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吉林省2019版英语六年级下册专项训练:常考易错题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ a big supermarket! ( )AHowBWhereCWhatDWhy2 . When do you have picnics? ( ) We have picnics _ school. AafterBinCon选出每个单词中缺失的字母。3 . str_ct ( )AaBeCi4 . delici_s ( )AeuBouCau5 . n_xt ( )AeBaCi6 . be_een ( )AtuBtwCtn7 . brid_ ( )AgeBzhCeg8 . Its _egg.AanBa9 . ( )(1) It islesson of the new term.AfirstBthe firstCone10 . _ is it? ( )It is a panda kite.AWhatBWhereCWhen选择与画线部分单词或词组同类别的一项。11 . Ourteacherisold. ( )AwashBkindCTuesday12 . HecanspeakEnglish. ( )AreadBoftenCshy13 . Thereisalakeinthepark. ( )AhouseBriverCbuilding14 . Arethereanybooksunderthedesk? ( )AbesideBtreeCflower15 . Myfavoritefoodissalad. ( )AhillBhamburgerCbridge16 . Milkishealthyfood. ( )AsendBpartyCsweet二、情景交际17 . 当你想说篮球在椅子底下的时候,你会说:“_” ( )AThe basketball is under the desk.BThe basketball is on the chair.CThe basketball is under the chair.18 . 你对萨姆说,埃米将要放风筝,你会说:( )AAmy is going to fly a kite.BAmy is going to kite.19 . 想知道对方接下来的打算,你会问:( )AWhat are you going to do? BWhat do you like? CWhat are you going to be?20 . I would like some soup.还可以表达为:_. ( )AI want some soup.BI like some soup.CI would some soup.根据实际情况,回答下列问题,要求答句完整。21 . What does your parents do?_22 . When is your birthday?_23 . Whats your hobby?_24 . What do you often do after dinner?_25 . What are you going to this summer holiday?_26 . What do you want to be in the future? Why?_三、填空题27 . 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级old_ 2. big_hot_ 4. brave _well_ 6. good _四、句型转换28 . Chinese isnt easy to learn.(改为同义句)Chinese is _ to learn.五、填内容补全对话29 . 根据图片提示填单词,补全对话:What _they _?They are _.六、选内容补全对话把对话补充完整。A. Whats the matterB. Can I have some waterC. Come and have a pieD. Good nightE. ThanksDad: 30 . , Taotao. Taotao: Thanks, Dad, but Im not hungry. Im thirsty. 31 . , Mum.Mum: Here you are.Taotao: 32 . , Mum.Mum: 33 . , Taotao? Are you ill?Taotao: No, but Im tired. I want to go to bed.Dad and Mum: Good night, dear.Taotao: 34 . , Mum and Dad.七、改错35 . 改错:What Tom doing? She is takeing picture. _八、匹配题读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在相应图片右边的横线上。A. make a cake B. make a card C.fly a kite D. October 1stE. run a race F. jump the rope G.do the long jump H. do the high jump36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . 短语配对。(_) 1. Big BenA白金汉宫(_) 2. a book about LondonB大本钟(_) 3. the capital of EnglandC在河边(_) 4. Buckingham PalaceD一本关于伦敦的书(_) 5. by the riverE英国的首都九、音标题找出下列各组画线部分的发音不同的选项。45 . AflowerBsnowCnowDdown46 . AbearBchairCpairDfear47 . AchildrenBschoolCcheapDpeach48 . AcloudBaboutCcountDyou49 . AclimbBbadCclubDsubway第 7 页 共 7 页


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