兰州市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 1 单元测试卷A卷

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兰州市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 1 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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兰州市2020年(春秋版)英语六年级下册Unit 1 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The boys are playing football _. ( )AexciteBexcitedCexcitedly2 . Tom _ a film yesterday evening. ( )AseeBsawCsees3 . The boy has a new toy. He is very _. ( )AhappyBhappierChappily4 . The pandas are _ trees. ( )AclimbBclimbsCclimbing5 . That _ my friend. ( )AamBisCare6 . The mouse made a big hole _the net _his teeth. ( )Ain; withBon; withCin; and7 . She comes the doctor. ( )AseeBseesCto see8 . _beautiful weather! ( )AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow9 . What _ you _ in the museum? ( )I _ some insects.Adid; see; seeBdid; see; sawCdo; see; saw10 . there a book on the sofa?( )AIsBAre11 . We _ eat in the classroom. ( )AmustntBmustCcan12 . The animals_ a concert last week. ( )AhasBhaveChad选出不同类的单词。13 . ApilotBbusinessmanCjob14 . AswimmingBteacherCworker15 . AsingerBsingingCdancing16 . AcoachBtaxi driverCsing17 . AsometimesBwhereCoften18 . John _ an English book in the store this afternoon. ( )Agoes to buyBbuysCis going to buy19 . My mother _ yesterday morning. ( )Awoke up meBwake me upCwoke me up20 . She goes to school _ in the morning. ( )AlatelyBearlyCfastDquickly21 . With the help of the policeman, the lost woman wenta cold rainy day. ( )Ahome onBto home onCto home inDhome in22 . She is _ the holiday. ( )Aget ready forBgetting ready forCgetting ready to23 . The lion laughed _. ( )AhappyBsadCquickDloudly24 . I swim_, but she swims_. ( )Agood; badlyBgood; wellCbadly; well25 . The mother kangaroo has a _ bag for her baby. ( )AnewBspecialCred26 . ( )May I open the window?_.AYes,it isBNo,it isC Yes,I am D Of course27 . Where are your glasses? ( )I cant find them. They _ here just now.AareBwasCwere二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。28 . Does your sister dance_ (good), Tom?29 . Mike can_ (ride) the bike in the park.30 . The sign_ (mean) you must_ (stop) here.31 . The drivers must_ (look) at the traffic lights.32 . We must cross the road_ (safe).33 . Look, the children_ (cross) the road with their teachers.根据句意选择正确的单词。34 . How_(do)he_(spend)his weekends?He often_(watch)cartoons.35 . There_ (be) some water in the glass and there _(be) a lot of apples on the table.36 . What _(be) David_ (do)?He is _(sleep) in the room now.37 . I like_ (play) football. He_ (like)_ (watch)TV.38 . Where_ (be) the camera?It _(be) on the desk a moment ago. Now it _(be) in the bag.39 . 从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。A young man_1_ himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his _2_ back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to_3_ home, he decided that he could easily spend the time _4_ food. So he bought a ticket and_5_ the ship. The man_6_ his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner_7_ came, he didnt go to the dining room,_8_ that he was not feeling well. The next morning he still didnt have breakfast and at lunch time he again_9_ in his room. But at dinner time he was so hungry that he went to the dining room and_10_ everything the waiter put in front of him. “Bring me the bill,” he said.“The bill, sir?”said the waiter in surprise.“There isnt any bill. On our ship meals are included in the money for the ticket.”( )A. reached B. reach C.found D.found out( )A. map B.road C.journey D.plane( )A.arrivedB.reached C. takeD.get( )A.on B.with C.withoutD.near( )A. got on B.got off C.runs toD.put on( )A.closed B.openedC.stoppedD.kept( )A.tableB.timeC.partyD.dish( )A.says B.said C.say D.saying( )A.stayedB.kept C.walkedD.shouted( )A. found B.took C.ate D.looked40 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Please _(not) eat me. 2.Nancy sits _(quiet) under the tree. 3.There _(be) a lion in the forest long long ago. 4.Who _(wake) the loin up yesterday? 5.Two _(man) _(catch) the lion with a large net two days ago.41 . 将下列单词分类。cat different actor easy panda teacher dragon run heavy jump dancer walk1. dog:_2. watch:_3. nurse:_4. long:_42 . 用单词的适当形式填空。