高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业36 Module 1《Basketball》外研版选修7

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!课时作业(三十七)选修7Module 1Basketball.单项填空1Our family are traveling to Tsingdao for the Beer Festival._!ACongratulationsBSee you laterCHave fun DTake care2(2013浙江温州高三第二次适应性考试)Happy people dont necessarily have the best things;they_everything that comes their way.Aget the hang of Bthink little ofCmake the most of Dtake possession of3Many workers are getting into_trouble because the current situation of the factory is bad.In other words,it is hard for them to make_living.Athe;a B/;aCthe;the D/;the4This is the first time that a woman_to the post of sales director in this company.Ahas appointed Bhad been appointedChas been appointed Dhad appointed5In order to_the development of the west of our country,many special policies have been made,such as encouraging people to go to work in the west.Aaccelerate BaccomplishCacknowledge Daccompany6Its_of him to set his aim high but do little,so he is always leaving things undone.Acontroversial BtypicalCconventional Devident7John is now working as an interpreter because he_an unusual ability to learn languages quickly.Aperforms Bpossesses Cobserves Dsupports8_is evident that the company has made the right decision on the sales project.AIt BThereCWhat DWhich9When does your plane take off?At 300 pm tomorrow.Ive just called the airport to_it.Aconfirm BargueCorganize Dintend10People in flooded areas suffered a lot,without drinking water,electricity and _food supply,so they continued to flee the town.Asuitable BcontentChandy Dadequate11With our knowledge_practice,we can make great contributions to our society.Ato base on Bbasing onCbased on Dbase on12Martin always goes to the company to work at weekends,and I really think he_a pay raise for his hard work.Arequires BattainsCconsiders Ddeserves13The Greens have been married for 50 years and never once_with each other.Athey have quarrelled Bhave they quarrelledCthey had quarrelled Dhad they quarrelled14It seems that nobody wants to_the matter for discussion in the meeting.Atake up Bpick up Cbring up Dmake up15These maths exercises are not very difficult,but you can use these reference books_.Aif necessary Bif anyCif so Dif possible.完形填空建议用时15(2013厦门高中毕业班质量检查)I met Ryan,a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫),in my biology class.My simple “Hello!” and his cheerful reply were the_1_to our friendship from the first day of school.There was a time when Ryan was not able to come to school.He was in a great deal of_2_after having a surgery on his legs,but he_3_his sufferings from everyone.In our junior year,we found that we didnt _4_a single class.This was not a problem,though.We just talked a little more in the hallway_5_the break.That year seemed to fly by.One day,Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runners flag that would_6_the spot where Ryan would_7_his Olympic torch run.He gently explained that he would be honored _8_I would accept this position for him.The Olympic committee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone_9_to him.He said I was the only true friend he had_10_made that talked to him and not to his wheel chair.How could I_11_such a request?On the morning of June 5th,as I walked down the sidewalk,my heart_12_and my mind became a factory of questions.I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would_13_the huge crowd of thousands of people.After the van arrived,the other runners got out and lined up outside the van,chanting his name,“Ryan!Byan!” Then all of the people_14_in,“Ryan!Ryan!” The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground.There he was,in all his_15_.It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch.The runner lit Ryans torch and then Ryan began his_16_.As he took off down the street,the chanting became louder and