广州市2020年英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it_ 单元测试卷A卷

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广州市2020年英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it_ 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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广州市2020年英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it_ 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Please come. ( )AinBforCat2 . Is this a skirt? _,it _.3 . Its_turn_sing the song now. ( )AHelen, toBHelens, forCHelens, to4 . _ pencils are there? ( )Six.AHowBHow manyCWhat5 . You can get there _ bus. ( )AinBbyCon二、情景交际6 . 老师让同学们打开书,她说:( )AClose the book.BOpen your books.7 . 你不认识在篮球场上的站着的那个男孩,你会说:( )AWhos that boy?BWhos that girl?CWhos that man?8 . “它是一支钢笔”,这句话怎么表达?( )AThis is a pencil.BIt is a pen.CIs it a pen?9 . 运动会比赛结束了,你想知道谁赢了,你会问:“_”。AWho is the winner?BWho are you doing?CWhat are you going to do?10 . 你坐公交车时,拿出早餐准备吃,司机看到了会对你说:ADont sleep.BDont eat.CDont drink.三、填空题11 . 介词填空。(1)Look _ that man over there.(2)The girl _ red is my friend.(3)We are late _ the party.(4)Is this train _ for Beijing?(5)Whos the woman _ a pair of glasses?四、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成各题。Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at seven ten. And Then I go to school. I have Chinese class, art class, maths class and music class in the morning. In the afternoon, I have PE class and English class. My English teacher is Mr White. I have lunch at twelve oclock at home. I go home at four fifty in the afternoon. I have dinner at seven oclock. I go to bed at nine thirty.12 . 阅读短文,根据要求各写出三个单词。数字_科目_三餐_13 . 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(1) I get up at_. (_)A. 6:40 B. 6:30 C. 6:20(2) Who is Amys English teacher? (_)A. Miss White. B. Mr White. C. Mr Jones.(3) I have _ classes all day(全天). (_)A. four B. six C. five(4) I have _ at 7:00. (_)A. breakfast B. lunchC. dinner(5) I go to bed at _. (_)A. 9:00 B. 9:20 C. 9:30五、判断题14 . 判断发音,发音相同打,发音不同打。( )1. cage make( )2. sign fine( )3. team mean ( )4. lot smoke( )5. bread teacher( )6. house cousin六、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. All right. B. Hi. C. Its time for P.E. class. D. What time is it now? E. Yes.Tim:Hello, Mary!Mary: 15 . Tim.Tim: 16 . Mary: Its nine thirty.Tim: Oh, 17 . Are you ready?Mary: 18 . Lets go to the gym.Tim: 19 . 七、改错纠错20 . Happy birthdayfor you. (_)_A B C21 . Here is apresentto you. (_)_A B C22 . Im seven, to. (_)_A B C23 . My birthday ison June. (_)_A B C24 . Whatisyour birthday? (_)_A B C八、连线题25 . 英汉连线。1. beef a. 鸡肉2. chicken b. 面条3. noodles c. 蔬菜4. soup d.牛肉5. vegetable e. 汤6. bowl f. 勺7. chopsticks g. 餐叉8. fork h. 碗9. knifei.筷子10. spoonj. 小刀26 . 英汉连线1.Chinese fast foodA做面条2.make noodlesB中式快餐3.some riceC看一看4.some milkD一些米饭5.look atE一些牛奶27 . 连线。1.Decide who you will invite.a. 如果你能来,我会很高兴。2.If you can come, I will be very happy.b. 决定时间和地点3.I hope you will enjoy this special day.c.设计并且写好你的邀请卡。4.Design and write your invitation card.d. 我希望你能享受这个特殊的日子5.Decide on the date and place.e. 决定邀请谁?第 6 页 共 6 页

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