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南宁市2019版五年级下册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Look! A storybook _ a Chinese book! ( )AonBandCto2 . The children are talking _ their plans _ the summer holiday. ( )Ato; withBabout; withCabout; for选出不是同类的单词。3 . ApenBcatCbook4 . AbagBdogCbird5 . ApencilBHelloCHi6 . ApencilBrulerCmouth7 . AeyeBearCbook8 . AfaceBbagCpencil9 . AduckBpigChand10 . AmouthBfaceCrabbit11 . AkneeBfootCbear12 . AmarkerBsharpenerCbird13 . Where _ the music room? ( )AamBareCis14 . _ comes before September. ( )AAugustBOctoberCThursday15 . _arethestamps?( )Twentydollars.AHowmuchBHowmanyCHowDWhat16 . Im going to wash my car. ( )Aevery dayBnext weekCevery Sunday17 . Whats in the room? ( ) There arein it.Asome hatsBa hatCthe hats18 . In China, spring comes _ March, April and May. ( )AatBonCin19 . Look and choose: ( )AeraserBpenCball选出不同类的一项并改正。20 . AfootballBsportCbasketball21 . AChineseBboyCgirl22 . AschoolBmessageChome23 . AbookBhappyCnaughty24 . AtaughtBhelpedCcome二、填空题25 . 填空题1.My grandma met me_.2.Five years ago, she_ on a fire. Now, she_ with electricity(电).3.Five years ago, he_ in a small house. Now, he_ in a big house.4.Five years ago, he_ to school. Now, he_ to school by_.三、单词拼写26 . 根据情景写短语。Tom是个好学生,每天六点就 (起床) (1) _。(按时) (2) _ 校不 (迟到) (3) _ 放学之后 (做作业) (4) _ 九点之前 (上床睡觉) (5) _,早睡早起身体好。四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Mike, Amy, Jim, Kate and Sam are my friends. They want to get their dream jobs in the future. Look at the photos. The boy with glasses is Mike. He wants to be a doctor like his father. The girl in a blouse is Amy. She wants to be a reporter like her aunt. The boy in a yellow T-shirt is Jim. He wants to be a factory worker like his father. This girl is Kate. She has big eyes and short hair. She has a big smile. She is kind. She wants to be a nurse like her mother. Sam is the boy with a football. He wants to be a PE teacher like his uncle.27 . Mike is with a hat. He wants to be a builder. (_)28 . Amy wants to be a farmer like her mother. (_)29 . Jim is in a yellow T shirt. He wants to be a factory worker. (_)30 . Kate has big eyes and a big smile. She wants to be a nurse. (_)31 . Sam wants to be a football player like his brother. (_)五、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What did you do?B. Yes, I cleaned my room and watched TV.C. It was good.D. Yes, Im OK now.E. No, I had a cold.Mike: How was your weekend?Peter: 32 . Mike: 33 . Peter: I played football with my father.Mike: Did you do anything else?Peter: 34 . Did you have a good weekend?Mike: 35 . And I slept at home.Peter: Im sorry to hear that. Are you OK now?Mike: 36 . Thank you.六、匹配题37 . 根据课文内容,选出正确的应答句。ABecause its going to rain.BBecause she is going to the theatre.CBecause its going to be hot.DBecause hes going to play basketball.1. Why is Amy wearing a dress?(_)2. Why is Lingling wearing a hat?(_)3. Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt?(_)4. Why is Tom wearing a raincoat?(_)七、书面表达38 . 书面表达。要求:介绍朋友。单词不少于40个。我的朋友叫Tim,他今年10岁,他长着大大的眼睛,大大的耳朵,他喜欢红色,他最爱的水果是香蕉。第 6 页 共 6 页


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