拉萨市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams 单元测试卷A卷

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拉萨市2019版英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Linda, together with her parents, _ spending the holiday in China when the strong earthquake happened. ( )AwasBwereCisDare2 . Yesterday, I _ an accident on the way to Super Park. ( )AhaveBhadChas3 . Will you go to Shanghai by train? ( )No, _.AI willByou wontCI wont4 . Im thirsty. I want _ some water. I want _ drink some water. ( )A/; /Bto; /C/; to5 . 选出不同类或划线部分发音不同的单词。(_) 1. A. hot B. allC. warm(_) 2. A. winterB. pictureC. summer(_) 3. A. pink B. lovelyC. pretty(_) 4. A. pickB. swimming C. shopping(_) 5. A. dinner B. breakfastC. picnic6 . -Do you like fruit? ( )-Yes,_.AI canBI anCI do7 . 看图片选单词。(_)1.A. sun B. moon(_)2. A. play football B.sing(_)3. A. play volleyball B. dance(_)4. A.play tennis B. play basketball(_) 5. Aread B. run8 . You should care _your health. ( )AofBaboutCin9 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1.Asing Bshopping Csnowing Dsleeping(_)2.A.ate Bsay Csit Dask(_)3.A.cleaned Bvisited Cclimbed Dbed(_)4.A.cooks Bmakes Ctakes Dnoodles(_)5.A.high Bdraw Cput Djump(_)6.A.dance Brun Cwork Dhomework(_)7.A.live Blove Clike Dlife(_)8.A.dancing Bswing Chaving Ddriving(_)9.A.become Babove Cbeside Dbehind(_)10.A.met Bdrew Csaw Dteach10 . There _ a pen, a pencil and two books on the desk. ( )AisBamCare11 . 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A.blue B.black C.brown( ) 2. A.blackboard B.brother C.bright( ) 3. A.class B.clean C.glass( ) 4. A.cross B.crowded C.climb( ) 5. A.bridge B.fridge C.break二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Tom and John are brothers.They live in the same room and are in the same class.One day they had a fight (打架), so they didnt speak to each other (彼此) for a few days. On Monday evening, Tom was very tired when he came back from school. He went to bed after dinner and didnt say anything to John.John helped his mother with the housework. Then he did homework. When he went to bed, he found a piece of paper on the small table near his bed.It said, “John, wake me up (叫醒) at 7 am.Tom. When Tom was awake the next morning, it was nearly 8 oclock, and on the small table he saw another piece of paper. It said, Tom, wake up! It is 7 am.John.12 . Tom was Johns _. ( )AsisterBbrotherCuncle13 . Tom and John didnt speak to each other because they _. ( )Awere tiredBdidnt know each otherChad a fight14 . On Monday evening, John went to bed _ than Tom. ( )AearlierBlaterCtogether15 . John didnt _ anything the next morning. ( )AsayBwriteCdo16 . _ was late for school that day. ( )ATomBJohnCSam阅读理解One day, my cousins and I are in the park. The park is very beautiful. There are many flowers and trees in it. And there is a lake, too. My cousins are playing games by the lake. And I am sitting under a tree. I look at the blue sky. The white clouds are like white sheep(绵羊). Oh, two birds are flying. One is yellow, the other is green. They look so beautiful and free.I have a dream now. I want to be a bird and I want to fly in the sky with my friends.17 . Where is the writer(作者) one day? He is _. ( )Ain the dreamBin the parkCin the lake18 . Who is together with the writer? _.( )AHis brotherBHis classmatesCHis cousins19 . What are the cousins doing? They _.( )Aare sittingBplaying gamesCflying a kite20 . What does the writer want to be in his dream? He wants to be _.( )Aa sheepBa birdCa cloud21 . What does the writer see in the sky? He sees_.( )AsheepBbirdsCa lake三、完形填空完形填空。Hi, everyone! My name is Frank Smith. Im a _ from Greenland International Middle School. The New Year is coming. This morning Ms. Miller, our English teacher, lets us _ the New Years Resolutions(计划) on the colorful _. On the red one, Tom writes, “I will _ more sports in the new year because I want to be _.”On the green one, Anna writes, “I will not have junk food any more, though(虽然) it is my favorite. It is bad for my _ and last year I had to go to the hospital often after eating junk food.”