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南昌市2019版六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(三)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 找出不同类的单词:( )AJohnBpianoCMike2 . The children are _ their plans _ the National Day holiday. ( )Atelling about; ofBtalk about; forCtalking about; for3 . The lion cried_.“_can I get out?”( )Asadly; whatBsadly; HowCsad; How4 . Does your father teach English?ANo,he dont.BYes,he does.CNo,he does nt.5 . Id like rice and sandwich_ lunch today. ( )AforBatCon6 . Im _. I want to eat rice. ( )AhappyBhungryChot7 . Look at me. This is my_.( )AarmBlegCfoot8 . I dont like _. Because its too hot. ( )AJulyBDecemberCFebruary9 . I_ an apple, but Jing _a banana. ( )Ahave, haveBhas, haveChave, has10 . What_ do you have on Monday morning? ( ) Art and Chinese.AsubjectsBlessonsClesson11 . School is _ here. ( )AfunnyBfunCfuny12 . 选出下列单词中不属于同类的一项( )AfriendBfriendlyCsister13 . I like the white bird. ( )AB二、阅读选择14 . 阅读理解。Many people like to make a good impression(印象)on other people. This is true when they go to a meeting or when they go out with their friends. Dressing well is one of the ways of making a good impression. Different countries have different ideas of dressing well. In the United States, people think it means dressing simply and suitably. For example, ball-dresses are not suitable(合适的)for school or for work. Dressing with too many colors is not good taste. Simple clothes are easy to find and they can be bought cheaply, too. They are always in good taste. Simple and suitable clothing is worth having for children too. A little girl does not feel comfortable when she is wearing party dress and all the other girls in school wearing plain sweaters and skirts. A little boy is not happy when he is the only one in his class without a tie. Feeling “different” is never very comfortable for children. When you live in the United States, you will be happier if you learn to dress simply and suitably. 1. Most people like to make a good impression on others by _.A. attending all kinds of meetingsB. going out with their friendsC. wearing simple and cheap clothesD. dressing themselves well2. The passage tells us that an American school girl often wears _.A. light clothing in summerB. a sweater and a skirtC. a suit with a tieD. an expensive party dress三、填空题选择合适的单词补全句子。morning are Bye-bye Im fine15 . Hello, _ Sam.16 . How _ you?17 . Im _, thank you.18 . Good _, Amy.19 . _, Sam.四、任务型阅读阅读短文并判断正()误()。Im happy today. In the morning, we do all kinds of things in English in our English lesson. We do “listen and do” and “play and act”. We all like English games very much. We read Chinese stories in the Chinese lesson. I like music best. We have one music lesson in the morning too. We often sing and dance. We have our science lesson in the science lab. In the afternoon we have PE and art. We play ball games in the PE lesson. I like painting in the art lesson. After class we go to music clubs and art clubs I like my school. I like my teachers and classmates. We have a lot of fun at school.What do you do at school?20 . We play games, listen and do, play and act, sing and dance in our English lessonA(_)21 . We borrow books and read books in the Chinese lessonA(_)22 . We also have an art lesson in the morningA(_)23 . I play ball games in the PE lesson in the afternoonA(_)24 . We have six lessons todayA(_)25 . The writer is a teacherA(_)五、看图题26 . ( )Awatch TVBplay football六、书面表达27 . 小练笔。你的英国笔友Jim写信来说,想要了解一下你最好的朋友Nick每天的生活与起居情况。请你根据表格所给的信息,用英语给Jim写封回信吧。ActivitiesTimeget up6:00breakfast(eggs, bread)6:30go to school7:00lunch (meat, vegetables)12:00go home4:00have dinner(chicken, fish)7:30要求:1. 语言准确流畅,符合逻辑;2. 书写规范,字迹工整;3. 词数40左右,可适当发挥,开头结尾已经给出。Dear Jim,Glad to hear from you. Ill tell you something about my best friend, Nick._Do you have a happy day, too?Write soon.Yours,Daming第 6 页 共 6 页


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