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合肥市2020年四年级下册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They are shoes. ( )AJohnBJohnsCJohn is2 . Smoke from factories _ the air _. ( )Amake; dirtyBmakes; cleanCmakes; dirty3 . Can you say _(八月十日) in English? ( )AAugust tenBAugust tenthCAugust the tenth4 . Robin, do you want _ like a fish? ( )AswimmingBswimCto swim读一读,选出与图片相符的单词。5 . ( )AcarrotBapple6 . ( )AsheepBdog7 . ( )Agreen beansBonions8 . ( )AhorseBmonkey9 . ( )ApotatoesBtomatoes10 . ( )AhenBcow11 . Whatsthe classroom?( )AonBinCat二、情景交际12 . 如果你是医生,病人来看病时,你询问病人说:_ ( )AWhats the matter with you?BStay in bed for a few days?CWhy do you come here?13 . 当你想表达不喜欢吃葡萄,可以这样说:A、Sorry. I dont like grapes.B、Sorry. I dont like apples.C、Sorry. I like grapes.14 . 小明问你汤姆昨天干什么了,你回答:_( )AHe played football.BI played football.15 . 当你想知道这是什么时,你应该这样问:( )AWhats that?BWhats this?16 . 新学期班上来了两位新同学,我们应该说:( )AThank you.BWelcome.三、任务型阅读阅读理解。Today is Christmas Eve. Mike visits grandparents in the morning. At six oclock, they have a big dinner together. After dinner, Mikes grandpa gives him a big box. Its a beautiful box. Mike opens the box happily. There is a big robot in it. Thats Mikes Christmas present. Mikes grandma gives him a red box. Whats in the box? There are some storybooks about Monkey King. They are Mikes favourite. Mike likes reading stories very much. Mike goes home by bus at eight oclock. He will put a stocking on his bed and wait for the presents from Father Christmas.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。17 . Tomorrow is Christmas Day. (_)18 . Mike has a big dinner with his parents at six oclock. (_)19 . Mikes grandpa gives him some storybooks. (_)20 . Mikes hobby is reading stories. (_)21 . Mike will put a stocking on his bed and wait for presents. (_)四、判断题22 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:(_)Lets go to the station.五、匹配题23 . 给下列问句选择正确的答语。(_)1. Whats that in English?(_)2. Do you like apples?(_)3. What does your brother do?(_)4. Whats eight and nine?(_)5. Whats the time?AIts 7:25.BYes, I do.CIts seventeen.DIts a pineapple.EHe is a farmer第 4 页 共 4 页


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