杭州市2019年英语四年级下册Module4 单元测试卷A卷

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杭州市2019年英语四年级下册Module4 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列各小题中不同类的一项。1 . AtrainBtoyCtaxiDbus2 . AearBfaceCarmDfeel3 . AchocolateBfootballCbadmintonDbaseball4 . AlookingBplayingCsingDtalking5 . AfeverBfavouriteCcoughDheadache6 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AfamousBcityCbeautiful【小题2】AwhoseBhouseCship【小题3】AbigBqueenCold【小题4】AhouseBpalaceCvery【小题5】AlongBwideCabout7 . Will it be hot?( )AYes, it is.BYes, it does.CYes, it will.8 . Its _ today. ( )AChinas National DayBChina National DayCchinas National Day9 . Western people often have _ for breakfast. ( )Anoodles and riceBcereal and sausagesCporridge and eggs10 . 找出不同类的一项,将序号填入题前括号内。(_) 1. A. bored B. angry C. sad D. big(_) 2. A. feet B. kilograms C. tons D. cm(_) 3. A. headache B. fever C. toothache D. eye(_) 4. A. take B. watch C. listen D. TV(_) 5. A. taller B. heavy C. shorter D. smaller11 . -What does your father do? ( )-.AHe is watching TV.BHe is fine.CHe is a worker.12 . Its in winter in Jiangsu. ( )AhotBcoolCcold13 . is it? ( )Its a duck.AHowBWhereCWhat14 . Peter didnt _ the violin yesterday. He _ a bike with me. ( )Aplay; rodeBplayed; rodeCplay; rideDplayed; ride二、填空题根据句意填入所缺的单词。15 . W_ is Mothers Day?16 . Mothers Day is on the s_ Sunday in May.17 . There are some s_ days in April.18 . New Years Day is on J_ 1st.19 . We eat m_ on Mid-Autumn Day.词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。)20 . March, April and _are in spring.21 . Its time for P _ . Lets go to the p_.22 . Can you _ it?23 . You can go there by s_.24 . Let me _ (help) you look for your purse.25 . What _ (do) you have for dinner?26 . There are three _(box) in the basket.27 . 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词:It will be s_ tomorrow.单词拼写(词汇运用)。28 . My brother likes m_.29 . January is the f_ month of the year.30 . Lets go to the r_ to e_ dumplings.31 . Where is the s_ (广场)?32 . Black smoke from factories makes the air _ too. 填空题。33 . Tom is my b_.34 . You are late. You need a c_.35 . I brush my t_ at seven oclock. 36 . I will f_ a kite on Saturday.37 . She _ my mother. She _ thin. She has _ hair. 三、任务型阅读38 . 阅读小短文,填空短文。Sarah is from America. She went to Canada last winter holiday. She went to a park. She went skating and took many pictures. Her friend Kate went to China last summer holiday. She learned Chinese from her Chinese friends. She went to a park, ate good food, and climbed a mountain. She took many pictures too. They were all happy.【小题1】Sarah went to _ last winter holiday.【小题2】Her friend Kate went to _.【小题3】Kate went to park,_ and _.【小题4】Sarah went to _ but Kate didnt.【小题5】They _ all happy.四、匹配题仔细观察图片,请为图片选择合适的对话。A-Lets watch TV. -OK!B-Whos this boy? -Hes my brother.CLook! This is my family.D-Whos that man? -Hes my grandpa.E-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.39 . (_)40 . (_)41 . (_)42 . (_)43 . (_)五、连线题44 . Read and match.1.Aboya.妈妈2.Bmother b.奶奶/外婆3.Cgrandma c.男孩第 6 页 共 6 页

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