昆明市2020年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷BA卷

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昆明市2020年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷BA卷_第1页
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昆明市2020年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷BA卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a strong lion. ( )AhasBwasCare2 . Is it easy to learn English? ( ) Well, its not _.AdifficultBgoodCfunny3 . We a big fish last summer holiday. ( )AcatchBcaughtCcatchesDwill catch4 . It often _. Its _now. ( )Arains; rainingBrains; rainsCrainy; rainingDrainy; rainy5 . Lets_.( )Ago fishingBgo to fishingCto go fish6 . Sarah and Zhang Peng _ TV now.Ais watchingBare watchingCwatches7 . 找出不同类的单词。( )1. A. mouseB. tigerC. ship( )2. A. wakeB. pickC. sleep( )3. A. happyB. bookC.sad( )4. A. fromB. water C. coffee( )5. A. strong B. weakC .run8 . The hole is _deep. ( )AtooBsuchCgoodDmake9 . We are _ lots of fun. ( )AhaveBhavingChas10 . I asked him _ it to the police station.Ato takeBtakeCtookDtaking二、完形填空完形填空。Mr John lives in a small town, but he works in an office in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes back _the same way.One morning when he _his newspapers on the train, a man behind him came up to him. Mr John didnt know him. The man said “_” to him and then _to talk to him. The man said, “Your _isnt interesting, is it? You get on the same train at the same station at the same time _morning and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspapers.”When Mr John _this, he put his newspapers down, turned around and _to the man angrily, “How did you know all that about me?”“Because I always _in the same seat behind _,” the man answered.11 . AfamilyBhomeCvillage12 . AsawBreadClooked13 . ASorryBThanksCHello14 . AstoppedBbeganCwould15 . AlifeBworkCoffice16 . AoneBeveryCthis17 . AheardBlistenedCfound18 . AaskedBsaidCtold19 . AsitBsitsCsat20 . AhimBherCyou三、填空题根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。21 . Christmas, _, _, and _are all western holidays.22 . 单词拼写:Dick is twelve. Hes a s_. Hes in C_Two, Grade Five. Mary is Dicks classmate. They often help each other. They are g_friends. Mr. Green is t_English teacher. Miss Anne is their maths t_.23 . Look at the _. He is thin.24 . Please be q_. The baby is s_.25 . She and I _ (take) a walk together every evening.26 . She _ (start) to learn English when she was 9 years old.27 . Was he _ (help) when he was young?单词拼写(词汇运用)28 . He _(需要) a cup of tea.29 . Is the elephant d_ (喝) water?30 . We wake up early and open our _.31 . Tom is my b_.32 . Open the _, please.33 . 看图填空。There was a _in the forest. He was very _ and _.One day, a mouse _by and _the lion _. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. “Please dont eat me. I can help you some day,” said the mouse _. “Youre so small and _! How can you help me?” laughed the lion _. Then, he let the mouse go.The next day, two men _ the lion with a large _. The lion _the net with his _ teeth, but that did not help. “How can I get out?” asked the lion _.Just then, the mouse saw the lion. “I can help you,” he said. Soon, the mouse _a big_ in the net with his teeth. The lion got out. “Thank you!” said the lion_.The lion and the mouse _friends.四、阅读回答问题根据短文内容回答问题。A Huge StoneAbout five hundred years old, an earthquake happened in a small village. A huge stone fell from a nearby mountain and stopped in the middle of the road. Some of the strongest men tried to move the stone out of the road, but they failed.“Well,” they said sadly. “Theres nothing we can do about it. Well have to change the way.” At this time, a boy about 12 years old said, “I think I can help you move the stone away.” “You?” they shouted. “What are you talking about?” The men all laughed at the boy.The next morning, some people came to the road. One of them shouted, “The stone if gone.” More people ran out to see what had happened. It was true. The stone wasnt on the road any more. It wasnt even near the road.The boy said, “I buried it. I dug a deep hole next to the stone and a small incline(斜坡) up to the stone and the stone rolled down into the hole itself. Then I covered it with earth.”34 . What was in the middles of the road after the earthquake?_35 . Did some of the strongest men move the huge stone away?_36 . Who moved the huge stone away?_37 . Was the huge stone on the road at last?_五、汉译英汉译英。38 . 出来_39 . 伤心地问道_40 . 就在那个时候_41 . 在网里弄了个大洞_42 . 开心地说_43 . 从那时起_六、判断题判断下列句子的语调,升调的写“T”,降调的写“F”。44 . The lion got out. (_)45 . Open the door, please. (_)46 . Can you play table tennis? (_)47 . Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. (_)48 . Who woke you up this morning? (_)49 . Im good at Chinese. (_)七、书面表达50 . 书面表达。根据图片提示用几句简短的话复述一下故事的主要内容。要求:1.条理清晰,语法正确,语句通顺,用词恰当;2.书写工整、规范,正确使用标点符号;3.不少于5句话。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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