昆明市2019年英语六年级下册Module4 单元测试卷A卷

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昆明市2019年英语六年级下册Module4 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This _ Mike. _ my brother. ( )Ais; HesBis; ShesCis; He2 . Hurry up! I cant _ the balloons. ( )AholdBheldCholding3 . I am a nurse. Where do I work? ( )AAt a school.BOn a farm.CAt a hospital.4 . You were sleeping _ the train. ( )AonBatCinDunder5 . The boy swims_.Ain the lakeBon the lake二、情景交际6 . 你想知道现在几点了,你应问:_ ( )AWhat time is it?BIts eleven oclock.7 . 你想告诉同学我很好,应该这样说:( )AIm fine.BIm Zip.8 . 当你想祝萨姆生日快乐时,你可以说:_( )AHappy birthday!BThank you.9 . 今天天气很好,可以说: ( )AWhatafineday!BAgoodday.10 . 你想让别人关上门,你可以说:_AClose the door,please.BClose the door,please.三、单词拼写11 . 单词拼写。根据提示写单词。(1)钢琴_(提示:opain)(2)小提琴_(提示:lvoini)12 . 照例子,写出发相同音的单词。1. th / three _ _ _2. th / mother _ _ _Look and circle.看图,圈单词。13 . mbrother14 . grandpar15 . gsistere16 . samother17 . 请将下列单词正确排序。1.ceni_ 2.chmu _3.yub_ 4.seooch _5.bikeotomr_ 6.keil_7.keat _ 8.ookl_9.outba_ 10.opsh_18 . 圈出中文对应的英语单词。bryesa是的nohdst不是usorry对不起thanke谢谢weryou你四、阅读回答问题19 . 阅读短文,回答问题。Lingling, Daming, Sam and Amy are good friends. They will go to the park toplay. Lingling wants to wear her white dress. Daming wants to wear his blue shirt. Sam wants to wear his black sunglasses. Amy wants to wear her red shoes. How beautiful they are! They are so happy. They will have a good time.(1)Are Lingling, Daming, Sam and Amy good friends?_(2)What colour is Linglings dress?_(3)Is Damings shirt green?_(4)Does Amy want to wear her red shoes?_(5)Are they beautiful?_五、英译汉20 . 英译汉:Im fine. Thank you._六、汉译英汉译英。21 . 森林里有一只狮子。_22 . 将来某一天我能帮助你。_23 . 第二天,两个人用一张大网捉住了狮子。_24 . 狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬那张网。_25 . 将句子译为英语:她可以跳得高。_翻译下列词组。26 . 建一所新房子_27 . 过得很快活_28 . 呆在舒适的房子里_29 . 来自中国东海_根据中文提示完成句子。30 . 你什么时候做你的家庭作业?在晚上6:30。_ do you do _? _ thirty in the _.31 . 我每天早上七点半吃早餐。I _ at seven thirty every _.32 . 我每晚九点半睡觉。I go _ at nine _ at _.33 . 我通常在星期五晚上看电视。I _ TV _ evening.34 . 根据汉语填空。1. Are we going to _(读)the stories?2. _ (什么)are we going to do today?.3. We are going to read _ (它们).4. Are we going to _ (谈论)it.5. We are going to put on a _ (短剧).35 . Write the English words. (按要求填空)1.乘51路公交车到那里。_the No.51 bus to _there.2.在美国骑自行车必须戴头盔。In the_people on_must wear the_.3.我们要注意信号灯。We must pay _to the_.4.公交车来了。The bus_七、英汉混合英汉互译。36 . Im fine._37 . How many black dogs?_38 . Is it a monster?_39 . 它是个红色的书包。_40 . 那是他的球。_八、匹配题41 . 从栏中选出与栏句子相对应的答语。 (_)1. Did you come back yesterday?AI went to Shanghai last Friday.(_)2. Does your uncle live in Beijing?BI bought some eggs.(_)3. This is your ice cream.CYes, he does.(_)4. What did you buy?DYes, I did.(_)5. When did you go to Shanghai?EThank you.42 . 从B栏中选出与A栏匹配的答语。A栏B栏(_)1. Whats your name?AIm fine, thank you!(_)2. Hello, Im Miss White.BNice to meet you, too.(_)3. Nice to meet you.CMy name is Chen Jie.(_)4.Hi, Mum. This is Wu yifan. DHello, Im Mr. Jones.(_)5. How are you?EGood afternoon, Wu yifan.九、仿写对话仿照例子,根据所给词汇编写对话。例:sunny, Sydney, cloudyIs it sunny in Sydney?No, it isnt. Its cloudy.43 . rainy, Moscow, snowy_44 . windy, London, rainy_第 8 页 共 8 页

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