英语:Unit8 Advertising教案(上海新世纪版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit8 Advertising一单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一) 单元地位(Unit Position)1. 本课介绍了广告的影响,成功的广告所必备的要素;并通过给出成功和失败广告的实例来说明文化背景知识对广告设计的重要性。2. 针对本课主题“广告”教师可通过设计一系列的活动。让学生了解并熟悉设计广告的一些必备的要素。然后根据这些要素,学会设计一些简单的广告。并在此过程中学习如何通过组织论据来支持自己的论点的写作方法。3. 本课中涉及的语法项目主要是学习过去分词在系动词后面作表语及过去分词用于一些特定的动词之后充当宾语补足语的用法。教师可通过复习不定式,现在分词作表语及宾语补足语的用法来引入过去分词的同类用法。并通过比较、归纳不定式、现在分词及过去分词作表语及宾补的用法,使学生对非谓语动词在上述语法项目中的使用有较完整的认识,从而加强学生的学习效果。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1. 掌握过去分词作表语及宾语补足语的用法,并复习不定式及现在分词作表语及宾语补足语的用法,并能在真实的语境中熟练地应用这一语法结构。2. 了解广告的相关知识,能归纳总结成功的广告所必备的要素。3. 能谈论自己喜欢或不喜欢的广告并说明原因。4. 能自己做一些简单的广告设计。(三)单元重点1. 关键词u 语言知识类:by means of , recognize , to an extent , first of all , identify , in question , meet the needs of , takeinto account , fall , ill, intend , make use of , back up , quote , addto , Reach the expected goal, potential, be related to, cater to, be highly culture-conscious, carry out, spoil.u 交际功能类1) 广告类型:TV/radio advertising, TV/radio commercials, newspaper/magazine advertising, mail advertising, billboard advertising, bills and posters, Internet advertising, neon sign, show window advertising, Sandwich board. 2)一些著名商品名称:Kodak, Nike, Adidas, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, KFC, NOKIA, Sprite, Samsung, Motorola, Pepsi, Nescafe, Motorola, Toshiba, IBM, Intel, Panasonic, Lenovo, Philips, Toyota, Maxwell coffee 3) 广告中所用的修辞方法:simile(明喻), metaphor(暗喻), personification(拟人), pun(双关), hyperbole(夸张), parallelism排比), rhetorical question (反问),irony(反语), rhyme(押韵) 2功能: To learn how to recommend sth to a customer and to learn how to persuade someone to buy sth.l Theyre very good for the price.l How do you like this pattern? l It wears well and keeps its shape.l Its the latest and its very popular.l Its very durable.l Im sure you will find this one very satisfactory.l Come on. Take it!l I think its well worth the money.l Go for it!l If I were you, I would certainly take it.l You wont be disappointed.l I can assure you of its qualify. 2. 语法点:本课语法教学重点是学过去分词作表语及宾语补足语的用法。教师可通过复习 不定式现在分词作表语及宾语补足语的用法来引入过去分词的同类用法。二. 教学设计 ( Teaching designs )教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Reading在本课导入时, 教师可利用Picture Talk对所给广告图片加以描述,并让学生选择自己喜欢或不喜欢的广告并说明原因.对于课文的阅读, 教师可利用“Jigsaw”的教学手段,结合头脑风暴及小组活动, 通过任务型教学方式,来帮助学生完成对课文从局部到整体的理解。链接1 1。Picture Talk的图片及交际用语 2Jigsaw reading 操作建议 课本 Highlights 课本 Text Listening教材听力部分,可让学生了解广告对人们生活的影响。同时可以帮助学生更加客观地认识广告。课本 Listening PracticeSpeaking以“广告”为主题设计口语活动。活动一:情景对话:请学生以二人一组,一名学生扮演推销人员,另一名学生扮演顾客。编写对话并表演。活动二:小组活动:利用网络资源搜集各种成功广告商品名称及其耳熟能详的广告标语(Slogan),先在课上交流,然后制成网页挂于班级网站中。活动三:采访任务:以 “广告对你生活的影响”为主题,课上组织采访活动. 采访结果先在小组内交流, 然后由小组推选代表在班内交流.链接2 1.一些著名品牌的广告标语 2.采访活动的操作步骤课本Speaking PracticeWriting写作任务:以“你对广告的看法”为主题,写一篇作文。 在写作之前, 教师先让学生写出主要观点, 然后逐条列出能够支持自己论点的论据. 先写出提纲,再组织成文. 在这一活动中,学生学习议论文写作的基本技巧.课本 writingStructure本课语法教学内容为过去分词作表语及宾补的用法。教师可用“体验式学习模式”,让学生在朗读句子的过程中体会其规律,然后在对话中操练句型,最后做巩固性练习。链接3过去分词作表语及宾补操练的教学建议课本 structure Additional Reading 本文出现的重要词汇及短语:lose weight, feature, contact, lived-in, shut off, by mistake, set up, remote, air-conditioned, unequalled, range from, up to 本篇文章为三则广告, 通过阅读学生可以了解广告的一些特点,为学生的广告设计提供了参考文本. 学生可以此为参照设计自己的广告.链接4 广告制作活动的操作建议课本 Additional Reading 链接1说明:在课文引入时,让学生开展“Picture Talk”活动作为热身练习;唤起学生对本课主题的兴趣。在阅读教学的初始阶段,采用“Jigsaw Reading”的方法。将篇章阅读分解为段落阅读,同时结合任务型教学模式,在每一段落的阅读处理中都采用个人或小组等不同的活动模式,来完成不同类型的任务。从而避免整篇文章阅读学习的单调、乏味,能够提高学生的阅读兴趣。并且教师在不同的活动中,可以有针对性地教授一些阅读技巧来提高学生的阅读能力。另一方面,这些活动既有个人独立完成的,又有以小组为单位进行的。