上海市上海理工大学附属中学高一英语教案:Unit 1 Travelling Around China (上海新世纪版) Word版

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上海市上海理工大学附属中学高一英语教案:Unit 1 Travelling Around China (上海新世纪版) Word版_第1页
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上海市上海理工大学附属中学高一英语教案:Unit 1 Travelling Around China (上海新世纪版) Word版_第2页
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上海市上海理工大学附属中学高一英语教案:Unit 1 Travelling Around China (上海新世纪版) Word版_第3页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Aim:1. To provide some information about scenic spots in China.2. To finish the exercises A1 A2 B3. To help students have a general idea of the text.Procedure:1.Presentation:Qs: Do you like traveling? Why or why not? How many places in China have you been to? What are they? Can you share your experiences with others?(let the students discuss for 2 minutes and present their views.)I. Preparing for reading1. A1 Where are the following places located?2. A2 Scan the text and answer the following questions (Page 2)3. Q: By the way, can you tell me which way you prefer to make trips? By air, rail, boat, or bus?T: So today, we will learn the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation in China from the text.4. Read the new words and expressionsII. Homework1. Recite the new words and read the text fluently2. Finish C1. Session TwoAim: 1. To check the prevision of the new vocabulary. 2. To check C13. To explain the main points of textProcedure:I. Review the new vocabulary.II. Explain the main points of text1. tire sb. out: completely tired The children have really tired me out. The long journey tired the children out. Im tired out. I think Ill go to bed.cf. tiring Mountain-climbing is very tiring. It is a very tiring day. I am looking after the children. 2. Generally speaking: Generally speaking, some big cities in china have street signs both in Chinese and in English. 一般来说,中国一些大城市的路牌既标有中文又有英文。Comparatively speaking, these aircraft are quite cheap.(相对而言)n Frankly speaking 坦率地说n Strictly speaking 严格地说n Properly speaking 恰当地说n Roughly speaking 粗略地说n Simply speaking 简而言之n Personally speaking 就个人而言3. Efficient adj. 效率高的 He was efficient in his work. 他工作效率高。 一个好的秘书必须效率高。A good secretary must be very efficient. 一台高效能的机器 an efficient machineEfficiency n. A Inefficientn 4. depend on: rely on依靠,依赖 ;信赖Depend on sb/sth to do sth / for sth Man depends on the sun to live as well.2)取决于,视而定 Whether the sports meeting will be held depends on the weather. Whether we go or not depends on the weather.- How will it turn out? - Well, it all depends. adj. Be dependent on be independent ofDependence5. Historical 历史的 historical research 史学研究 a historical play novel 历史剧小说Historic adj. 1. 历史上著名的; 有历史意义的; 有历史性的The historic battle changed the fate of two nations.这一历史上著名的战役改变了两个民族. 2. (=historical)历史的a historic spot古迹6. Schedule: a timetable of trains, busesn on schedulen ahead of schedule提前n behind schedule 迟于规定的时间 We finished the project ahead of schedule.我们提前完成了这项工程。7. Depart vi. 离开We allowed him to depart. 我们允许他离去。They departed for Beijing last week. 他们上星期去北京了。 N. departureIII. Homework1. Preview the main points of the text.2. Read the text.Session ThreeAims:1. To learn Study Skills.2. To do additional reading.Procedures:I. Understand connectorsII. Additional reading:a) Read the new words b) Pre- teach some key wordsc) Ask students to read the text and finish exercises .III. Homework: Finish the rest of the exercises on the workbookSession FourAims:1. To review the text.2. To check the homework.3. To learn the structures.ProceduresI. Retell the text.II. Check the homework.III. Do Task to check if students have mastered the main language points.IV. The Passive Voice of Phrasal VerbsV. HomeworkWorkbook (about structure)Session FiveAims:Aims:1. To learn Study Skills.2. To do additional reading.Procedures:IV. Understand connectorsV. Additional reading:a) Read the new words b) Pre- teach some key wordsc) Ask students to read the text and finish exercises .VI. Homework: Finish the rest of the exercises on the workbook 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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