昆明市2019版英语四年级上册 Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing 练习卷A卷

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昆明市2019版英语四年级上册 Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing 练习卷A卷_第1页
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昆明市2019版英语四年级上册 Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing 练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look _ the man. ( )AatBinCof2 . do you go hiking ? On foot.AWhat B HowBWhere3 . I often _ emails _ my friends. ( )Awrite; atBsend; toCsend; in4 . If you eat bad meat, you may _. ( )Acut yourselfBfall downCget sick5 . ( ) No, she is not _ now. A lookAlooking6 . I_ a kite with my brother now. ( )Aam flyingBflyCam going to fly二、情景交际7 . 当别人把你喜欢的食物递给你时,你应该说:AThank you.BHere you are.CWhat about you?8 . 我是汤姆。 ( )AThis is Tom.BBye, Tom.CIm Tom.9 . 你看到一个香蕉,你应该说:( )AIts a banana.BIts an apple.10 . 当你向别人介绍你妹妹时,你可以说:( )AThis is my sister.BThis is my mother.CThis is my brother.11 . 你询问对方如何去上学,你会说:_( )AHowdoyougotoschool?BIcometoschoolbysubway.三、填空题12 . 选词填空。1. Im _about the weather in different cities. (seeing, reading)2. _ the weather like? (Whats, Hows)3. Its _ and warm. (sun, sunny)4. Its cool, and its _. (rain, raining)5. Its windy and _. (cold, foggy)13 . 按要求拼写单词。1too(同音词)_2library(复数)_3warm(反义词)_4long(反义词)_5they(宾格)_6rain(形容词)_ 7open(反义词)_8one(序数词)_9beautiful(反义词)_10Chinese (国家名)_四、句型转换14 . 按要求答题,注意书写形式和标点符号1.a ,take ,trip, am , to , tomorrow ,I, going. 连词成句_2.how, we , can , there , get ? 连词成句_3.he, puzzles, word, like does, doing? 连词成句_4.你的学校在哪儿?(翻译成英文)_5.What are Peters hobbies?(翻译成中文)_五、连词成句15 . Make sentences with the given words.1. you to on What are Day going do National2. We on to day go this cinemas3. night people at many lantern In places see shows第 3 页 共 3 页

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