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吉林省2020年(春秋版)四年级下册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Dont forgetyour homework, John. ( )-OK. Ill do it right now.AdoingBdoCto doDdoes2 . I want to grow up. I want to _. ( )Aa teacherBtall and strongCsee the world3 . We promise _ our school clean. ( )AkeepingBkeepCto keepDkeeps4 . (题文)找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 _A. small B. skirt C. dress _A. is B. are C. glove _A.pretty B. big C. apple5 . Winter _ from December to February. ( )AlastBis lastClasts6 . Lets _ to Chinatown now.( )AgoBgoingCto go7 . Its 9:30_. Its time to go to bed. ( )Aa. m.Bp. m.Ca. p.8 . _ book is this? ( )It is my book.AWhoBWhatCWhenDWhose9 . _ that? Its a CA( )BWhatCWhat aboutDWhats10 . _ there _ sofas in the living room? ( )AAre; anyBIs; someCis; any二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案One night, Wu Gang is lying in bed. Then suddenly a loud cry for help wakes him up. He 1ooks out of the window and finds his neighbours house is on fire.Wu Gang telephones 119 for help. Then he runs out at once. He sees many people trying to put out the fire with water, and he helps them. Ten minutes later, the firefighters arrive. They start to put out the fire immediately. The big fire dies down at last. Luckily, all the people are safe.11 . What is Wu Gang doing when there is a fire? ( )AHe is having a bath.BHe is sleeping.CHe is reading.12 . Whose house is on fire? ( )AWu Gangs house.BWu Gangs parents house.CWu Gangs neighbours house.13 . What does Wu Gang do when he sees the fire? ( )AHe calls 119.BHe runs away.CHe goes back to sleep.14 . What do many people do there? ( )AThey put out the fire with water.BThey watch the fire.CThey run away.15 . Are there any people hurt in the fire? ( )AYes, there is one.BNo, there arent.CThere are no people hurt.三、填空题16 . They are _ lunch at school.17 . 选词填空。family lights Thanksgiving special festivals1. Can you tell me more about American _, Simon?2. _ is my favourite festival. 3. We always have a _meal. Its a big family dinner. 4. We say thank you for our food, _ and friends. 5. There are _in the streets at Christmas.四、英译汉18 . 读一读,翻译下列短语。【小题1】put on your shirt【小题2】wash your coat【小题3】whose pants【小题4】its mine【小题5】Mikes bike【小题6】a big table五、句型转换按要求完成句子。19 . The sign means “No Smoking”.(同义句)The sign means we _ here.20 . She sometimes does her homework at school.(改为否定句)She sometimes _ do her homework at school.21 . I went to the park by bike.(对划线部分提问)_ you go to the park?22 . Theyplayedtabletennislastweek.(用now改写)They_tabletennisnow.23 . There were some oranges on the trees.(改为否定句)There _oranges on the tree.24 . I bought a lot of bottles. (改为一般疑问句)_ a lot of bottles?第 4 页 共 4 页


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