1. He often _(have) dinner at home.2.The boy _(draw) a picture now.3. What _ they often _(do) on Saturday?4. There _(be) some water in the bottle.5. Liu Tao _(do) not like PE.用所给单词的适当形式填空。43 . Did your mother_ (wake) you up this morning?44 . Is Miss Li in the teachers office? No. She_ (take) photos in the garden.45 . Su Hai wants_ (is) a teacher.46 . Would you like_ (some) orange juice?47 . Liu Tao_ (play) football tomorrow.48 . The mouse_ (bite) the net and the lion got out.49 . My father is reading newspapers_ (quiet) in the study.50 . Lets_ (go) _ (shop) tomorrow.用所给单词的适当形式填空。51 . My aunt is a _ (write). She always _ (write) stories at home last year.52 . Joe read a magazine and _ (tell) _ (we) about it. (根据read先判断时态).53 . Her sister _ (shout) loudly now.54 . _ (who) gloves _ (be) _ (this)?55 . Wang Bing sat _ (quiet) just now.56 . Mike likes _ (help) people.57 . _ (do) you draw a boat last night?58 . Look! Liu Tao _ (can) play basketball very well.59 . Please turn to page _ (12) and look at the _ (3) picture in this unit.60 . They _ (go) to the Summer Palace next National Day holiday.根据课文内容选择正确答案。friends lion mouse61 . A _walked by and woke the lion up.62 . Two men caught the _ with a big net.63 . The mouse helped the lion and they became_.64 . 选择适当的词填空。reach pourinto. angry get out afraid of1、The little boy cant _of the room.2、You shouldnt _the dirty water _the water.3、The tiger was very_and wanted to eat the rabbit.4、The pear is too high. I cant _it.5、A mouse is always _a cat.65 . The dog is _ (jump) up and down now.三、汉译英根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。66 . Dont _ (大声笑). My mother is sleeping.67 . _ (从那时起), we became good friends.68 . The lion lives _ (在森林里).69 . Look, the boy _ the water _ the bottle.(把倒入).70 . The mouse _ (路过) and woke the lion up.71 . The boys _ (高兴地喊)now.72 . _ (第二天), I saw my cousin.73 . There is a hole _ (在地面上).汉译英。74 . 出来_75 . 伤心地问道_76 . 就在那个时候_77 . 在网里弄了个大洞_78 . 开心地说_79 . 从那时起_完成下列词组。80 . _把垃圾放到垃圾箱里81 . _植树82 . _放学后83 . _又干净又漂亮84 . _扔香蕉皮85 . _在地面上86 . _把它捡起87 . _使街道变乱88 . _太迟89 . _去医院四、句型转换句型转换。90 . Tom brought some honey happily. 否定句: Tom_honey happily. 一般疑问句: _ Tom _ honey happily?提问: _ brought some honey happily?91 . My cousin is going to spell the words. 否定句: My cousin_ going to spell the words. 一般疑问句: _cousin going to spell the words?提问: _ cousin is going to _?92 . Jack saw the giraffe last Sunday. 否定句: Jack_ the giraffe last Sunday. 一般疑问句: _ Jack_ the giraffe last Sunday?提问: _Jack _ the giraffe?93 . There were many beautiful flowers in the forest. 否定句: There _many beautiful flowers in the forest. 一般疑问句: _ many beautiful flowers in the forest?提问: _ in the forest?94 . Did Mr. Green wash the dishes last evening? 用in the evenings替换_?按要求改写句子。95 . She is good at playing the piano.(同义句转换)She _ playing the piano.96 . My father gave me a present yesterday.(同义句转换)My father gave a present _ yesterday.97 . Miss Li took him to the office.(改为否定句)Miss Li _ him to the office.98 . Sam brought some water quickly just now.(改为一般疑问句)_ Sam _ water quickly just now?99 . My mother saw a little mouse in the kitchen in the morning.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother _ in the kitchen in the morning?五、填内容补全对话100 . 看图并根据上下文提示补全下列对话,在每个空格处填写一个适当的单词。It is Saturday afternoon. David meets Li Hua in the street.David: Hi, Li Hua! Where are you going?Li Hua: Im going to the 1._.I want to look for some old pictures. After that Im going to buy some presents with Mike.David: Birthday presents?Li Hua: 2._.Mike will go back to the 3._soon.David: Really? How 4._will he stay there?Li Hua: He will stay there 5._ a month. He needs some presents for his grandparents.David: I see. 6._ are you going to buy the presents?Li Hua: At the shopping 7._near our school. Would you like to go with us?David: Sorry, I cant. Im going to 8._a new 9._ with my dad and cousin.Li Hua: Thats good. Have a nice day!David: Thank you. Goodbye.Li Hua: Bye-bye. 补全对话(每空一词)。A: 101 . did you go for the holidays, Lingling?B: I 102 . to Xinjiang.A: Did you go 103 . your parents?B: Yes, I 104 . .A: When 105 . you go there?B: We went there 106 . July.A: What did you 107 . there?B: We 108 . horses and 109 . the Tianshan Mountains.AOh, that sounds great.B: Yes, we had a lovely 110 . there.第 11 页 共 11 页

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