Module 1《Baskateball》-Vocabulary学案1(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业! Module 1 Baskateball 词汇-学案1. defend v. 防护,辩护,防卫 defence n.保卫,防卫;防御工事 defend sb. from/against sb./sth.保护某人免受伤害 defend sb. from attack 保护某人免受袭击 defend ones counry from enemies 卫国抗敌2. talented adj.有天资的,有才能的 talent n.才能,天资;有才能的人,天才,人才 possess a remarkable talent for music 具有非凡的音乐才能 a painter of great talent 有天赋的画家 a talented musician 天才的音乐家3. hold 拿住,抓住,抱住,咬住; 承受(重量);保持(在某种状态);容纳,包含;hold on 等一下;坚持住 Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.They managed to hold on until help arrived.hold on to 抓住或握住(某人或某物);保留He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.hold up 使停顿The heavy fog held up the traffic.hold back 阻挡,抑制,隐瞒The police cordon(警戒线)was unable to hold back the crowd.hold out 维持,保持; 够用I cant hold out much longer. I must go.4. value n. 价值,重要性,益处 vt.珍视,看重,估价 valued adj.有价值的 valuable adj.很重要的,很有用的,宝贵的 invaluable adj. 无价的,价值连城的。(priceless) valueless adj. 没有价值的,不值钱的。 (worthless) be of value = be valuable a valuable(valued) experience 宝贵的经验 This jewellery is invaluable(priceless). The glass is valueless(worthless).5. attend v. 出席,参加;照顾;侍候;倾听 attend class(school,a meeting,a wedding) attend to somebody 照顾某人 attend to what sb says. 倾听某人说话6. average n.平均数 ,一般水平,平均标准adj.平均的,普通的,平常的,一般的 on (the /an)average 平均 On average we have senven periods a day. 我们平均每天上七节课。 below /above/beyond average 低于/高于/超过平均数 with an average of 平均为 an average rate 平均费率 The average of 4,5 and 9 is 6. 4,5,9三数的平均数是6. I was just an average sort of student. 我只是一个普通的学生。7. motivate vt. 激发,激励; 作为的动机 He was motivated by the book. 他受到了这本书的激励。 be motivated by greed/love 受贪欲,爱的驱使 motivation n(u) 动力,积极性(c) 动机,原因The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人的学习欲望越强,那么他的外语就学得越快。What was your motivation for becoming a teacher?8. deserve v. 应得(奖赏,特殊待遇等),值得She deserves a reward for her efforts.deserve不用于进行时,用doing或to be done两种形式表示被动含义。He deserved punishing.He deserved to be punished.9. live adj. “活的(与dead相对应)”,只能作定语(一般指动物),另外还有“现场直播的”意思(反义词recorded “转播的”) a live fish a live broadcast concertalive adj. “活着的,健在的”作表语;作定语需后置(一般用于人有时也用于动物)living adj. “活着的,有生命的”。即可做定语,又可作表语。 living things 生物lively adj. 生动的,活泼的10. rely 依靠,依赖;信赖,指望 rely on 指望,依赖 rely on sb to do sth 指望某人做某事 rely on it that Nowadays we rely increasely on computers for help. You can rely on me to keep your secret. You can rely on it that it will rain this weekend.11. dominate v.支配,统治,控制 He has authority, but he doesnt try to dominate others. My weekend was dominated by housework.12. absorb 1) 吸收,吸进 2) 减轻,缓冲 3)完全吸引住(某人的)注意力或兴趣 Plants absorb oxygen. Buffers absorbed most of the shock. 缓冲器使震动减少了许多。 His business absorbs him. be absorbed in 全神贯注于 He is absorbed in his business/book. 13. obtain1. 得到,获得He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。I wished to obtain firsthand information.obtain (gain, get) a footing in society在社会上占有地位 (取得立足点)2. 得到公认;通用;流行;存在 Those conditions no longer obtain.那些情形已不存在。The custom still obtains in some areas.某些地区仍保留着这一习俗。14. commit 干(错事,坏事),犯罪I committed an error in handling the business.我在处理这一业务时犯了一个错误。commit a murder.犯谋杀罪 commit sb./ sth. to .把.交托给;把.提交给;把.付诸;把.押交;把.判处The child was committed to the nurses care.孩子被交给护士照顾。The judge committed him to ten years imprisonment.法官判处他十年徒刑。commit oneself to sth./ doing sth.承担义务He didnt commit himself to anything.他没有做出任何承诺。15. confirm v. 证实,进一步确定; 批准He looked around to confirm that he was alone.他四处张望,要确定周围没人。Im just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.我打电话确认明天下午3点你约定的时间。The treaty was confirmed by the king.国王批准了协议。confirm a title to sb 批准授予某人一个称号16. basis n. 基础,根据 (表抽象)the economic basis 经济基础base n. 基础,基地,根据地(表具体)vt. 基于,根据;把建立在基础上,以为基础base on/ upon以为基础(根据)be based on/ uponThe book is based on a true story.这本书以一个真实的故事为原型的。training /supply base 训练/ 供应基地basic adj. 基本的,基础的These poor people lack the basic necessities of life.这些穷人缺乏生活的基本必需品。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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