高中英语 词汇详解(Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage)教学素材(外研版选修7)

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高中英语 词汇详解(Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage)教学素材(外研版选修7)_第1页
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高中英语 词汇详解(Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage)教学素材(外研版选修7)_第2页
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高中英语 词汇详解(Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage)教学素材(外研版选修7)_第3页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!知识感悟一、词汇详解1.agree vi. 同意;赞成;(同)一致;(食物、气候)适合【典型例句】 I dont agree with your words.我不同意你的话。His story agrees with the facts.他的陈述和事实相符。The wet weather doesnt agree with me.这潮湿的天气不适合我。Eggs dont agree with me.鸡蛋不适合我(的体质)。【相关链接】 (1)agree with 后跟“某人”或“某人的话”。例如:She didnt agree with me/what I said.她不同意我/我所说的话。(2)agree to do sth.同意做某事。例如:He agreed to go with me.他同意和我一起去。(3)agree on.“就(某一点)达成协议/一致看法”,根据此意义,其主语应该是复数。例如:We agreed on a date.我们决定了日期。(4)agree to(aplan,proposal,suggestion)“同意(计划、提议、建议)”,表达此意时,agree to相当于accept(接受)。(5)名词形式为agreement “一致,同意;协议”。2.remain vi.停留;保持;仍然【典型例句】 I went to the city,but my brother remained at home.我去了城市,可弟弟留在了家里。Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.彼得当了法官,但约翰仍然是个渔民。Hes determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way.他决心不管发生什么事都忠心于球队。The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery。客栈老板之死仍然是一个谜。It still remains to be seen.情形还需拭目以待。【知识归纳】 (1)remain没有被动语态用法。(2)remain后可接不同的成分来表示某一状态,如“remain+介词短语/名词(或短语)/形容词/不定式短语”。3.contribute vt.&vi.捐献;贡献;捐助【典型例句】 The old man contributed half of his savings to Project Hope.这位老人将积蓄的一半捐献给了希望工程。He contributed generously to the Red Cross.他对红十字会慷慨捐助。All this contributed to our success.这一切都促使我们获得成功。 Carelessness contributed to his errors.粗心大意造成了他的错误。 【要点归纳】 contribute常与介词to构成搭配,意为“帮助实现;有助于;促成”。【相关链接】 (1)contribute也有“投稿”之意。例如:He has contributed to the magazine for several years.他为这家杂志写稿已经有好几年了。(2)contribution n. 捐献;贡献;投稿。例如:make a contribution to 捐赠; 作出贡献4.maintainvt.保持;继续;维修;坚持;供给【典型例句】 I maintain friendly relations with my neighbors.我和邻居保持友好。The thief maintained that he was looking for his own property.那贼一口咬定他是在找他自己的财物。Before liberation,he couldnt maintain his family.解放前他不能养家。【相关链接】 辨析maintain/hold/keep/stay/remain:这五个动词都有“停留,保持”这一含义,不同之处在于:(1)maintain 与hold比较接近,一般都用作及物动词,接名词作宾语。例如:To maintain his health he takes a walk in the morning.为了保持健康,他每天早上散步。(2)stay 与remain比较相似,多用作不及物动词或系动词,后接形容词作表语。例如:Stay still a minute;I want to take your photograph.站着别动,我要给你照张相。(3)keep则比较全面,既可以充当及物动词,又可以作不及物动词,可以指(钟、表)走得准。例如:I kept myself warm by walking up and down.我踱来踱去以暖和身子。5.recommend vt.推荐;介绍【典型例句】 Can you recommend them a good novel?你能介绍他们一本好小说吗?We recommended a hardworking girl as a typist of your office.我们推荐一位能干的女孩作为你办公室的打字员。My parents recommended that we(should)go home earlier after school.父母劝我放学后早点回家。I recommend you not to disobey your officer.我建议你不要反对你的长官。【知识归纳】 (1)recommend 作“推荐、介绍”时,用“recommend sb.as/for.”,还可以作“建议,劝告”讲。(2)这里recommend 带宾语从句,从句常用“(should)+动词原形”的谓语形式;recommend sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事。6.apart from 除了【典型例句】 Apart from a few faults,he is a trustworthy teacher.除了两三个缺点外,他是个值得信赖的老师。The boy hardly seesanyone,apart from his parents.除了父母外,小男孩几乎看不到任何人。【相关链接】 apart from 有两种意义:(1)除了以外(别无),相当于except for。(2)除了外(尚有),相当于 besides。7.enlarge vt.扩大;扩展;扩充;放大【典型例句】 Can you enlarge this photograph for me?你能帮我把这张照片放大吗? The professor enlarged on(or upon)this subject.教授就这个题目详述自己的见解。【相关链接】 注意enlarge这个单词的构成:词缀为en,表示“放进,变成,变得,使成为,用来做某事,饰以,配以”。英语意思是put into/on,using.for doing sth.;make into,cause to be。8.go through 通过;穿过;透过;受苦 ;仔细检查【典型例句】 It took us a whole week to go through one of the great forests.