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兰州市2020版六年级下册小升初冲刺名校模拟英语试卷(五)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Li Wei likes _ at school. ( )AworkingBworkedCworks2 . My brother points that old man. ( )AinBatCforDon3 . The Panda Base is in . ( )ABeijingBGuangzhouCSichuan4 . They _ goodbye to their primary school soon. ( )Aare going to sayBsaysCsaid5 . - _ did you finish your piano lessons ?( )- Last week.AWhereBWhatCWhen6 . -Are you? ( )-Yes, I am.ApolicemanBa policemanCpolicemen7 . How _ is your little brother? ( ) Only two.AmuchBoldCmany8 . Dad will _ angry with me.AisBareCbe9 . Who _ this storybook to you? ( )AgaveBgiveCgiving10 . We also call the Spring Festival _. ( )AChinese New YearBNew YearCChinese Festival二、阅读选择Read and choose (阅读并选择正确答案)Its summer. The sky is blue. Its very hot. At the beach, there are many people. Some are sitting on the beach, some are walking, some are swimming in the sea, some are surfing(冲浪). Look! Two boys are playing ball games. A little girl is collecting shells. Her mother is looking at her under an umbrella. Her father is sailing a boat. Far from the beach, we can see four dolphins(海豚) swimming out of water. Also, we can see many birds flying above the sea. Have you ever been to the beach?11 . It is _. ( )AsunnyBcloudyCsnowy12 . _is collecting shells. ( )AA boyBA little girlCFather13 . We cant _at the beach. ( )AsurfBsail a boatCride a bicycle14 . There are _dolphins out of water. ( )AoneBfourCmany15 . We can _at the beach. ( )AswimBsurfCboth A and B三、完形填空完形填空。My aunt was _, so she went to the hospital. _ a doctor there. He didnt know her. So he asked, how old are you? My aunt answered, Let me _. She thought for a while(一会儿):“Oh, I _ 25 ten years _.”16 . AwellBfineCill17 . AThere isBThere wasCThere were18 . AthinkBlookClisten19 . AisBwasCam20 . AbehindBafterCago四、填空题21 . 完成句子。1. Whats sixty plus _ (30)? Its ninety.2. The river is very wide. And its _ (很长).3. What are you going to do? Im going to _ (去游泳).4. This weekend, well _ (摘水果).5. There are fourteen _ (桃子) on these trees!给方框中的单词或短语分类,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。Anext toBmonkeyCbetweenDgreyEclockFdogGpinkH. sofaI. besideJ. chair22 . 介词(短语):_23 . 动物:_24 . 颜色:_25 . 物品:_五、句型转换26 . 句型转换。1. She should drink some water.(改为一般疑问句)_ she drink _ water?2. Tom often goes to school on foot.(改为同义句)Tom often _ school.3. The cinema is next to City Park.(对划线部分提问)_ the cinema?4. She does housework with her mother.(改为否定句)She _ housework with her mother.5. You can get to the park by bus._can _get to the park? (对划线部分提问)六、选内容补全对话27 . 选择合适的选项补全对话。AThis way, please.BDo you have an art room?CWelcome to our school!DDo you have a library?EHow many students are there in your class?Mike: 1._ This is the teachers office. That is my classroom.Visitor A: 2. _Mike: Thirty-nine. Visitor B: 3. _Mike: Yes. Visitor A: 4. _Mike: Yes. The art room is on the first floor. 5. _七、匹配题读一读,选择正确答句。A. Im160 cm tall.B. I feel sick.C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.D. Yes, she does.E. I visited my grandparents.F. Its Wednesday.G. I went to a park with my friends.28 . Does she teach math? ( )29 . How tall are you? ( )30 . How do you feel? ( )31 . What did you do last weekend? ( )32 . How did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday? ( )33 . What day is it today? ( )34 . Where did you go yesterday? ( )第 6 页 共 6 页

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