高考英语一轮复习 Modules 1~3 外研版选修8

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!选修8Modules 13维A 单项填空1Its not always easy for us to _a career with a family.(2013沈阳高三检测)Abalance Bkeep Cfit Dcompare答案A句意:协调好家庭与事业的关系不总是那么容易的。balance.with.“使与平衡”,符合题意。compare with“把与相比较;B和C不与with搭配。2She is in a poor_of health,which worries her mother much.(2013德州质检)Aposition Bsituation Cstate Dcondition答案C本题考查名词辨析。position“位置”;condition“状况,环境”,指身体状况时,是不可数名词;situation“形势,情况,事态”;state“(人或物在环境、外观、心情、健康等方面的)状态;情况;情形”。通过语境可知,此处表示的是她的身体状况很差,所以使用state。3_in loveless marriages, many women feel that life is colorless.(2013莱芜模拟)ATrapping BTo trapCTo be trapped DTrapped答案D句意:许多妇女陷于无爱的婚姻中,他们认为生活没有色彩。be trapped in“被困于”,此处为过去分词短语作状语。4He has been_to general manager because of his excellent work in the company.Aproposed BproducedCpromoted Dprogrammed答案Cpropose“建议”;produce“生产,产生”;promote“晋升,提拔”;programme“安排,计划”。5Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.Abroken up Bfinished upCdivided up Dclosed up答案Abreak up“拆散,分开,(关系)破裂”;finish up“完成,吃光,杀死,毁掉”;divide up“瓜分,分配”;close up“靠近,愈合,关闭”。第一句句意:听说苏和保罗分手了,我很惊讶。6The game ended up with the Chinese football team defeated,leaving all the fans_Adisappointing BdisappointedCto be disappointing Dto be disappointed答案B考查过去分词作宾补。过去分词disappointed描述作宾语的fans内心的情绪。7If you dont work harder,you will be soon_in the study.Aleft behind Bleft aloneCleft for Dleft to答案A句意:如果你不再努力一些的话,不久你就会在学习上落后。leave behind意为“落在后面”;leave alone“避免打扰”;leave for“出发去某地”;leave.to“留给”。8If you fail your exams,youll only have yourself_Ablamed Bto be blamedCto blame Dblamed on答案Conly have yourself to blame常用于口语中,意思是“只能怪你自己”。此处的blame用主动形式表示被动意义。9Although the necklace is not made of real crystal,it still_young people.Aappeals to Battracts toCaccounts for Dapplies for答案A考查动词短语。appeal to“投其所好,吸引,呼吁”;attract to“吸引”;account for“说明”;apply for“应用”。句意:尽管该款项链不是由真正的水晶制成的,但它仍然对年轻人有吸引力。10Who is it up_decide whether to go camping or not this Saturday?Ato to Bfor forCto for Dfor to答案AIt is up to sb.to do sth.“轮到某人做某事,做某事某人说了算”。第一个to属于be up to这个短语,第二个to为不定式表目的状语。句意:谁将决定本周六是否去野营?11Many houses were destroyed in the hurricane which struck the area last week._,the victims had to live in the temporary shelters offered by the Red Cross.AAs a result ofBAs a consequenceCAs usualDAs for答案B句意:许多房子在上周袭击该地区的飓风中被毁掉了,因此,灾民们只能住在由红十字会提供的临时住所中。as a result of“由于”,其后要接宾语;as a consequence“因此”,表结果;as usual“像往常一样”;as for“至于,就而言”。12Fired,he got angry with his boss and_his house on fire.Aleft BcaughtCburned Dset答案Dset sth on fire为固定词组,意为“放火焚烧某物”。句意:被解雇后,他对老板怀恨在心,放火烧了老板家的房子。13Im sure that all your parents_good to your prospects.(2013日照模拟) Ado does does Bdo do doCdo does do Ddid do does答案C句意:我相信你父母做的所有的一切都有利于你的前途。all为先行词,your parents do是定语从句,all是宾语从句的主语,谓语动词是does,强调does,故应用does do。14Without my glasses,I couldnt_whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. (2013济南一模)Amake out Bmake upCmake for Dmake off答案A考查动词短语辨析。make out“理解,辨认出”;make up“弥补,组成,化妆”;make for“促成,走向”; make off“仓皇逃走,匆忙离开”。句意:如果不戴眼镜,我就不能认出黑板上的数字是3还是8。