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合肥市2020年(春秋版)英语四年级下册专项训练:句子与情景交际A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 你想问朋友明天会不会去公园,应该这样问:( )ACan you go to the park?BWill you go to the park tomorrow?CWill you have a picnic in the park?2 . 客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝茶,你说:( )AA cup of coffee?BSome tea?CSome milk?3 . 你想表达“不,它们是青豆。”,应该说:( )ANo, they are green beans.BNo, they are carrots.4 . 你想知道陈杰的文具盒里有什么,你应该问:_ ( )AWhats in your schoolbag?BWhats in your pencil box?CWhats in your desk?5 . 你想告诉别人这个橡皮是你的,你说:_( )AIts my eraser.BIts my crayon.二、填空题6 . Read and fill with words(阅读填单词)-How _pens in your pencil case?-six.-What _ ?-Yellow.三、汉译英7 . 用英语表达下列时间1.5.45 _2. 8.30_3. 4:10 _4. 3:55_5. 5:15_6.12:00 _7.周二_8.午夜_四、句型转换8 . 句型转换。1. What time is it? (改为同义句) _2. Whats this? (改为复数句) _3. This is my toy car. (改为一般疑问句)_4. my, is, where, pencil case (?) (连词成句) _5. She is under the tree. (对划线部分提问)_五、选内容补全对话9 . 选词填空,完成短文。study, classroom, break, students, paintingsMy name is Linlin. Im in England now. There are only ten 1. _ in my class. We have a very beautiful 2. _ On the wall, there are lots of beautiful 3. _. We all 4. _hard. And we can have fun at 5. _ time.六、改错选出错误的一项并改正。10 . What many animals can you see? (_)_A B11 . There is a elephant. (_)_A B12 . Let me helpyour. (_)_A B13 . There is so many animals in the zoo! (_)_A B七、匹配题情景匹配AHeres a pie for you.BI have a big cake.CYes, I want to sleep.DThey are in the bag.ENo, I dont.FAt six thirty.GIts in the tree.H. Theres a nice bird.14 . What do you have?(_)15 . Im hungry.(_)16 . Whats in the tree?(_)17 . Where are the books?(_)18 . When do you get up?(_)19 . Wheres the kite?(_)20 . Do you have a toy panda?(_)21 . Are you tired?(_)22 . 从第二栏中找出与第一栏句子匹配的答句。(_) 1. What do you have for breakfast?AOK. I will go to bed early. (_) 2. Can I have some cola, Mum?BYou can take Bus No. 2.(_) 3. Does Gao Shan run fast?CIts for my sister, Tina.(_) 4. How can I get to your house?DI have some porridge.(_) 5. Did you see this film last Sunday?EIm drawing in the park.(_) 6. Whose that book for?FNo, he doesnt.(_) 7. How was the weather that day?GNo, I didnt.(_) 8. Dont drink too much cola. H. Sure, but dont drink too much.(_) 9. You shouldnt go to bed late. I. Im sorry. (_)10. What are you doing now? J. It was windy.八、看图题23 . A: Whats your mom going to do? ( )B: Shes going to cook dinner.AB九、连词成句24 . 连词成句:eat, a, day, for, hours, twelve, pandas (.)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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