英语:Unit1 Eating around the world教案(上海新世纪版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit1 Eating around the World教案一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1本课在对各国各类食品描述时,教师可围绕“世界食品”这一主题,设计活动让学生参与口语讨论,了解他们的日常词汇的掌握程度,同时也考察他们对各国饮食文化的理解。 2围绕本课主题“食品”,要求学生分组合作,调查研究中国人的饮食习惯,综合“喜爱的何种食品,外出就餐的频率,吃快餐的频率,对健康食品的定义”等各种因素,最后做一份调查报告。 3本课中出现的语法现象现在分词做状语。教师可通过分词做状语和状语从句的转换让学生了解分词的用法,然后再通过翻译进一步深化巩固这一语法点。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1 了解东西方的饮食风格并能简单的描述不同的食物或烹饪过程。2 能理解分词做状语的结构,并能使用此结构翻译造句。3 能用英语恰当地表达邀请对方品尝食物并能作出相应的回复。4 能按时间顺序组织段落或文章。(三)单元重点(Unit Points)1 关键词:u 语言知识类have different alternatives, in addition to, an immense variety of, be well known for, be keen on, other than, lunch break, lose popularity, even if, rush through, at a hamburger standu 交际功能类1)Ways of cooking: bake, boil, deep-fry, pan-fry, stir-fry, smoke, simmer, stew, roast, steam2)Western food: hamburger, pizza, KFC chicken, French fries, fish and chips, apple pies, sandwiches3) Chinese food: hot pot, sweet and sour fish, roast duck, tomato omelette, hot and spicy bean curd, dumplings, spring rolls2功能:1) Expressing and Responding to Hospitality (参考课本第8页 Useful Language) A1. Would you like to try some of this?2. Another piece of fried steak?3. Come on, youve hardly eaten anything.4. Would you like to eat a little more fish?5. Sweet and sour pork is their daily speciality. You must try some.B1. All right. Just a bit, please. 2. Id love to.3. Im afraid I cant eat in any more.4. That was absolutely delicious, but Ive had enough.5. Thank you very much for the wonderful dinner. 2)Describing some typical Chinese dishes1. Wash and peel the fruit.2. Chop the fruit.3. Mix together the pieces of fruit and add water.4. Cook on High for 4 minutes until the water just begins to boil.5. Stir in a cornstarch mixture.6. Add sugar.7. Cook on high for another minute and stir.8. Serve warm.3语法点:本课出现了现在分词做状语,应作为本课的教学重点。二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Reading可以在本单元开始前,要求学生分为不同小组,采用“海报”的形式介绍不同国家的特色食品,以此作为“FOOD”这一主题的导入。既锻炼了同学们协作配合的团队精神,又能让全班同学对各国的食物及相应的词语有了最直观的理解。 链接1 “设计海报”的操作建议。课本 Highlights 2 Listening作为教材第6-7页的听力部分,可让学生了解中西方不同的饮食习惯和特点。同时建议教师可利用选用和课文材料相关的听力文章,对学生进行听写的训练, 既锻炼了学生的听力,又复习了课文内学习过的词汇。课本 Listening Practice3 Speaking以“食品”为主题设计口语活动。活动一:介绍一道菜的制作过程。句型可参见“Useful Language”活动二:角色扮演。链接2活动三:社会调查。采访家庭成员或亲戚朋友,了解上海人的饮食特点和习惯。采访结果可先在组内进行交流,后由小组推选代表在班内进行汇报。链接3 采访任务的一些具体教学建议。课本 Speaking Practice4 Writing本部分内容按照时间顺序再组织构成段落。学生应学会按照事件或步骤的发生顺序来写段落或文章,学会使用表示事件或步骤变化的过渡词。链接4 补充习题课本 Writing 5 Structure现在分词做状语是本课的语法教学内容。教师可通过分词做状语和状语从句的转换让学生了解分词的用法,然后再通过翻译进一步深化巩固这一语法点。课本 structure 6 Additional Reading本部分与课文内容相关,建议放在最后一课时。本文出现的重要词汇与词组:pasta, tortilla, in season, all the year round, for sure, other than, peeloff, expand ones horizons, experience different cultures课本 Additional Reading 链接1说明: 这一环节的运用既能发挥学生的积极主动性,又能使学生在小组活动中互帮互助。以小组活动方式呈现合作结果,让全体学生都对有关“食物”的词汇加以回顾与复习,对新的词汇加以补充与学习1. 在课前,教师可以先设置六到八个有关“食物”的主题,比如: Mexican food, Japanese food, India food, British food, etc.2. 将全班学生分成若干小组,选取相应的主题,然后围绕这个主题,介绍和这个主题相关的词汇,且必须找到相应的图片。在有多媒体条件的教室里,教师可以要求学生做成ppt来展示,一般教室则可让学生做成图文并茂的海报。3. 每个小组推选一名代表,在课上,一边展示海报,一边对该国的食物特点加以介绍。 链接2说明:角色扮演符合情景教学法的理念, 学生在已经习得相关的句型以后,教师应为他们创设类似的场景,让他们在具体的情况中学会如何灵活运用这些句型。1. 结合第八页的useful language,教师可补充下列常用的就餐用语.2. 在学生们熟悉这些常用句型后,要求两位同学相互配合,进行角色扮演。 可以是“主人-客人”的对话,也可是“顾客-侍者”的对话。-就餐套语 50 句 Finding a table for dinner (找餐桌)1. Can we take that table over there? 我们可以坐那边的那张桌子吗 ?2. Have you got a table for four? 你们有供四人用餐的桌子吗?3. I prefer the one in that quiet corner. 我喜欢在那安静角落里的那张桌子 。4. Is the table free, waiter? 服务员,这张桌子空着吗 ?5. No, this table is too close to the door. I dont like it.6. This one is good. Lets take it. 这张桌子不错。我们坐这儿吧。 Seating the diner (给就餐者安排座位)1. Could you follow me, please? 请随我来。2. Here is your table. Is it all right? 这儿是您的桌子。行吗 ?3. Im afraid there is no other place free at the moment. 