15In my opinion,all Mr.White_good to his students in his class at present.He is very strict in their study.Adoes does does Bdoes do doCdoes does do Ddid do does答案C句意:依我来看,怀特先生做的所有事情确实对他的学生有好处,他对他们的学习要求非常严格。根据时态可排除D;all Mr.White does为主语,其中Mr.White does为定语从句,does do中do为实义动词,构成do good to结构,does表示强调。维B 完形填空选材网站:http:/www.values.com高考曾用材料:2011山东卷C篇选材相似度:设题相似度:The ocean differs greatly from part to part. According to the_1_received,the ocean can be_2_from its surface to its depth into three zones.Sunlit Zone is the_3_layer,which goes down about 600 feet.Here there is_4_light going through the water to support photosynthesis(光合作用)Because photosynthesis_5_here,more than 90 percent of all marine life lives in the sunlit zone.Twilight Zone_6_at about 600 feet under the water and extends to the_7_part,which begins about 3,000 feet down.Only a small amount of light can reach the water at this_8_As the water becomes deeper,the water _9_increases.too.Plants do not_10_here.Some animals that live in the twilight zone can use their bodies to_11_light.Ninety percent of the ocean is in the midnight zone.It is_12_darkthere is no light.The water pressure is extreme.The temperature is_13_freezing.What can_14_in the midnight zone?The living things found here live close to cracks in the Earths crust(地壳)These cracks_15_mineralrich materials from the Earth itself._16_forms of bacteria use these materials from the cracks_17_energy to make food.All other living things are nourished by these bacteria.Living things in oceans have always been an_18_and reliable source of food.Ocean fishing accounts for 80%of the world fish_19_However,overuse of the ocean by man has_20_the decline in population of some fish.Overfishing is a real problem that does not have an easy solution.Notes:layer n层marine adj.海洋的extend v延伸1A.energy Blight Cheat Drain2A.measured BgradedCdivided Dseparated3A.top Bmiddle Croof Dbottom4A.little Brich Csome Denough5A.continues BcomesCoccurs Dreaches6A.begins Barrives Cends Dgoes7A.biggest BdarkestClongest Dwarmest8A.depth Blength Cdistance Ddistrict9A.temperature BweightCpressure Damount10A.rise Bblossom Cevolve Dgrow11A.attract Bchange Cmake Dcarry12A.partly BentirelyCeventually Dcertainly13A.next Bnear Cbeside Dover14A.hunt Bdiscover Clive Descape15A.give in Bgive upCgive away Dgive off16A.Special BDangerousCCommon DVarious17A.with Binto Cof Dfor18A.expensive BimportantCunusual Dindustrial19A.catch BcollectionCexports Dareas20A.related to Bowed toCadded to Dled to【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。全文介绍了我们的海洋。海水的深度不同其获得的光亮度也不同,从上到下就有了亮光层、暮光层和无光层。1B联系后文的Sunlit Zone,Twilight Zone和Midnight Zone可知,海洋按接受太阳光线的多少来分层。2C联系空后的into three zones可知从表面到深层,海洋共分三层。3A联系空后的which goes down about 600 feet可知,作者在介绍最上面的一层。4D联系后文more than 90 percent of all marine life lives in the sunlit zone可知,这层光线充足。误解分析:rich丰富的,Sunlit Zone有600英尺深,因此用丰富形容不恰当。5C因为光合作用在这里发生。6A联系空后的at about 600 feet under the water and extends to the_7_(darkest)part可知,Twilight Zone从水下600英尺开始,一直延伸到3 000英尺。7B联系后文可知再往下就是无光层了,因此3 000英尺再向下的地方就是最黑暗的地方了。8A因为Twilight Zone是海洋的第二层,它得到的光比Sunlit Zone少,但是比Midnight Zone多,因此说只有少量的光才能达到这样的深度。9C联系后文The water pressure is extreme可知,随着深度的加深,水的压力也在加大。