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合肥市2019-2020学年英语一年级下册Module1单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Ihavethree_inmyhome.( )AkitchensBstudiesCbedrooms2 . Read and choose the wrong word:Look! Its a kite. (_)A B C3 . Tell _ about your school, please. ( )AweBourCus4 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AdoBwhyCwhat5 . Thereforty-five students in my class. ( )AareBisCbe6 . There_ a bookshop and two libraries on this street. ( )AareBamCis7 . that( )A这个B那个8 . What_ that? ( )_ a ping-pong ball.Ais; ItBis; ItsCare; Theyre9 . 为图片选择正确的英语句子。(_)1. A.Spring is warm.B.Summer is hot.(_)2. A.Summer is hot.B.Autumn is cool.(_)3.A.Winter is cold.B.Autumn is cool.(_)4. A.Spring is warm.B.Winter is cold.(_)5. A.Its hot.B.Its cold.选择出不同类的单词。10 . AhelpedBhappenedCwants11 . AaBanCthe12 . AinBoutCto13 . AsevenBagainCten14 . AfunBniceCbad15 . Theres _ Chinatown in New York. ( )AanBaC/16 . The weather is sohot.( )Hereis_foryou.AafanBanumbrella.Cachair17 . I like PE. Whats your favourite _?( )AcolourBclothesCsubject18 . ( ) The dog is on the book.AB19 . Look at the cats. ( )A看这只狗。B看这些猫。选出每组中不同类的一项。20 . AparkBcinemaClive21 . AbehindBwhatCwhere22 . AleftBturnCright23 . AdoorBupCdown24 . AtrainBbusCstraight二、情景交际25 . 你想告诉妈妈:你们学校没有一个饭堂,可以说: ( )AThere isnt a hall.BThere isnt a lunch room.CTheres a lunch room.26 . 你想让妈妈看看你的夹克,可以说:( )ALook at me!BLook at my skirt.CLook at my jacket.27 . 如果你是玲玲,跟别人介绍自己时,应该怎么说?( )AHi, Im Lingling.BHi, Lingling.三、填空题词形变化。28 . I(宾格)_29 . I(物主代词)_30 . hello(同义词)_31 . I (同音词) _32 . your (人称代词) _四、单词拼写33 . 将排列错乱的字母重新组合成单词并写出意思:rome _(_)34 . 根据图片与首字母写出单词:There are many w_to learn English. 35 . 根据首字母填空。1.My aunt is a street c_.2.Tom is a p_ and takes a lot of photos every day.3.In the past, she u_ a pen and paper to write books.4.I am c_ in the kitchen.5.In the past, people u_ paper to write letters.根据汉语意思补全单词。36 . m_key(猴子)37 . t_ger(老虎)38 . _oo(动物园)39 . h_ir(头发)40 . bl_e(蓝色)41 . eleph_t(大象)42 . bl_ck(黑色)43 . pand_(熊猫)44 . sh_p(轮船)45 . s_n(太阳)46 . (替换一个字母)写单词(答案不唯一):come_47 . 根据中文或首字母填空。1. There are three bears in f_ of goldilocks.2. We p_pretty things on the Christmas tree.3. Liu Tao usually v_his grandparents at weekends.4. Is there a _(图书馆) in your school?5. My father is a _(医生). He_(帮助) sick people.6. Helen is good at s_. She can sing well.7.I_(总是)have dinner with my grandparents at weekends.48 . 单词拼写。1.连衣裙_2.裤子_3.外套_4.衬衫_5.毛衣_6.牛仔裤_7.短裤_五、英译汉49 . 翻译。1. Whats the matter?_2. Lets see a doctor._3. My head hurts._50 . 翻译下列句子。1. What are you doing?_2. Im playing hide-and-seek with Lily._3. Where is he?_4. He is behind the tree._51 . 中英互译。1.这些用英语怎么说?_2.它们是马。_3.What are these in English?_4.Heres the farm, boys and girls! _六、汉译英52 . 写句子。1.好多花啊!_2.几点钟了,爸爸?_3.伦敦三点钟了。_4.看,巴黎是九点钟。_5.几点钟了,安娜?_53 . 写句子。1.这是谁的外套?(coat)_2.这是王华的外套。_3.这是谁的夹克衫?_4.这是苏珊的夹克衫。_5.这是苏珊的衬衫。_七、改错找出错误的一项并改正。54 . Whatis your school like five years ago.(_)_A B C D55 . Tellweaboutyour school, please.(_)_A B C D56 . At that time, therewasno gyms.(_)_A B C D57 . I was short, but I couldnt ride my bike well.(_)_A B C D58 . Didyouhavea interesting dream?(_)_A B C D找出错误并改正。59 . Theyaretalk totheir teacher. (_)_A B C D60 . Imhaveingfun. (_)_A B C61 . Pleasedontsittingdown. (_)_A B C D62 . The dogruntome. (_)_A B C D63 . Dannyis singing a songfromyour mother. (_)_A B C D64 . 改错:Hes ancleverpupil. (_)改为_A B C找出下列句子中的错误之处,并在横线上改正。65 . The sandwich aredelicious. (_)_A B C66 . Noteattoo much. (_)_A B C67 . Whats would you liketo eat? (_)_A B C68 . Whatsyou favourite food? (_)_A B C69 . Im thirsty. Id like some water to eat. (_)_A B C70 . 找出错误的一项并改正: She isnt work hardat Art.(_)_AB C第 10 页 共 10 页

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