目前恐怕没有别的空位了。4. Im sorry, sir, the one by the window has been booked by telephone. Would you like to sit over there near the door?5. Theres a table for four over there. Would you like it? Asking if the diner is ready to order (询问就餐者是否准备点菜了)1. Would you like to order now, sir? 现在您想点菜吗,先生 ?2. Have you decided what youd like? 您决定吃什么菜了吗 ?3. Are you ready to order, sir? 您准备点菜了吗 ,先生 ?4. Can I take your order now? 现在我可以请您点菜了吗 ?5. Have you chosen something? 您选好菜了吗 ? Asking what the diner would like to have (询问就餐者想吃什么)1. And what to follow? 接下来要上什么 ?2. What soup would you prefer? And what kind of fish do you like?3. What would you like to start / begin with? 您想开始先点些什么?4. Would you care for a drink before you order, sir? 点菜以前您想喝点饮料吗 ?5. What dishes would you like? 您要什么菜 ? Finding out what the restaurant has today (了解餐馆今天有什么菜肴)1. Could we have a look at the menu first, please? 我们先看看菜单好吗 ?2. What do you have today for breakfast? 今天早餐你们供应什么 ?3. Whats special for tonight? 今晚有什么特色菜 ?4. What else have you got on the menu? 你们菜单上还有什么别的吗 ?5. What kind of seafood do you have? 你们有哪些海味 ? Ordering a meal (点菜)1. Get me some chicken salad, please. 请给我来点鸡肉色拉 。2. Bring me two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒。3. Anything is all right with me. I will order the same.4. I think Ill have soup to start with.5. It sounds good. Id like to try the chicken. Asking how the diner would like something (询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求)1. Do you like your tea strong or weak? 您喜欢茶浓点还是淡点 ?2. How would you like them prepared? 你喜欢菜怎么做 ?3. Would you like it rare, medium, or well-done? 您喜欢做得嫩一点,中等程度还是老一点 ?4. You want it now or after dinner?5. How would you like it done? Expressing hospitality (表示殷勤款待)1. Have some and Im sure youll like it.2. Help yourself to anything you like.3. Do have some more, theres plenty left. 再吃点吧,还有很多呢。4. Try some of this, please. 尝尝这个吧。5. Shall I make you a glass of beer? 我给你倒一杯啤酒好吗 ? Responding to hospitality (对殷勤款待的应答)1. I dont think I could eat another bite. 我想我一口也再吃不下去了。2. All right, but only a small piece.3. Its really delicious, but I honestly couldnt eat any more.4. Ive had more than enough.5. No, thanks. I dont drink any wine. Paying the bill (付帐)1. Can I have the bill, please? 请把帐单给我好吗 ?2. Its my treat this time. Ill pay. 这次我请客。我来付。3. Lets go Dutch this time. 这次我们各付各的。4. Waiter! The bill / check, please.5. Let me pay this time. You can pay next time. 链接3说明:问卷调查是一个让学生接触社会,搜集所需信息的一种与人沟通的技巧。该活动是一个能体现语言社会交际功能的活动,是贴近学生生活、真实的任务。在小组交流过程中,信息交流也为学生提供了一个语言学习、语言锻炼的机会。1. Design a questionnaire about the eating habits among Shanghai people.2. Prepare for a brief account of the social survey.3. Exchange the result of the survey among groups.4. One representative of each group is to be selected to give a presentation in the class.链接4说明:以下提供一篇关于写作的补充材料,老师可以根据实际情况在教学过程中提供给学生。WritingChronological OrderPut the following sentences in a correct order to make up a passage. The first sentence is given.A Noble GiftA. One of the most famous monuments in the world, the statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.B. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete.C. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.D. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.E. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.F. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris.G. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.H. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America.I. Before it could be translated to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.1. A 2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._(keys: 1.A 2.B 3.E 4.I 5.C 6.F 7.H 8.D. 9.G)客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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