太原市2019年英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 I' ll draw the pictures. 练习卷A卷

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太原市2019年英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 I' ll draw the pictures. 练习卷A卷_第1页
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太原市2019年英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 I' ll draw the pictures. 练习卷A卷_第2页
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太原市2019年英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 I' ll draw the pictures. 练习卷A卷_第3页
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太原市2019年英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 I ll draw the pictures. 练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题句子和图片配对。1 . Fold your coloured paper in half. ( )AB2 . Draw beautiful pictures on the front. ( )AB3 . This is a box of chocolates. ( )AB4 . Ill make a beautiful card for mum on Mothers Day. ( )AB5 . I have a gift for you. ( )AB请从ABC三个选项中,找出画线部分发音不同的单词。6 . AwallBblackCball7 . AhomeworkBfor Cworld8 . AshortBbornCword9 . AlittleBuncleClet10 . ApeopleBtableCapple11 . -Can you help me make a Mothers Day card?- _.ANo, you can.BYes, you can.CSure.12 . There _ some orange juice in the bottle. ( )AisBareChas13 . He will_ the reports. ( )AwritesBwritingCwrite二、填空题14 . 根据要求写单词或词组。1. 宠物怎么翻译:_2. 老鼠mouse的复数形式:_3. 大象elephant的复数形式:_4. sit 的第三人称单数形式:_5. 三只熊怎么说:_6. 一只鸟怎么说:_选词填空。AcelebrateBcardsChappy DgiftsEMay15 . Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in _.16 . Children want to make their mothers _on this day.17 . They write nice things to their mothers on Mothers Day_.18 . Some children like to make their own _or cards for their mothers.19 . Some families will have a delicious dinner to _Mothers Day.20 . 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. We dont have any lessons _ _. (周末)2. Whats the _ _ you?(你怎么了?)3. What are you doing now?Im learning _ _ swim. (怎样游泳)4. I like reading _ _.(漫画书)5. When is Christmas Day? Its _ _ 25th.(十二月)21 . Read and fill. 看图填空。Look at the picture! Its Johns room. A schoolbag is in the 1. . A computer is near the big 2. . A book is under the 3. . A nice picture is on the white. Wheres my fishbowl? Oh, its on the 5. .22 . 看图写出相应的单词。1.(_) 2.(_)3.(_) 4.(_)5.(_)三、任务型阅读23 . 读课文,判断下面的句子是(T)否(F)符合课文内容。1. They will make a Chinese newspaper. (_)2. The newspaper can be about their school. (_)3. Daming will draw the pictures. (_)4. Amy will cut the paper.(_)5. Lingling will write the reports. (_)6. Sam will stick the pictures on the newspaper. (_)7. Their English newspaper is fantastic. (_)读短文,判断下面的句子是(T)否(F)符合短文内容。Its Sunday today. Its a sunny day. Ann is in the park. Shes flying a kite with Lily. Lilys mother doesnt go to the park. Tomorrow is Lilys birthday. She will go to buy a new dress for her. Her mother and Anns mother will go shopping. Anns mother wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself.24 . Ann and Lily are in the park. (_)25 . Tomorrow is Sunday. (_)26 . Tomorrow is Anns birthday. (_)27 . Lilys mother and Anns mother will go shopping. (_)28 . Ann is flying a kite with Lily. (_)四、英汉混合英汉互译。29 . 好主意_30 . 画一些画_31 . 在河面上的一只小船_32 . 在那个大盒子里_33 . 一条美丽的湖_34 . have a look _35 . try again _36 . well done _37 . be difficult _38 . at ten to ten _五、匹配题39 . 看一看,读一读,选择与文字相符合的图片。把所选择答案的字母代号填入题前的括号内。A B C D EF G H I J(_)1The fisherman is fishing.(_)2Lets go to the supermarket.(_)3My brother is a postman.(_)4Tomorrow is Friday.(_)5They are getting together.(_)6The man often goes to work by subway.(_)7Look! They are dancing.(_)8They like picking apples.(_)9This is a police officer.(_)10We must pay attention to the traffic lights.第 7 页 共 7 页

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