南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 11 Water 练习卷A卷

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南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 11 Water 练习卷A卷_第1页
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南宁市2020年(春秋版)英语五年级上册 Module 4 Unit 11 Water 练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Fairman use water to .Aput on firesBput out firesCput fires2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AwellBhangCeat3 . Im _ the hospital, but I cant _ it. ( )Afinding; findBlooking for; findCfinding; look for4 . does water come from? ( )It comes from the sea. AWhatBWhereCWhen5 . Wherewater come from? ( )AdoBdoesCis6 . ( )Hes _ a book.AreadBreadsCreading7 . Peoplewindmake electricity. ( )Agive, toBtake, toCuse,to8 . My grandma is ill. I need to her today. ( )Alook afterBlook forClook aroundDlook at9 . He didnt look sick _ more.( ) AanyBsomeCmany二、阅读选择阅读短文选择正确的答案。Where does rain come from? Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does water get into the sky?Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam(蒸汽)goes up from the hot water. The steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.The world is like your bathroom. The sun shines on the ocean. The water in the ocean becomes warm. Some of the water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds for hundreds of kilometers(千米). Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain.The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into the ocean. And the water from the ocean makes clouds and more rain. So water is always moving from the ocean to clouds, then to rivers and again to the ocean.10 . Raincomes from clouds. ( )AalwaysBsometimesCnever11 . Hot water makesin the bathroom. ( )ArainBsteamCdrops12 . Clouds. ( )Amove with the windBcome from cold waterCdo not travel a long way三、填空题13 . 选词填空。AtakeBopenCwithDroomsEholiday1. We are going to visit the Great Wall this summer _.2. Kate is going to America _ her parents.3. We can _ the train around the zoo.4. I hear there are 9999 _ inside the Forbidden City.5. The Singapore Zoo is in the _ air.四、判断题14 . 判断每组中画线部分读音是()否()相同。( ) 1. A. world B. horse( ) 2. A. for B. homework( ) 3. A. potato B. cold( ) 4. A. work B. forty( ) 5. A. born B. fork五、选内容补全对话看图,圈出恰当的单词不全短文。Hello, Im Wang Jun. Im from China. Im a 15 . (girl / boy). Im a 16 . (pupil / teacher). This is my family. Look at the man. 17 . (He / She) is my father. Look at the 18 . (man / woman). Shes my mother. We are happy. I love my family.六、连词成句19 . 连词成句。1. there, many, children, how, are (?)_2. time, is, what, it (?)_3. old, is, how, Kate (?)_4. blue, my, dress, is (.)_5. about, you, how (?)_七、书面表达20 . 书面表达。水是生命之源,水非常重要,跟我们的生活息息相关。请以水的用途为话题,写一篇作文,不少于五句话。_第 4 页 共 4 页

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