沈阳市2019年英语五年级上册 Unit 2 Months Period 4练习卷A卷

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沈阳市2019年英语五年级上册 Unit 2 Months Period 4练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、填空题填上合适的月份将句子补充完整。1 . Teachers Day is in _.2 . New Years Day is in _.3 . Chinas National Day is in _.4 . Easter is in _.5 . Tree Planting Day is in _.二、排序题6 . 将下列句子排成对话。( ) Great! When is the trip this year?( 1 ) I like fall. I really like the colors.( ) Its in October. We will go to the West Lake.( ) I like fall , too. We usually have a school trip in fall.( ) Cool! I love the West Lake!三、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成下列任务。Im Elsa. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father likes April, because he likes Easter party. My mother likes May. Because we celebrate Mothers Day for her. She is very happy. My sister likes December best. She likes snow. In December, it snows a lot. She can make a snowman. I like June. Because my birthday is in June. Which month do you like best?7 . 读短文,完成表格。WhoFavorite monthFather1. _Mother2. _Sister3. _Elsa4. _8 . 读一读,判断对(T)错(F)。1. Father likes April. (_)2. Mother likes winter best. (_)3. Sister likes making a snowman. (_)4. Elsa s birthday is in May. (_)5. There are four people in Elsas family. (_)四、填内容补全对话9 . 阅读P26文本内容,根据首字母提示补全单词。May has two s_. They are April and J_. Their names are the _ as their birthday m_. Her little sisters birthday is in June. So her name is _. Aprils birthday is in A_. Shes younger than _.第 2 页 共 2 页

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