这样既可培养学生独立自主的学习能力,又有助于培养学生互相帮助的团队合作精神。1. Picture talk:教师可以在课前布置学生利用网络资源,搜集一些广告图片,在课上利用多媒体教学工具为学生播放。同时,请学生选择自己喜欢的或不喜欢的广告并说明原因。 广告图片 有用的交际用语:l I think is very interesting/amazing/boring/meaningless.l I feel is cool and I really want to try the product.l I find appeals to me and I cant resist its temptation.l In my opinion, is really well/poor designed.l I was fascinated with the star in the ad.l is my first option , because it is full of imagination.l I dont think there is any point employing such a stupid figure to support the ad.l It looks tasty/beautiful/useful.l I dont like the slogan in the ad.l I cant understand what advantages it wants to show.2. Jigsaw reading: 本课可分为三部分,第一部分为Paragraph A,第二部分为Paragraph B C D,第三部分为Paragraph E。第一部分:Para Au 教师先让学生快速阅读第一部分,先请学生概括出本段的topic sentence,然后请学生采用“头脑风暴”的方式列举出各种不同类型的广告方式:radio advertising, TV advertising, newspaper advertising, magazine advertising, mail advertising, billboard advertising, bills and posers, Internet advertising, neon sign, window show advertising, Sandwich board.u 根据以上这些广告形式,教师可开展下一步的活动。这项活动需要教师在课前布置,教师要在课前把学生分成若干小组(大约4-5人一组),每组任命一名组长然后每组指定一种广告形式让学生在课前讨论这些广告形式的优缺点。在课上由组长将讨论结果在班内报告,最后根据报告情况来选出前三种最受大家欢迎的广告形式。第二部分:分成两小部分:B段为第一部分,C、D 两段为第二部分 Para。B 请学生阅读Paragraph B并完成以下表格:What three things does a successful advertisement involve?1. Identify the market.2. Work out the best way to appeal to the market.3.Design the advertising programWhat aspects does the design of an advertising program involve?1. Study what words and images their advertisement contains.2. Study what slogans they intend to make use of.3. Consider employing famous people.4. Consider quoting scientific data to support the productPara CD请学生听这二段的录音,并完成以下True or False的练习。u The key to the successful worldwide advertising of Kodak, Nike ,Coca Cola ,is that they have attractive slogans. ( F )u Because of Arabic reading habits, they interpreter the advertisement as turning the clean clothes on the right into dirty clothes on the left. ( T )u Culture background knowledge is essential for us to carry out an advertising program in a foreign country. ( T ) u Mc Donalds failed to appeal to Brazilians because their hamburgers contained too much hot pepper, which were not considered proper beach food. ( F )Para E u E段为文章主旨部分。在阅读之前先请学生为这篇文章编写一个结尾。这个结尾要具有概括性,能概括上文的内容。请同学课上交流自己编写的结尾。u 请学生阅读E段,比较课文结尾与自己所编写的结尾异同。整篇文章阅读:请同学快速浏览全文,根据所给出的关键词来复述课文。u 关键词:worldwide, economic, impact, incentives, involve, identify, appeal to, design, image ,slogan ,successful ,examples ,not reach the expected goal, the Middle East, Arabic , MacDonalds Brazilians, culture -consciousu 要求:先给学生时间作准备,然后请几位同学作示范性复述,注意复述的关键是“简明扼要”,能正确表达文章主旨。链接2说明:1、利用多媒体教学请学生搜集一些耳熟能详的广告标语,在课上交流。并可对一些影响力较大的标语加以评论。2、采访是一个能体现语言的社会交际能力的活动,是贴近学生生活真实的任务。学生在搜集信息的过程中,既能锻炼语言应用的能力又能学习与人沟通的技巧。通过了解广告对身边同学的影响程度,学生能够对广告形成全面而客观的认识。1、 一些著名的广告标语:u Just do it. (Nike)u Impossible is nothing. ( Adidas )u Keep it Digital; keep it Kodak. (Kodak)u The coke side of life. (Coke-cola)u Im lovin it. (McDonalds)u Big Taste lives here. (KFC)u How would you call what you do without thinking. ( NOKIA )u Lets make things better.(Philips)u Good to the last drop .( Maxwell Coffee )u Obey your thirst. ( Sprite )u Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. (Toyota)u Feel the new space. /A better world is our business .( Samsung )u Intelligence everywhere. ( Motorola )u Ask for more. ( Pepsi )u Take TOSHIBA, take the world .( Toshiba )u No business to small, no problem too big.