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南京市2019-2020学年六年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . ( )Granny Li often _ the children stories.AspeaksBtalks Ctells Dsays2 . Do you want _ football with me tomorrow?( )AplayingBto playCplay3 . _ ( )Its a lion.AWhats this?BHow are you?CWhat color is it?4 . I have_ comic books. ( )Alot ofBlots ofCa lots of5 . _ did he go? ( )AWheresBWhatCWhere二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Good morning. This is the weather report. Its rainy and cool in Shanghai today. In Beijing, its cloudy and warm. And in Harbin, its snowy and cold. Its sunny and hot in Hong Kong.6 . The weather report is in the. ( )AmorningBafternoonCevening7 . In Shanghai, its. ( )Arainy and coolBsunny and hotCrainy and cold8 . Itsin Beijing. ( )Acloudy and coolBcloudy and coldCcloudy and warm9 . In Harbin, its. ( )Arainy and coldBsnowy and coolCsnowy and cold10 . Its in Hong Kong. ( )Asunny and warmBsunny and hotCrainy and cool三、填空题11 . Fill with the proper forms. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There are four English_(lesson) in aweek.2.We_ (should) make noise in the library.3.Yang Ming_(go) to see his grandparents yesterday.4.Lisa often_(take) the No.2 bus to go to school.5.Listen! The children of class_(talk) about the famous places in Tianjin.四、句型转换按要求写句子。12 . I want to be a goalkeeper in the future.(就划线部分提问)_13 . You can play football well.(改为一般疑问句)_14 . I think I can do it better.(改为否定句)_15 . you, very, are, at, jump, really, can, you, basketball, good, high, because(.)(连词成句)_16 . You can do that well.(英译汉)_五、看图题17 . 看图,写单词或短语:_六、连词成句18 . 连词成句:my , love , mother , I (.)_七、连线题19 . 连线。1. Whats this?a. Its the desk. Its very old.2. Is that your house?b. Its Buckingham Palace.3. Whose house is it?c. No, it isnt.4. Its very old. What is it? d. Yes, very big!5. London is a big city. e. Its the Queens house.第 3 页 共 3 页

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