louder.The_17_filled the air and I felt I was on cloud nine.I could not have been any prouder of Ryan!He_18_this momenta historic moment a moment that he was a part of and_19_me to be a part of,too.Mr Weinheimer,the next torch runner,bent over and gave Ryan a hug.That moment will last in time forever.It symbolized the whole_20_of the flame:love,excitement,enthusiasm,brotherhood,and life of any man.The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.1.A.solutions Bkeys Croutes Dresponses2A.danger Bfear Cpain Dpuzzle3A.hid Bprevented Creleased Drelieved4A.change Bmiss Cattend Dshare5A.except Bfor Cduring Dbefore6A.mark Btest Cnumber Ddecorate7A.cover Bbegin Ccontinue Dlead8A.while Balthough Cif Dunless9A.polite BkindCgrateful Dimportant10A.ever Bnever Calso Deven11A.admit Brefuse Cmake Drepeat12A.ached Braced Cstopped Dsank13A.explain to Bdiffer fromCrespond to Dcall on14A.joined Bstepped Cpoured Dbroke15A.potential Bpreference Cglory Dsurprise16A.training Bjourney Clife Dstruggle17A.anxiety BsatisfactionCharmony Dexcitement18A.deserved Brecalled Ctreasured Dchose19A.promised Bencouraged Callowed Dfollowed20A.mystery Bpower Cinformation Dmeaning.七选五(2013黑龙江省哈三中上学期高三期中)The Most Direct Solution to Any ProblemWhen trying to solve various problems in life,an approach I find very useful is to first identify what Id consider the most direct solution,regardless of how I feel about actually implementing (实施) it.What is the clearest,most direct path to my goal or the most efficient way to get around an obstacle?Many problems will have multiple direct solutions,but often these solutions will be unpleasant at first glance because theyll require courage,selfdiscipline,creativity,or persistence to implement._ 1_For example,suppose you want to lose weight.And suppose we can say that one of direct solutions is to eat the same as youre eating now and increase your exercise output by 500 calories a day._2_It may require discipline and persistence,but most people would agree that it will work if you follow through.Another example:_3_However,you dont know how that person feels about you.One direct solution would be to simply walk up,explain your thoughts and feelings,and ask if she or he is interested in discussing the possibility of a closer relationship.This will take less than a minute to say,and whatever the outcome is,at least you know where you stand._4_Anyhow its very simple and straightforward._5_Whats the simplest and quickest way to reach your goal,assuming that you had limitless courage and discipline?AOf course this solution may require a lot of courage to overcome the possibility of rejection.BBut if we can get ourselves to follow through,we know the solutions will actually work.CSee if you can identify the most direct solution to some of your problems.DSo the best way to overcome the difficulty is to ask your friends for advice.EIf you implement this rather simple solution,youll lose weight.FSuppose youre interested in starting a relationship with someone.GHowever,the solution implemented does not work.短文改错(2013吉林三校一模)The other day after work,I was walking down the street while I saw a boy riding a unicycle,one of those bicycle with only one wheel.Dressing in all pink from head to toe,he was singing a song which was sounded like a kids song.I thought he must be total crazy.Just then,a lady dropped 20dollar bill on the ground,but he didnt realize it and started to walk away.The guy in pink picked out the money and gave it back to her.After that,he rode on but soon disappeared before the lady could thank him.How a strange and good guy!.写作训练(2013江西省南昌市高三上学期调研)某英语报社开辟了中学生习作专栏。本期的话题是:注重日常学习、工作和生活中的细节。因为细节往往决定成败。请你以“We Should Pay Much Attention to Details”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些看法。注意:1.词数:100左右;2短文中不能出现本人相关信息。_详解答案课时作业(三十七).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。句意为:我们一家将去青岛参加啤酒节。