我们花了整整一星期才穿过那一个大森林。She went through a lot of suffering when she was ill.她生病时受了不少罪。The policeman went through the thiefs pockets.警察搜查了小偷的衣袋。【相关链接】 get through/go through辨析:(1)都可表示“通过;用完”。例如:The man was so fat that he couldnt get/go through the door.那人胖得连那扇门都过不去。(2)又各有其含义:go through 检查;看一遍;经历(痛苦、困难);get through 通过考试;接通电话。例如:I got through everything except English.除英语外我别的都及格了。I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.我将作业检查了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。9.remind vt.提醒,使记起【典型例句】 She reminds me of someone I used to know.看到她使我想起以前认识的某个人。He reminded me to study hard.他提醒我要用功。She reminded me that I hadnt cleaned the blackboard.她提醒我还没有擦黑板。【要点归纳】 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人要做某事(动词不定式表将来)remind sb. of doing sth. 提醒某人已做了某事remind sb.+that clause 提醒10.at the mercy of 任摆布【典型例句】 His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.他的生命将由公爵处置。The ship was at the mercy of the storm.那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。【相关链接】 ill judged mercy 判断错误而给予的宽恕tender mercy 仁慈的宽恕without mercy 毫不容情地,无情地,残忍地beg the mercy of 恳求得到的宽恕intellectual mercy 明智的同情spare sb.out of mercy 出于仁慈饶了某人allow no mercy 不能宽恕have(=show)mercy on 对表示同情11.in return 作为回报【典型例句】 He helped me a lot.In return,I treated him to hamburgers.他帮了我很大的忙,作为回报,我请他吃汉堡。The boy carried bag for me.I tipped him $1 in return.这个男孩帮我提包,我给了他1美元的小费作为回报。【知识归纳】 in return可以单独使用,置于句首或句中,也可置于句末;in return还可以与介词for连用,构成介词短语表条件。12.be honored for. 因而受到尊敬【典型例句】 The teacher was honored for his excellent work.这位老师因为他的出色工作受到表彰。【相关链接】 (1)be honored as.作为而受到尊敬。例如:They were honored as national heroes.他们作为国家英雄而受到尊重。(2)be honored to do.(=have the honor to do)有幸(3)in honor of 为了纪念13.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视【典型例句】 Ignore the child if he misbehaves,and he will soon stop.孩子胡闹时,别去理他,不久他就会不闹了。He ignored the doctors advice.他不顾医生的忠告。【相关链接】 ignorance n.无知;不知be in ignorance of sth. 不知某事from ignorance 出于无知14.undertake 从事;负责(某事)【典型例句】 We shall undertake the construction of this bridge.我们将负责这座桥的修建工作。【相关链接】 undertake responsibility 承担责任undertake a patient 接收病人15.become/be aware of 察觉到;感觉到的;知悉的【典型例句】 Emotion eaters must become aware of their motivations for wanting to eat.依照情绪就餐者应该注意他们想吃的动机是什么。He wasnt aware of the danger.他没有觉察到危险。Are you aware of the time?你知道是什么时候吗?Smokers are well aware of the danger to their own health.吸烟者很清楚吸烟会对他们的健康造成危害。【要点归纳】 be aware that 意识到的;知道的。例如:He must have been aware that my parents marriage was breaking up.他一定意识到了我父母的婚姻正在破裂。16.affect vt.影响;对有坏影响【典型例句】 The change in climate may affect your health.气候的变化可能影响你的健康。We were deeply affected by the news of her death.她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤。The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。【相关链接】 (1)affective adj.情感的,表达感情的;affection n.喜爱,爱;affectionate adj.爱的(2)affect和effect辨析:effect是名词,意为“结果,效力,影响”,常用在 have an effect on词组中。动词 affect 作“影响”解,通常指对身体、思想或情绪带来不良影响。二、句型剖析1.in case 以防;万一【典型例句】 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很毒,你就把帽子戴上。In case of rain they cant go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。【相关链接】 as is often the case这是常有的事be the case with.的情况是Such is the case with me.我的情况也是这样。in any case无论如何;总之in nine cases out of ten十之八九in no case决不。例如:In no case should you forget your task.你决不能忘记自己的任务。in this/that case如果是这样/那样的话in the case of就来说;关于It/That/This is not the case.情况不是这样/并非事实。just in case以防(万一)2.as long as只要;如果的话【典型例句】 You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.只要不出后院,你可以在外面玩。Ill lend it to you as long as you handle it with care.只要你小心使用,我可以借给你。【相关链接】 as long as“只要;如果的话”,相当于if ,也可以用so long as。as long as还有“在的期间”“时间长达”等意思。