(IBM)u Intel inside. ( Intel )u Ideas for life. ( Panasonic )u New world. New thinking .( Lenovo)u Because Im worth it. ( Loreal )u Clean & clear and under control. ( Clean & Clear )u Pizza Hut Eat and laugh and share. ( Pizza Hut )2、 采访活动:设计问卷表:NameAspectsConclusion (extent of being influenced)FoodClothingSportsTravelElectronicsSeriouslyModeratelyHardlyStudent 1 Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5Student 6Student 7操作步骤:u 将全班同学分为8人一组,每个人要采访组内除自己之外的所有成员。u 就食品、服装、运动、旅游及电子产品的广告对你购物的影响程度,在小组内进行一次调查采访。u 对Aspects以下的项目要求用S(Seriously),M (moderately) 或H (Hardly) 来填写,并且根据Aspects的分项在conclusion一栏里做出总结性选择(S/M/H)。u 采访对象是必须使用采访用开场用语或结束语。注意使用交际性语言。u 小组内交流采访结果,然后每组推荐人选在班内作总结性汇报并请几对学生在全班演示采访全过程。链接3说明:语法的学习除了教师的精讲之外,离不开学生的实际语言练习与运用。创设不同的活动让学生积极参与,使语法学习不再是被动接受、死记硬背。本课语法教学内容为过去分词作表语及宾补的用法。教师可用“体验式学习模式”,让学生在朗读句子的过程中体会其规律,然后在对话中操练句型,最后做巩固性练习。第一层次:体验式句型学习:教师给出一些示范句子,请同学们大声朗读并仔细体会其中的规律。Group one:u The football fans looked disappointed at the news.u The athletes suitcases remained locked all the time. u His glasses are broken .u Finding that the fish smelt burnt, the soccer players decided to do without it .u Jack grew bored with the TV programmes.u The students felt puzzled at the problem even when the teacher explained it again and again.Group two:u We read newspapers and watch TV every day so as to keep ourselves informed of what is going on in the World Cup.u The captain was glad to see his team taken good care of in the Olympic village.u The coach asked Tom to have his hair cut that afternoon.u The police found three people killed and two injured in the conflict between the two groups of football fans.u We are going to have the text of the advertisement changed.u He found the stadium crowded with thousands of young fans.第二层次:链条式操练-横排或纵排进行。操练1:学生A 准备一句现在分词作表语的句子 学生B把这句话改成过去分词作表语的句子 学生B再准备一句现在分词作表语的句子 学生C把这句话改成过去分词作表语的句子 例:A: What the team had done in the game was satisfying to the coach.B: The coach was satisfied with what his team had done in the game. The news that the completion of the new underground railway will be put off until next year seemed disappointing to the neighboring residents. C: The neighboring residents seemed disappointed at the news that the completion of the new underground railway will be put off until next year .操练2:学生A 准备一句用不定式作宾补的句子 学生B把这句话改成过去分词作宾补的句子 学生B再准备一句用不定式作宾补的句子 学生C把这句话改成过去分词作宾补的句子 例:A: We shall have someone fetch your luggage at the airport.B: We shall have your luggage fetched at the airport. He noticed someone steal a wallet from a young lady.C: He noticed a wallet stolen from a young lady. 第三层次:书面操练1. 给出一些关键词,让学生造句子。 例:给出 stove, soup, spoilt 句子:Having been cooked on the stove for hours, the soup was totally spoil . 给出 find, mistake, class 句子: Tom found the professor had made the mistake known to the whole class. 2. 给出一些用过去分词作表语及宾补的中文句子,让学生翻译。 链接4说明:通过阅读additional reading学生可以了解广告的一些特点,为学生的广告设计提供了参考文本.学生可以此为参照设计自己的广告. 设计时注意广告的一些特点,如使用一些修辞手段等。教师可以为学生提供一些虚拟商品。在课堂上学生写广告的文字部分,课下添加图片,可结合多媒体制作广告。教师可以让学生评选出最佳广告。这一活动,可充分调动学生的兴趣,让学生在实践中锻炼用英语写作的能力。1. 根据additional reading 的内容,请学生总结出广告的四种功能(AIDA),即:吸引注意力(attention),引起兴趣(interest),激发欲望(desire),促使顾客采取行动(action)。2讨论广告文体的特点。3. 给出虚拟商品名称u laptop for studentsu electronic book u additive-free green food u clothes adjusting temperature automaticallyu body temperature monitoru student breakfastu students green car 4.要求:广告所包括内容:u product nameu photographu comment by the productuseru sloganu further information客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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