祝你们玩得开心!have fun玩得开心,用来祝愿别人。答案:C2解析:考查动词词组辨析。A项的意思是“掌握的要领”;B项的意思是“不把当一回事”;C项的意思是“充分利用”;D项的意思是“取得”。句意为:快乐的人未必拥有最好的东西,他们只是充分利用了自己所遇到的一切。根据句意可知,C当选。答案:C3解析:get into trouble意为“陷入困境”,make a living意为“谋生”,二者都是固定搭配。答案:B4解析:在This is the first time that.句型中,从句常用现在完成时,且appoint与woman之间为动宾关系,故选C。答案:C5解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:为了加快西部地区的发展,我们国家制定特殊政策,例如鼓励人们去西部工作。accelerate vt.加速,促进,符合句意。答案:A6解析:句型it is typical of sb.to do sth.意为“做某事是某人常有的事”。controversial有争议的;conventional传统的;evident明显的。答案:B7解析:perform表演,履行,执行;possess拥有,具有,支配;observe观察,观测,遵守;support支持,拥护。由an unusual ability可知,应该是“拥有非同寻常的能力”,故选B项。答案:B8解析:it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的that从句。It is evident that.意为“很明显”。答案:A9解析:答语句意为:飞机明天下午3点起飞,我刚给机场打电话确认过。confirm确认;argue争辩,争论;organize组织;intend打算。答案:A10解析:suitable适合的,适宜的;content满意的,满足的;handy有用的,方便的;adequate足够的,充分的。句意为:洪水泛滥地区的人们受了很多苦,没有饮用水、电和足够的食物供应,所以他们继续逃离这个城镇。答案:D11解析:base.on.把建立在基础上。base为及物动词,这里指base our knowledge on practice,base与knowledge之间为被动关系,故用其过去分词形式。答案:C12解析:由前一分句可知,“我的确认为马丁工作勤恳值得(deserves)加薪”,故选D项。答案:D13解析:由前一分句的时态可知在此应用现在完成时,never等含有否定意义的词置于句首时,句子使用部分倒装语序。答案:B14解析:由the matter for discussion可知,bring up(提出)符合题意。take up占据;pick up捡起,去接(某人);make up编造;弥补。答案:C15解析:根据前后分句句意“这些数学练习不难”及“你可以使用这些参考书”可知,if necessary(如果有必要的话)符合题意。if any如果有的话;if so如果是这样的话;if possible如果可能的话。答案:A.完形填空语篇解读:本文通过讲述“我”与Ryan的交往以及Ryan在火炬接力时人们对他的帮助和支持,说明了爱心让这个小小的世界运转起来。 1解析:根据文章内容可知,“我”和Ryan的友谊始于“我”简单的问候和他快乐的回应,也就是说这打开了我们之间友谊的大门,因此选keys。答案:B2解析:他刚做完腿部的手术,因此选pain疼痛。答案:C3解析:尽管如此,他还是对大家都隐瞒了,因此选hid。prevent阻止;release释放;relieve缓解,均不符合语境。答案:A4解析:根据4空的后面两句内容可知,三年级时我们不在同一个班上课,因此选share。答案:D5解析:我们只能在课间休息期间在走廊里交谈。during the break表示“课间休息期间”。 答案:C6解析:Ryan参加了奥运会火炬接力,他让“我”举着旗站在标志着他开始进行火炬接力的地方。mark表示“标志”,符合语境。答案:A7解析:begin开始,符合语境。答案:B8解析:Ryan在请求“我”的时候,并不能肯定“我”会同意,因此选if。 答案:C9解析:那个为他举旗的人必须是对他来说重要的人,因此选important。答案:D10解析:他说“我”在任何时候都是他唯一的真正的朋友。ever表示“在任何时候”,符合语境。答案:A11解析:根据下文可知“我”没有拒绝他的请求,因此选refuse。答案:B12解析:根据12空后面的“a factory of questions”可知,“我”想了很多问题,“我”的心跳加速。race表示“(因害怕、兴奋而)急速跳动,快速转动”。答案:B13解析:“我”想知道他面对这么多人会作出怎样的反应。respond to“对作出反应或应对”,符合语境。答案:C14解析:根据上文可知,此处应选joined,表示“所有人都加入”。答案:A15解析:Ryan在人们的欢呼声中隆重登场,因此选glory。答案:C16解析:journey“旅行”,在此用来表示“火炬接力的一段行程”。答案:B17解析:此情此景,人们能够感受到的当然是兴奋了,“我”高兴极了。on cloud nine表示“极为高兴”。答案:D18解析:他应该得到这一刻,故选deserved,表示“应该得到”。recall回忆;treasure珍惜;choose选择,均不符合语境。答案:A19解析:这个时刻让“我”也感觉到了自己就是其中的一员。allow允许,准许,符合语境。答案:C20解析:根据冒号后面的内容可知,此处应选meaning,表示“它将火炬接力的含义表示出来”。答案:D.七选五1B2.E3.F4.A5.C.短文改错The other day after work,I was walking down the street I saw a boy riding a unicycle,one of those with only one wheel. in all pink from head to toe,he was singing a song which was sounded like a kids song.I thought he must be crazy.Just then,a lady dropped 20dollar bill on the ground,but didnt realize it and started to walk away.The guy in pink picked the money and gave it back to her.After that,he rode on soon disappeared before the lady could thank him. a strange and good guy!.写作训练We Should Pay Much Attention to Details Some people may think that one who wants to achieve great success shouldnt pay much attention to details.But sometimes it is the details that determine our success,for they may be the very thing that has a great impact on what were doing.Since we have realized the importance of details,what should we do? First,we should form the habit of being careful,because a careful person will rarely overlook details.Whats more,we should learn to keep the balance of quantity and quality.We may find that when faced with lots of work,the faster we do it,the more mistakes we will make.Why? Because when we work at high speed,the only thing we care about is quantity in which case we are more likely to neglect the details.As far as Im concerned,we should keep it in mind that quality comes first,without which quantity is of no significance.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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