天津市英语高三单元测试:Book7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》外研版选修7

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天津市英语高三单元测试:Book7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》外研版选修7_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Book7 Module 6单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. How did you find your trip to America, John? _.A. I went there by planeB. Tom showed me aroundC. Well, it dependsD. Oh, wonderful, indeed 2. We had _ nice dinner at Janes birthday party with _ dishes of meat and vegetables.A. a; / B. the; the C. /; / D. a; the3. The teacher recommended that everyone _ this dictionary. A. bought B. buying C. buys D. buy4. In the tourist attraction, we were _ by the guide to pay much attention to our belongings.A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. agreed5. Lack of exercise and sleep _ to weight gain and health problems.A. applies B. appeals C. sticks D. contributes6. At a rough _, the hurricane caused a loss of 2 billion dollars to the area.A. cost B. prediction C. budget D. estimate 7. I rang you several times yesterday but couldnt _.A. get through B. go through C. look through D. pass through8. _ she would listen to what I say, she might be able to sort out this problem. A. If necessary B. If only C. Even if D. As if 9. The couple decided to hold their wedding _ they met for the first time.A. how B. what C. where D. who10. Whats your opinion, Mr. Wang? I suggest the thief _ into prison.A. referred to being put B. referred be put C. referred to be putD. referred should be put11. _ studying English, he also studies Japanese.A. Instead of B. Other than C. Apart from D. As for12. Another wonderful space flight has been made, _ vital importance to science.A. which I think is ofB. I think it is ofC. that I think is of D. I think which is of13. The doll is cracked and worn, but its _ to me because it was my mothers.A. precious B. previous C. primitive D. prehistoric14. They have a meeting every Friday, _ there is nothing to discuss.A. if B. since C. unless D. because15. _ you go, you should do your work well.A. WhoeverB. HoweverC. WhereverD. Whatever二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Trina had not been expecting a letter since her mom died two years ago. She lost her job lately and the only 16 she received now was notices of unpaid bills. However, a letter 17 arrived one day. The address 18 it was from her aunt Amy. Waves of unpleasant 19 flooded her mind. “What could she possibly 20 with me?” she thought, as she walked to her house. She wasnt ready to 21 it.When Trinas dad died many years ago, her aunt Amy wanted her mother, Beth, to come and live with her. So her mom went to live with her aunt Amy. But later the relationship with her Aunt Amy became 22 . Then Trina began to 23 visiting her, because she felt quite 24 . “What now?” she thought as she 25 the house. She quickly began to open the letter. Quite to her 26 , the envelope contained no letter, 27 rather a deposit (存款) certificate that was in the name of her and her mother. She glanced at the amount and a 28 swept across her face. This was something her mother had 29 for her, and it came at a time when she was really 30 . Then she thought about her aunt. “Why?” Trina thought. “Was she 31 to make herself feel better?” Trina was planning to call her, but then 32 the last conversation with her aunt just before her mothers death. When she was 33 this, the phone rang. She was 34 that her aunt had passed away. For Trina, questions will remain 35 , but she was finally able to start her life again.16. A. reply B. case C. mail D. copy17. A. unnoticeablyB. undesirably C. undoubtedly D. unexpectedly18. A. statedB. showed C. instructed D. told19. A. impressions B. news C. notices D. memories20. A. notice B. discuss C. want D. compare21. A. open B. know C. ruin D. keep22. A. stableB. closeC. brief D. bad23. A. admit B. avoidC. practice D. regret 24. A. unconfident B. unsafe C. uncomfortable D. unimportant25. A. exited B. entered C. observed D. passed26. A. annoyance B. relief C. delight D. surprise27. A. butB. as C. or D. and28. A. promise B. shadow C. smile D. doubt29. A. paid B. left C. took D. chosen30. A. in fearB. in peaceC. in danger D. in need31. A. trying B. asking C. caring D. working32. A. wonderedB. recorded C. remembered D. feared33. A. thinking about B. waiting for C. dealing with D. deciding on34. A. warnedB. asked C. recommended D. informed35. A. uncovered B. unanswered C. unfinished D. unchanged三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A My 8-year-old daughter is experimenting with kindness and smiles. She has been making her own colorful smile cards in all the colors of the rainbow and often takes them to school or stuffs her pockets with them when we go out. She makes them very carefully and takes great pride in her work.Last Sunday, I went shopping with my daughter. She packed her pockets with about 20 of her handmade smile cards. She was hoping to see John, who is an elderly man and deals with scattered goods at the store. He is so happy and friendly that we cant help feeling good talking to him. John wasnt at the store that day, so my daughter decided that it would be a good idea to distribute her smile cards to people at the store. She gave a card to a young man who asked her where she found it and she told him she had made it and she hoped it would make him smile and he smiled at her and thanked her. She came across an older gentleman who looked rather grumpy(脾气暴躁的) and impatient. She put a card into his cart(手推车). He looked at her suspiciously as if she was throwing trash into his cart. But when he saw what it was, he smiled and felt happier.She saw a woman with two babies in her cart. The babies were fussing(大吵大闹) and she was looking tired. My daughter smiled at her and the young mother smiled back. She came to me and said, “Mom, I just realized something. You dont need cards to make someone smile. All you need to do is make eye contact with them and smile into their eyes and they will smile back.”What a beautiful lesson my daughter reminded me of. It is so easy for us every day to make eye contact with people we meet and smile. You are never