例如:You can stay as long as ten days.你在这儿可以待10天。She lived abroad as long as five years.她住在国外长达5年之久。3.“疑问词+ever”和“no matter+疑问词”【典型例句】 No matter where you are,I will miss you.(=Wherever you are,Ill miss you.)不论你到哪里,我都会想你的。Dont trust him,no matter what he says.(=Dont trust him whatever he says.)不管他说什么,都别相信他。Whatever you say is always true.(不能换成No matter what)无论你说什么都是对的。【要点归纳】 “疑问词+ever”和“no matter+疑问词”都引导让步状语从句。此外,疑问词+ever还可引导名词性从句。【相关链接】 (1)who和whoever的区别who引导名词性从句时,意为“谁”,有疑问语气;whoever相当于“anyone who.”,意为“无论是谁”“的任何一个人”。例如:Who has taken away my bag is unknown.谁拿走了我的包还不知道。(用Whoever句意不通)Whoever wants to see this film can go with us tonight.无论谁想看这部电影,今晚可以和我们一起去。(whoever wants 相当于anybody who wants,意为“凡是想的人”,这里不可换为who。)(2)what和whatever的区别:what=the thing which;whatever=anything。例如:What you want has been sent here.你要的东西都送来了。Whatever you want makes no difference to me.不管你要什么,跟我没什么关系。三、语法解读虚拟语气虚拟语气分三种情况来掌握:虚拟条件句;名词性虚拟语气;虚拟语气的其他用语。1.虚拟条件句条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气。(1)与现在事实相反,其句型为:If+主语过去时,主语should(could,would,或might)动词原形,例如:If I were you,I would study hard.If it rained,I would not be here now.(2)与过去事实相反,句型为:If+主语+had+过去分词,主语should(could,would或might)have过去分词,例如:If the doctor had come last night,the boy would have saved.If I had not studied hard,I would have failed in the exam last term.(3)与将来事实相反,句型为:+do,主语should(could.)+原形do,例如:If it should rain tomorrow,we would stay at home.If I were to go to the moon one day,I could see it with my own eyes.If you missed the film tonight,you would feel sorry.注意问题:(1)If条件句中绝对不可以出现would。(2)根据句中的时间状语,有时可能出现“混合虚拟”的情况,即主句可能是现在的情况,条件句也许是发生在过去的情况,但都是遵守上述句型。(3)在条件句中如果出现were,had,should可省去if,将主语与这些词倒装,例如:Had the doctor come last night,the boy would have saved.Were I to go to the moon one day,I would see it with my own eyes.Should it rain tomorrow,we would stay at home.2.名词性虚拟语气在表示命令、建议、要求、惊叹时的名词性从句中需用虚拟语气,基本句型:主语(should)动词原形,例如:Mother insisted that John go to bed at 9 oclock.(宾语从句)We suggested that the meeting should not be held.It was required that the crops should be harvested at once.(主语从句)The suggestion that he be invited was rejected.(同位语从句)That is their demand that their wages be increased.(表语从句)注意:在这种句子中绝不出现would,must,could等。3.虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或应用于含蓄条件句:(1)wish后的宾语从句:与现在愿望不一致主语+过去时;与过去愿望不一致主语+had过去分词;与未来愿望不一致主语+would(could)原形。I wish I were you.I wish I had visited the White House when I was in the States.I wish I wouldmeet you tomorrow at the party.(2)Its time句型:当Its time后用that从句时应该为:“主语should+动词原形”或“主语过去时”,例如:Its time that you went to school.或Its time that you should go to school.(3)If only引起的感叹句相当于“How I wish宾语从句”。例如:If only he could come!他要能来就好了。If only I had known the answer!我要早知答案就好了。(4)would rather,as if(though)引导的句子也需使用虚拟,表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时。例如:Id rather you posted the letter right away.Id rather you had returned the book yesterday.She loves the children as if they were hers.Alan talked about Rome as if he had been there.(5)without,but,but for,otherwise引起的短语或句子常暗含着含蓄条件。例如:Without you,I would never know him.But for your cooperation,we wouldnt have done the work so well.But that she was afraid,she would have said no.I would be most glad to help you,but I am busy now.I would have come to the party yesterday,but I was working.I am busy now,otherwise I would do you the favor!地点、条件、让步状语从句1.地点状语从句地点状语从句通常由where,wherever引导。例如:Where I live there are plenty of trees.我住的地方树很多。Wherever I am I will be thinking of you.不管我在哪里我都会想到你。2.条件状语从句连接词主要有 if,unless,as/so long as,on condition that 等。if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。unless=if not。