10D因为光太少,不能发生光合作用,所以说这一层植物无法生长。11C联系空后的light可知,在极其黑暗的地方,有些动物能运用自己的身体来发光。12B联系破折号后的there is no light可知这里是漆黑的。13B因为得不到太阳光,这里的温度接近零度。误解分析:over与near虽都表达模糊概念,但over侧重于多或高,而此处强调温度低。14C联系下一句The living things found here.可知,作者在讲述无光层的生物。15D联系空后的rich materials from the Earth itself可知,这些裂缝能释放出矿物质。give in投降,屈服;give up放弃;give away泄露;分发。16A联系后面的to make food可知,这是些特殊的细菌。误解分析:D项有一定的干扰性,联系空后内容可知这些细菌并非平常的细菌。17D把这些物质用作能源。18B联系下句Ocean fishing accounts for 80%of the world fish.可知,海洋中的食物资源对生活至关重要。19A海洋渔业占了世界鱼类产量的80%。20D人类对海洋的过度利用导致了一些鱼类数量的下降。误解分析:本题中B项干扰性最大,但owe to常指发生积极的、好的结果。维C 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Stop eating yourself stupidWe all know that poor nutrition can lead to bad health and even weight gain._1_A recent study has found that what you eat could very likely play a role in how smart you are.According to the study,rats fed a highfat diet for 10 days showed signs of weakness and even had trouble finding treats that were waiting for them._2_Actually highfat diet could weaken our intelligencebut so can a calorierestricted diet.The trick appears to lie in finding a nice balance.Here are ways to achieve that happy balance and make you smarter through diet,exercise and improving your brain power._3_Aim to get this amount of calories each day.If you need to drop a few pounds,take away the number you get by 400;consume that number of calories each day until you drop the weight.Eat the right foods in addition to getting the right amount of calories.Aim for healthy foods that include good amounts of protein,fiber,fruits and vegetables,healthy whole grains,healthy fats and plenty of water.Well!_4_Read a book.Try a new recipe.Do some puzzles.These are all good ways to help increase your smarts._5_Aim for at least three 30minute sessions a week.I like simple exercises such as walking,but anything that raises the heart rate is good.You may be fond of music too.Combine them!Some people like to listen to classical music such as Bach or Mozart,but rock music lovers will be happy to learn that this genre can help make you smarter as well.AExercise regularly with happy mind forever.BYour health depends on your exercise plan.CDont forget to exercise your mind while doing so.DNow add “lack of intelligence”to the growing list.EYou may be puzzled whether it has something with us.FRemember:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.GFigure out how many calories you need to maintain your weight.【语篇解读】 实验证明,习惯吃高脂肪的人要注意了,因为这样可能会使你智商降低,而健康饮食、绿色饮食确实能使你更聪明。本文给出了健康饮食健康生活的一些建议。1D第一句说了人们比较熟悉的情况:营养不良对健康有害还会使人变胖,而本句是要告诉大家鲜为人知的方面,那就是营养不良对智商也有害,引出下一句的最新发现也就是本文的中心,故选D。2E第一句用老鼠做实验发现让老鼠连续吃10天高脂肪的食物它们就看上去很虚弱,甚至很难发现奖励给它们的东西。你可能会疑惑这和人的饮食有什么关系,下一句就是对你的疑惑的解释,故选E。3G这是所给建议里的第一条,是关于减肥的建议,G里的figure out 和下一句里的Aim to get this amount of calories也吻合。4C本段将两个建议柔和在一起,在作者看来健康饮食要有自己的习惯,也要从书上汲取别人的精华。干扰项是A,A表达的意思是带着好心情轻松运动,但是第4空后的Read a book说明的是学别人之所长,故选C。5A本段是关于通过轻松锻炼来使效果更明显的内容。本段讲了把快乐心情带到健康生活里去,干扰项是B,B里虽然说到了exercise,但是没有体现出本段的happiness。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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