too young or old to experiment with kindness and smiles.36. Why is the writers daughter fond of making smile cards?A. Because she enjoys showing her cards off. B. Because she shows great interest in the beautiful colors of the cards. C. Because she is trying out to be kind to others. D. Because she wants to earn some pocket money by selling her cards.37. From the second paragraph we can learn that _. A. the daughter made 20 smile cards last Sunday B. John is good at making smile cards too C. John works at the store D. the daughters cards are distributed by John every day38. What did the people feel after receiving a smile card? A. Confused. B. Happy. C. Annoyed. D. Impatient.39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Young mothers shouldnt take their babies to go shopping. B. Smile cards can stop babies fussing. C. People dont need any smile cards when they smile. D. Smiling into peoples eyes works as well as sending them smile cards.40. We can conclude from the passage that _. A. the writer has got only one daughter B. children are sometimes cleverer than adults C. the writer calls on people to be kind to others D. people are unwilling to smile to strangersBLets face it, when you graduated from high school or college, the last thing you ever hoped to have to do again was to explain the difference between an isosceles(等腰的) and an obtuse triangle(钝角三角形). Many parents are finding themselves faced with these issues once again when their child asks for help with homework problems that they cant even understand, much less answer.What if your childs homework stumps you? The Learning First Alliance offers the following tips for you:There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Regardless of your own experience with school mathematics, you can encourage your child to develop a love of math through supporting his performance, helping him with school projects and discussing his homework. Make sure your kids are taking advanced courses. The mathematics that students study in the middle grades has a strong effect on whether they will be able to take the higher levels of mathematics necessary for admission to colleges. Make math fun. Spend time with kids on simple board games, puzzles and activities that encourage better attitudes and stronger math skills. Even everyday activities such as playing with toys in a sandbox or in a tub at bath time can teach children math concepts like weight, density(密度) and volume. Mix in math. The kitchen is filled with tasty opportunities to teach fractional(分数的) measurements, like doubling and dividing cookie recipes. Use real-world examples. Point out ways that people use math every day to pay bills, balance their checkbooks, and figure out their net earnings(纯收入). Involve older children in projects like planting a garden, building a bookshelf or figuring out how long it will take to drive to your family vacation destination. Tune in to technology. Encourage your child to use computers and the Internet at home. Encourage children to solve problems. Provide assistance, but let them figure it out themselves. Problem solving is a lifetime skill. There are many places to get wonderful information to help parents and their children get the most out of homework. If you have trouble finding such a place, go to the source itselfyour childs teacher. He or she may be able to give you all the information you need. 41. According to the passage, all the following involve children in math EXCEPT _.A. reading novels B. paying water billsC. playing with toys D. dividing apples42. When kids cant solve problems in their homework, parents should _.A. look for a family vacation destination B. work the problems out for them C. let them take some after-school courses D. offer them some necessary help43. The author thinks math in the middle grades is very important for kids because _.A. it contains many concepts B. it is easy for them to learnC. it is useful for their physical and mental health D. it decides whether they can meet high levels of math required for colleges44. If you cant help your kid solve a homework problem, you can turn to _. A. a computer B. the kids teacherC. the Learning First Alliance D. your teacher45. This passage is intended for _.A. kids who can not finish their homework B. students who can not graduate from colleges C. parents who are troubled by their kids homework problemsD. teachers who have difficulty in understanding math concepts CThe Tarim Mummies or the Mummies of Xinjiang are mysterious mummies that were discovered in the foothills of the Tian Shan Mountains in China. What is so mysterious about them is that some of them date back to roughly 4,000 years ago, a time when it was thought that there were no westerners in that area. However, there must have been, because the Tarim mummies are Caucasians(白种人). Not only that, but they wear similar clothes and share similar burial practices of some European countries.The first of the Tarim mummies was discovered by Wang Binghua in 1978. Wang had been searching for ancient settlements along in the northeast of Xinjiang when a local man directed him to Quizilchoqa. It was there that Wang uncovered the first mysterious Tarim mummy. Over time, these mummies were discovered in four different sites in the Tarim Basin area. More than one hundred of them have been uncovered so far.The Tarim mummies are unusually well-preserved. This is interesting because the people who buried them did not practice mummification. The sites where these mummies have been found lie on the edges of the Taklamakan Desert. When these ancient people buried their dead people, the hot climate and rocky soil helped to keep their bodies preserved. Some of these mummies rival(与相媲美) the Ancient Egyptian mummies in their extraordinary preserved state.Another very strange thing about the Tarim mummies is the attire in which they were buried. If the fact that some of them had blond hair and blue eyes hadnt given away the fact that they were westerners, the clothing they wore when they were buried would have. One of the mummies was six feet six inches tall and wore a red tunic(束腰外衣) with gold embroidery(绣金制品). He also wore a gold burial mask. This burial clothing is far more indicative of Western influence than of Eastern.46. All of the following show that the Tarim Mummies were westerners EXCEPT _.A. their clothes B. their burial practices C. their appearances D. their time of death 47. Which of the following contributes to the preservation of the Tarim mummies? A. The rocks and the high temperature.B. The plants and water.C. The high temperature and the rocky soil.D. The mummification. 