高考英语外研版选修7《Module 5 Ethnic Culture》SectionⅢ速效提能演练

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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 5 Ethnic Culture》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第1页
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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 5 Ethnic Culture》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.词汇知识1_according to the way someone looks or a situation appears,although you cannot be sure2_ not sensible or wise3_ unable to walk well because your foot or leg is injured or weak4_ not completely hard,but not soft and easy to bend5_ to join together the two sides of a coat,shirt,bag etc.so that it is closed6_ woven in a way that is not tight,so that there are small holes between the threads7_ to bend a piece of paper,cloth etc so that one part covers another part8_ to gradually get used to a new situation by making small changes to the way you do things9_ to put furniture and other things into a house or room10_ making you feel so embarrassed that you are not sure what to do or say答案:1.apparently2.foolish3.lame4.firm5.fasten6.loose7.fold8.adjust9.furnish10.awkward.重点短语1have a population/tradition of_2combine A and/with B _3wish/hope for _4in pain _5in the distance _6stare at _7make a gesture _8set off _9be fastened with _10be tied to _11fold back _12adjust to _13pick up _14with the arrival of _15make decisions _答案:1.有人口/传统2.把A和B结合在一起3.想要4.疼痛5.在远处6.盯着7.打手势8.出发,动身9和系在一起10.束缚于,捆绑于11.向后折叠12.适应13.拾起,捡起,学会,中途搭载14.随着的到达15.作出决定.必背句型1The Bai _the colour white,and Bai women wear white and red costumes,_the men wear white shirts and long wide trousers.白族人更喜欢白色,白族妇女穿着白色和红色的服装,然而男子穿着白色上衣和长而宽大的裤子。答案:prefer;while2The tent _a few mats on the floor,and a low table with a teapot.帐篷的地板上铺着几块地毡,还有一张矮桌,上面放着一个茶壶。答案:was furnished with3_Native Americans came across from Asia,somewhere between 12,000 and 25,000 years ago.人们通常认为印第安人是在12,000至25,000年间来自亚洲的某个地方。答案:It is generally agreed that4_ the most beautiful rainbow. 山上边有最美丽的彩虹。答案:Over the hills beyond was温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练10”,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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