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南昌市2020版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(六)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The first floor in the is called(被叫作) the in the UK. ( )AUS; ground floorBUS; first floorCUK; first floor2 . Where can we find Stonehenge? ( ) _.AIn ChinaBIn AustraliaCIn the USADIn the UK3 . The monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. ( )AshorterBlongerCsmaller4 . There_ a book .AareBisCwas5 . Look at those boots. How much _ they ? ( )AisBare6 . 选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词。5(1)A. sheep B.be C.bread D.read(2)A. doctor B.door C.hot D.orange(3)A. make B.cake C.play D.Sunday(4)A. three B.there C.thank D.fourth(5)A. is B.nice C.books D.yes7 . _you tired yesterday? ( )ADidBWereCDo8 . Look at the sign. You_ on the grass. ( )AmayBshouldntCshould9 . 找出下列单词划线部分发音不同的一项。( )(1)A. hobby B. box C. photo( )(2)A. stamp B. make C. map( )(3) A. great B. teaC. sea( )(4) A. game B. baby C.about( )(5)A.sister B. B. like C.interesting10 . There _ an English film tomorrow evening. ( )Awill haveBwill hasCis going to haveDis going to be11 . 选出发音不同类的单词: ( )AcupBjuiceCcake12 . Were going to research wild animals _ China. ( )AinBto13 . Dont _ sad, Liu Tao. You can try again.( )AareBbeCis14 . What are those? I _ know.Aam notBisntCnotDdont15 . He_ TV at home last Sunday. ( )AwatchesBis watchingCwatchedDwatch16 . I won the swimming race. Im _.( )AsadBproudCangryDscared二、阅读选择阅读理解。Miss White: Today is Thursday, 14th July. Tomorrow is the start of the school holiday, children. Where are you going on holiday, Xiaoling?Xlaoling: Im going to America, Miss White.Miss White: Thats fantastic, Xiaoling. How are you going to get there?Xiao ling: By plane, of course.Miss White: Where are you going on holiday, Yongxian?Yongxian: Im going to Hong Kong tomorrow.Miss White: Thats super, Yongxian. How are you going to get there?Yongxian: Im going by train.Miss White: Im going to Hong Kong tomorrow too. What time is your train going to leave for Hong Kong?Yongxian: At half past seven in the morning. What about yours?Miss White: At a quarter to ten. Where are you going on holiday, Wang Lili?Wang Lili: Im going to Xiamen tomorrow.Miss White: Thats good. How are you going to get there?Wang Lili: Im going by ship.Miss White: When will you get there?Wang Lili: At about four oclock the next afternoon.Miss White: Where are you going on holiday, Jiamin?Jiamin: Im going to stay with my grandmother.Miss White: Thats nice, Jiamin. How are you going to get there?Jiamin: Im going on foot. She lives near my home.17 . What time will Yongxians train leave for Hong Kong? ( )AAt half past 10.BAt a quarter to 10.CAt half past 7.DAt a quarter past 10.18 . Who else goes to Hong Kong? ( )AXiaolingBWang Lili.CJiamin.DMiss White.19 . Who goes on holiday by ship? ( )AYongxian.BJiamin.CWang Lili.DWe dont know.20 . When will Wang Lili get to Xiamen? ( )AOn Friday.BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.DWe dont know.21 . Where will Jiamin live in the holiday? ( )AIn America.BIn Hong Kong.CAt his grandmas.DWe dont know.三、完形填空22 . 完型填空。1 afternoon, my uncle and aunt come to my family. Their 2 comes here with them, too. Maria is my young sister. We are good 3 .My 4 are not at 5 . They go to 6 a doctor. So I phone them to 7 back quickly(快点). My uncle and aunt 8 me a new hat. Its 9 is blue. I 10 it very much.( )1.A. Today B. This C. That D. Its( )2.A. daughter B. son C. children D. cat( )3.A. friend B. sister C. friends D. classmates( )4.A. father B. mother C. teacher D. parents( )5.A. family B. home C. school D. time( )6.A. look for B. find C. see D. look( )7.A. go B. come C. look D. take( )8.A. bring B. take C. carry D. fetch(拿)( )9.A. name B. color C. like D. face( )10.A. look B. look like C. am like D. like四、情景交际23 . 早上遇见老师,你应对他说:_( )AHappy birthday!BGood morning!五、填空题24 . Read and write.读句子,选择单词的正确形式填空。【小题1】There are many _ (bus, buses) on the street.【小题2】My little brother is 5 years old. We all like _ (her, him).【小题3】Look, this is Tom. He is _ (plays, playing) ping-pong with his friend.【小题4】Today is my mothers birthday. I _ (buy, bought) a gift for my mother yesterday.六、排序题25 . 把下列一段对话按顺序排列(_) Here you are.(_) Yes, please. Its Delicious.(_) Pass me the corn, please.(_) Im happy you like it.(_) Would you like some soup?(_) Thanks.26 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) This robot is for you. ( 2 ) Thank you, Tom. (_) Make a wish, Jack! (_) Happy Birthday, Jack! (_) I want a robot. (_) How lovely! Thank you.七、阅读回答问题阅读理解。Im Linda. Im a pupil of Experimental Primary School. Im in Class 2, Grade 4. There are fifty pupils in our class. Twenty-six are boys and twenty-four are girls. Jackson is our English teacher and Miss Lin is our Chinese teacher. Theyre reading books in their office now. Mr Tong is our Maths(数学)teacher. He is playing the recorder in the music room. Theyre very kind(和蔼的). We love them.27 . How many boys are there in Lindas class?_ are _28 . Who is her Maths teacher?_is her Maths teacher.29 . Is Linda in Grade 2?_, she _30 . What can Mr Tong do? He can _ the _31 . Where are Miss Lin and Jackson?_ are _ their _八、选内容补全对话32 . 完成对话。新学期开始了,Amy换了一间新教室,她非常喜欢他的新教室。她正在和她的同学Lily谈论新教室。Amy: Hi. Lily!(1) _Lily: Great! Whats in the classroom?Amy: Lets go and see! A blackboard, a computer, many desks and chairsAnd my picture is on the wall.Lily: (2) _Amy: Its near the window.Lily: Wow! How nice!Amy: Thank you. I like this classroom very much.根据情景选择正确的句子完成对话。ALets clean the classroom.BWe have a new classroom.CWhat colour are the windows?DWhere is it?九、匹配题33 . 句子与图片配对,把句子的代号填在图片下的括号里。A. This is my friend. Hes from the USA.AThis is my English teacher.AIt has big eyes.BWe like strawberries.CHow many bananas do you see? Fifteen.1.(_) 2.(_) 3.(_) 4.(_) 5.(_)十、连线题34 . 连线搭配1. get upA9:00 p.m.2. have breakfastB12:003. go to schoolC6:30 a.m.4. have lunchD4:30 p.m.5. go homeE. 6:45 a.m.6. go to bed F. 7:15 a.m.十一、书面表达35 . 书面表达。请你以“My Last Holidays”为题写一篇短文。不少于50个单词。要求:语句通顺,语法正确。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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