“I like to be with _,” Mary writes on the pink card. “I really want to be a teacher when I grow up. So I decide to work hard next _.” Of course, I also write mine on a blue one. After all of us _ writing, we put all the cards on the walls and the walls are now colorful, too.To make our dreams come true, lets _!22 . AteacherBboyCgirlDparent23 . AcolorBfindCwriteDread24 . AwallsBcardsCdesksDbooks25 . AdoBwatchCknowDteach26 . AfatBfriendlyCshortDstrong27 . AhealthBfamilyCschoolDclass28 . AbooksBparentsCanimalsDchildren29 . AyearBmonthCweekDtime30 . AbeginBkeepCreadDstop31 . Acome onBrun outCsit downDstand up四、填空题将下列单词归类。note big milk side Jonestime hope fine fit Cokewin Tom game hot racename lake doll dog nine32 . _33 . _34 . _35 . _36 . _37 . She didnt learn _(some)English.五、阅读回答问题根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Everyone may have their own dreams. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power (权力). But Im different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings, because I want to fly in the sky. I can fly above the sea, below the rainbow, and through the forest. I want to fly with the birds. I like the feeling of freedom (自由).38 . Everyone has no dreams. (_)39 . The writer wants to be rich. (_)40 . The writer wants to have a kite. (_)41 . The writer wants to fly with the clouds. (_)42 . The writer likes the feeling of freedom. (_)六、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Everybody has a dream. Someone wants to be a bud river. Someone wants to be a film star. Someone wants to be a pianist. These kinds of dreams are very useful. They can give power of being successful. I had a dream when I was a child of six. I wanted to be a policeman, because policemen are brave and strong. When I was ten years old, I found it was very easy to be a policeman. I had another dream. A good doctor can help sick people. So I wanted to become a doctor. Id like to be a writer now. I can have fun with reading and learn many things from it. I know it is not easy to make my dream come true. Being a writer needs much knowledge. I will read more books. I want to see my dream come true.43 . Dreams can give power of being successful. (_)44 . When the writer was a child of six, his dream was being a film star. (_)45 . The writer found it was very easy to be a policeman when he was ten years old. (_)46 . The writer wants to be a writer now. (_)47 . Its easy to be a writer. (_)七、汉译英翻译词组48 . 使人健康_49 . 在未来_50 . 想要成为一名牙医_51 . 关心,在乎_52 . 开宇宙飞船_53 . 足球运动员_54 . 世界杯_55 . 某天_56 . 实现,成真_57 . 你的梦想_八、英汉混合58 . 英汉互译1、next to_2、second floor_3、lunch_4、playground_5、music class_6、Do you have a library? _7、Is it next to Classroom3? _8、Heres my homework._9、What time is it now? _10、Lets go to the art room. _九、句型转换59 . 句型转换。1.I want to be a pianist in the future. (对划线部分提问)_you want to _in the future?2.Sport makes us strong. (改为一般疑问句)_sport_you strong?3.Whats your dream? (改为复数句)What_your _?4.Liu Tao wants to be a policeman. (改为一般疑问句)_Liu Tao _a policeman?5.They want to go climbing this weekend. (对划线部分提问)_do they want to_ this weekend?十、填内容补全对话60 . 看图完成对话。A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A: _ will you go?B: I will go _ the library. I want to read some books.A: Do you want to be a dancer?B: No, I _.A: Whats your _?B: I want to be an _.A: Great! You must study hard now.B: Yes.根据首字母提示完成短文。Mr Green is a61 . the children about their d62 . . Mike wants to be a dentist in the future because many children dont care about their t63 . . Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut. He wants to f64 . a spaceship to the M65 . . Liu Tao wants to be a football p66 . . Su Hai wants to be a dancer. D67 . makes people healthy and beautiful. Nancy wants to be a w68 . . Gao Shan wants to be a p69 . . He wants to help people. So he should be s70 . ad brave.十一、选内容补全对话71 . 看图补全对话。1.A: What does Bobby want to be in the future?B:_.He should _.He will _.2.A:What does Sam want to be in the future?B: _.He wants to _.He will _.He should be _.3.A:What does Willy want to be in the future?B: _.He often paints pictures in the park.He will _.4.A:What does Billy want to be in the future?B: _.He likes food.He will _.十二、书面表达72 . 写作。同学们,你们一定有自己的梦想吧!为了实现自己的梦想,你们打算怎么做呢?请以 “My dream” 为题,写一篇小短文,不少于40词。My dream_第 12 页 共 12 页

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