例如:Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired.=If you are not too tired,lets go out for a walk.如果不太累,我们去散散步。3.让步状语从句(1)though,although引导的让步状语从句,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。例如:Although its raining,they are still working in the field.虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。He is very old,but he still works very hard.虽然他很老了,但仍然努力地工作。Though the sore is healed,yet a scar may remain.伤口虽愈合,但伤疤留下了。(谚语)(2)as引导的让步从句必须把表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。例如:Child as he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.虽然是个小孩,该做什么不做什么,他全知道。(3)ever if,even though 即使。例如:Well make a trip even though the weather is bad.即使天气不好,我们也要去远足。(4)whether.or. 不管都。例如:Whether you believe it or not,it is true.信不信由你,这确实是真的。(5)“no matter+疑问词” 或“疑问词+后缀ever” 。例如:No matter what happened,he would not mind.=Whatever happened,he would not mind.不管发生什么,他不在意。替换:no matter what=whateverno matter who=whoeverno matter when=wheneverno matter where=whereverno matter which=whicheverno matter how=however注意:“no matter+疑问词”不能引导名词性从句。(错)No matter what you say is of no use now.(对)Whatever you say is of no use now.你现在说什么也没用了。(Whatever you say是主语从句)(错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given.(对)Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given.囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。活学巧用选择 (1)I agree _most of what you said.A.with B.onC.to D.in提示:我同意你所说的大部分话。答案:A(2)He didnt agree_my suggestion.A.for B.toC.withD.on提示:他不同意我的建议。答案:B(3)How do you deal with the_between the company and the customers?The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.A.agreeB.disagreeC.agreementD.disagreement提示:disagreement意见不一,不一致。答案:D选择 (1)Why do you look so upset?There are so many troublesome problems_.A.remaining to settleB.remained settledC.remaining to be settledD.remained to be settled提示:现在分词作定语,且settle与problem为动宾关系。 答案:C(2)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains_whether they will enjoy it.A.to seeB.to be seenC.seeingD.seen提示:remain to be seen尚待分晓。答案:B选择 (1)As is known,fresh air_health.A.contributesB.contributes toC.helpsD.affects提示:help也表示“有助于”但后面要加with;affect用于不好的结果。答案:B(2)Its said that driving after drinking_thousands of traffic accidents every year.A.results fromB.contributes toC.devotes toD.lies in提示:句意:据说,酒后驾驶每年导致成千上万起交通事故。results from由于,来自;contributes to 为作出贡献,引起;devoted to致力于,专注于;lies in 在于。答案:B选择 (1)Houses belonging to the government are always well_.A.stayedB.maintainedC.remainedD.kept提示:maintain“保护,保养”。句意为“属于政府的房子都保护得很好”。答案:B(2)She stand up and_out her hand.A.maintainedB.heldC.keptD.stayed提示:hold out伸出。答案:B(3)Although it is a cheap one,this watch_good time.A.maintainsB.holdsC.keepsD.remains提示:keep保持。句意为“这块表时间跑得很准”。答案:C完成句子 (1)My secretary_ _ _ (推荐给我)me by a clerk in my office.(2)Your classmates will_you_ (推荐你做)the job which is suitable for you.(3)My teacher recommended us to read this short story.=My teacher recommended that _ _this short story.答案:(1)was recommended to(2)recommend;for (3)we read选择 There can be no knowledge or theory without practice.(Which word or phrase has the same meaning as that of the word underlined?)A.besidesB.exceptC.apart fromD.except for提示:apart from 有“脱离开”之意。答案:C翻译 (1)我不需要详述此事,你们都知道我的意见。_(2)警方把失踪姑娘的照片放大了。_答案:(1)I neednt enlarge upon this matter;you all know my views.(2)The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged.选择 (1)I couldnt _.The line was busy.A.go byB.go around C.get in D.get through提示:get through这里表示“接通电话”。答案:D完成句子 (2) _ (当我们穿过山谷的时候),we saw many beautiful birds.(3)He_ (经历了很多困难)during World War .(4) _ (搜遍了所有的房间)by the police.