48. The underlined word “attire” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.A. houseB. clothingC. tomb D. mask 49. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. The first of the Tarim mummies was discovered by a local man of Quizilchoqa.B. Wang Binghua went to Xinjiang in order to discover more Tarim mummies.C. Tarim mummies were better than the Ancient Egyptian mummies.D. People used to think that there were no westerners in XinJiang 4,000 years ago.50. The passage mainly talks about _. A. the Tarim mummies B. the preservation of the mummies C. the history of the mummies D. the ancient Egyptian mummiesDThe introduction of the World Heritage Education KIT has resulted in experiments in many schools. The KIT aims at sharing knowledge about heritage conservation(文物保护) with young people in the form of a journey through the worlds magnificent cultural and natural heritage. Used at the grassroots level in associated schools in all five continents, the KIT is based on an interdisciplinary(跨学科的) approach seeking to involve teachers across courses in and raise awareness of young people of the importance of World Heritage. It strives to incorporate World Heritage into the course as a way of delivering core subjects in the classroom through extra-curricular(课外的) activities. And the KIT focuses on creative methods of teaching, involving students in research, in collecting and analyzing data, in role-playing, in information and communication technology, in taking part in well-planned field trips, and in conducting preservation campaigns. Most importantly, the KIT promotes discussion and respect for diversity. It serves as a valuable bridge for bringing together young people, teachers, and heritage specialists in a situation in which they learn together and from each other and which results in knowledge and appreciation for their local and world heritage.The role of teachers and educators is of crucial importance for World Heritage education. The KIT is therefore designed to stimulate teachers and students imagination and creativity so as to further enrich the approach to heritage preservation. It can best transmit the message of the World Heritage Convention to millions of young people.The project is at a stage of evolutionary development. The content is being expanded to provide additional teaching ideas based on the experiences of teachers and students. The KIT is becoming more nationally and regionally focused, and more resource materials are being produced to complement the KIT.51. The underlined word “incorporate” in the second paragraph can be replaced by “_”.A. remove B. develop C. create D. include52. We can learn from the passage that the KIT _. A. contains a new knowledge system about world heritage B. advocates heritage protection among young people C. develops students habit of learning through practice D. aims to change students opinions on national cultures 53. In the KIT project, students can _. A. build new concepts of learning based on interactive activities B. attend new courses provided by the world heritage organizationC. do research, collect and analyze data and go to heritage sitesD. take part in preservation campaigns with students from other countries 54. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Schools concern more about natural heritage than cultural heritage.B. Teachers can be highly creative in playing their roles in the KIT. C. Young people do well in sharing their knowledge with experts. D. The KIT focuses more on international education resources.55. Which can best describe the authors attitude towards the KIT?A. Disapproving. B. Doubtful. C. Supportive. D. Worried. 四、书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1 The importance of learning a second language is not simply limited to the ability of communicating with people who speak different languages. According to studies, it has been shown that learning a second language results in students achieving better thinking and creativity compared with monolingual children. 2 When people learn a second language, they become valuable people to the community in which they work and live. There are an increasing number of jobs where people are required to work with people who speak other languages. 3 Learning a second language also enables a person to adapt to a variety of cultural backgrounds. Language is one of the main parts of the civilization and culture of the people who speak it. Therefore, learning a second language can be an easy and wonderful way of _.4 When you absorb another culture by learning a second language, apart from appreciating other cultures, it also enables us to understand what role the language plays in shaping our thought patterns. Often, other languages have better methods of expressing ideas or thoughts compared with our tongue language, thus enabling us to communicate better. 5 Learning a second language, therefore, can not only challenge your mind, but also enrich your soul, so to speak. Apart from being able to communicate with different people in their own language, it can also teach you understanding, tolerance, and patience.6 As immigration (移民), communication, business and transportation bring people closer and closer in touch with each other, the world is becoming a smaller and smaller place. By learning a second language, and perhaps even more, we can understand each other better and deal with each other with more consideration. 56. Whats the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)_57. Are you going to learn a second language in the future? Give your reason. (no more than 20 words)_58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)_59. Which sentence in the passage is

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