A B C D(_)_31 . February is the twomonthofthe year.A B C D(_)_32 . Whatcan I doto you?A B C D(_)_33 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Sams playingthebasketball. (_)_A B C四、连词成句连词成句。34 . the, whats, like, in, weather, Beijing, (?)_35 . report, the, this, is, weather, (.)_36 . your, off, take, shoes, (.)_37 . cant, outside, go, you, (.)_38 . warm, it, Sydney, is, in, (.)_连词成句。(注意字母大小写和标点符号)39 . I, making, model, am, a, plane (.)_40 . where, Kitty, you, are (, ?)_41 . please, come, help, and, me (, .)_42 . word, playing, I, am, games, family, my, with (.)_43 . lights, people, off, turn, many, their(.)_44 . 连词成句。1. do what you on do the weekend (?)2. go we the Great to in Wall will October (.)3. I go can in swimming summer (.)4. do when you morning do exercises (?)5. father teacher is an his English (.)45 . 连词成句,注意标点符号和字母的大小写1. I classroom a new have (.)2. friend blue my has glasses (.)3. in what is schoolbag your (?)4. the me let clean windows (.)5.tall he strong and is (.)46 . 将下列单词排成一句话。1. not, late ,be, school ,for, do._.2. actively, ask, questions_.3. noise, do make not._.4. eat, not do class, in_.5. the listen carefully, to teacher._.第 7 页 共 7 页

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