答案:(2)When we went through the valley(3)went through a lot of difficulties(4)All the rooms have been gone through选择 (1)What he said just now_me of that American professor.A.mentionedB.informedC.remindedD.memorized提示:remind sb. of sth.使某人想起某事。答案:C(2)Tom has always thought of himself as a good cook and never failed to _everyone of it.A.remindB.rememberC.knowD.introduce提示:remind sb. of sth.,“提醒某人某事”,只有remind与of连用。答案:A选择 It was clear that the small grocer was_people the boss owed money to.A.at the expense ofB.at the risk of C.in the way ofD.at the mercy of提示:at the mercy of在支配下。答案:D选词填空in return/as a return/by return(1)Give him something valuable _of his help.(2)I saved him while he cheated me_.答案:(1)as a return(2)in return 选择 (1)Washington,a state in the United States,was named_one of the greatest American presidents.A.in honor ofB.instead ofC.in favor ofD.by means of提示:in honor of为了纪念答案:A英译汉(2)Im honored to be with you._答案:和你在一起我感到荣幸。选择 I tried to persuade him not to keep in touch with her,but what I said was always_ .A.acceptedB.received C.ignoredD.noticed.提示:题意是“我尽力劝说他不要与她保持联系,但是我说的话总是不被理睬”。accept 主观接受;receive客观收到; ignore不理睬,忽视;notice注意。由转折词but可排除A项。答案:C英汉互译(1)他负责对各种变化作出安排。_(2)At first we could only undertake repair jobs._答案:(1)He undertook the responsibility for changes.(2)起初我们只能干修理的活。完成句子 (1)It happened without my_ _of it.(事情在我不知不觉中发生了。)(2)I dont think you _ _ _how much this means to me.(我想你还不知道这对我多么重要。)(3)Is he _ _the threat?(他意识到威胁了吗?)(4)He_ _that something was burning.(他发觉有东西烧着了。)答案:(1)being aware(2)are aware of(3)aware of(4)became aware 选词填空affect/effect(1)Some plants are quickly _by cold.(2)He was much _ by the sad news.(3)Our arguments had some_ on them.(4)Music _some people very strongly.(5)Punishment almost had no _on the naughty boy.答案:(1)affected(2)affected(3)effects(4)affects(5)effect选择 (1)I hear some scientists are afraid that computers will take the place of man,having humans as their slaves.What if that is the_?A.result B.endC.thing D.case 提示:that is the case的意思是“情况是这样”。答案:D(2)Ive just painted the door.Ill put a WET PAINT notice next to it_somebody doesnt realize its just been painted.A.whileB.ifC.as long asD.in case提示:此句用in case 表示“以防”;as long as表示条件,意为“只要”。答案:D选择 _I can see,we will carry out the plan _they declare themselves for the plan at the meeting.A.As far as;as far asB.As long as;as long asC.As long as;as far as D.As far as;as long as提示:as far as表示“到的程度”;as long as表示“只要;如果的话”。答案:D选择 (1)If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty_great it is.A.whatB.how C.however D.whatever提示:however great it is为让步状语从句,意义相当于no matter how great it is。D项whatever不能修饰形容词great。答案:C(2) _,his mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A.However late is he B.However he is late C.However is he late D.However late he is提示:However late he is为让步状语从句,不可倒装。答案:D(3) _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A.AnyoneB.The person C.WhoeverD.Who 提示:Whoever引导主语从句,意义相当于Anybody who。答案:C(4)We agreed to accept_they thought was not the best tourist guide.A.whateverB.whomever C.whichever D.whoever提示:whoever指人,既为宾语从句的引导词,又在从句中作主语。答案:D选择 (1)It is necessary that everyone here_for his own experiment.A.must get readyB.get readyC.gets readyD.must get prepared提示:It be necessary/essential/important that,It is suggested/ordered/demanded that后接虚拟语气,从句谓语用(should)do sth.,It is a pity/shame/strange/no wonder/unfair/surprising that后接should虚拟语气或陈述语气。答案:B(2)If only my grandpa _this together with us now!A.had seenB.could seeC.must seeD.shall see提示:if only表示“要是就好了,但愿”,接虚拟语气。答案:B(3)How dangerous it was!Yes,but for the policemans quick action,the old man_by the car.A.would be knocked downB.should be knocked downC.could have b

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