Book 8 Module3 Foreign Food Period 1

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!李林中学高三年级英语导学案班级_ 姓名_学生使用时间_第_周课题主备审核使用教师编号编写时间Module 31. 课前导学1 重点词汇abundant, altogether, fork, fry, gradual, grocery, guest, honey, manner, owe, pattern, poison, prepare, requirement, tongue, transform, trend2 短语end up, have . in common, in short, make out, no wonder, set fire to, at the end of, in the end, go without saying, on the dot, as a rule, make a beeline, on close terms with3.重点句子1. Everything you see I owe to spaghetti. P292. What is food to one man may be poison to another. P293. You should eat to live, not live to eat. P294. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table, with plates dangerously balanced one on top of another. P305. No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish. P306. The first time I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head I had bad dreams for weeks. P307. Whats more, the names of many kinds of English food are hard to remember. P312.课堂识真一、用下列单词或词组的正确形式填空obsess, owe, manner, artificial, consequence, end up, make out1. I think you _ us an explanation.2. He is _ with computers.3. He stared at the diamonds with _ eyes.4. His _ was polite but cool.5. The aim of the series is both to _ and inform.6. This decision could have serious _ for the future of the industry.7. He forced out an _ smile.8. Its bad _ to talk with your mouth full.9. If you go on like this, youll _ in prison.10. He _ a cheque for 100.二. Reading comprehension Choose the best answer 1. Whats the main idea of the text? A. Do as the Romans do when in Rome. B. How to get used to Chinese and foreign foods C. The different diets between China and foreign countries . D. Healthy body lies in healthy diets. 2. What mistake did the writer make at the Chinese banquet? A. He thought guests couldnt have very big appetites. B. He thought the first course was the whole meal and ate too much. C. At the beginning of the banquet he didnt eat much. D. At last he could only watch as the banquet continued. 3. What impressed the writer most at the banquet? A. At first, everyone just tasted a bit of each dish. B. The quantity of food served. C. He couldnt have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be. D. He saw a kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head. 4. What did the writer think about eating cold food? A. British people like cold food. B. The cold food was a meal that would make you feel cold inside. C. British people like to mix food before serving it at the table. D. The writer was amazed at their easy and graceful manner. all三 SummaryChinese people are sometimes _ with food . A real Chinese banquet can be very _ .But much to the _ of many westerners , the Chinese seem to eat every _ of an animal . The Chinese food is usually prepared more _ than British food . So Chinese dishes have a nice _ . They can be photographed . British people have easy and _ manner while eating. Chinese people like hot food while British people like eating_ food . They get used to _ different foods together beforeserving it to the table .So it is hard to make _ what it is . Their food goes _ the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table . 3.课后见功巩固练习1.From the way her sitting-room is decorated, you can tell she has a wonderful _ in arts.A. impression B. flavor C. taste D. style2._ the wise leadership of our Party, we have made great achievements during the last years.A. with B. to C. on D. at3Students who fail to meet the _of the course will fail A. achievements B. requirements C. agreements D.combinations4Their son _the Internet and couldnt pay attention to his study A. was owed to B ended up Cwas obsessed with D remarked5There was nothing to eat at home so we_ getting a takeaway 、 Apicked up Btook up Cmade up Dended up6The passage is so difficult that I cant _the meaning of it Agive out B. come out Cmake out D.put out7Mary and Rose are twin sisters,but they have nothing _ common Ain Bwith COf Dfrom8. Those who _the rules of history will be punished by history A. stand for B. go againstClook for D1ean against9. He was sentenced to death because he _to a supermarket on purpose A. set fire B. caught fireCmake a fire D. was fired10. He hasnt slept at all for three days. _he is tried out.A. There is no points B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way11. It was only after he failed in the exam _realized that he had wasted SO much timeA. which B. that C it D12. Its _ to come into teachers office without teachers permission.A. manner B. a manner C. bad manner D. bad manners13. (2009四川) In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.A. but B. while C. because D. though 14. (2009) The play_ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced15.(2009) it was_ he came back from Africa this year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when , then; B. not, until; C. not until; that D. only, when; 16. We went through a period _ communications are very difficult in the rural areas.A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which 17._ _, the report says that more money should be spent on education.A. in short B. in case C. in detail D. in turn18. As is well known, a teacher should _ as well as teach.A. owe B. chew C. remark D. entertain 4.拾遗补缺“食”用英语: 1.“饭后百步走,活到九十九” 2. “早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃少 3. 人想长寿安,要减夜来餐 4.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 5. Healthy mind in a healthy body. 6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 7)a piece of cake 小菜一碟 8)hot potato 烫手的山芋 9)put all eggs in one basket 把所有鸡蛋放在一篮子里(比喻风险很大) 10)bread and butter 面包和黄油(比喻谋生的手段) 11)apple of ones eyes 掌上明珠(比喻某人最喜欢的)P. S. Can you think of more proverbs connected with health? 5.拓展空间1. I bought a box of sweets I was invited to his house. A. the first time B. for the first time C. first time D. by the first time 2. If he carries on driving like that, hell dead. A. put up B. end up C. hold up D. shut up 3. The machine requires , so the workers are required ready. A. repair; to get B. repairing; to get C. repairing; getting D. to be repaired; getting4. It is any wonder that his friend doesnt like watching television much. A. no B. such C. nearly D. hardly 5. UN secretary Kofi A. Annan often states at international conferences that the developed countries should greatly reduce the debts which the underdeveloped countries to them. A. to owe B. owe C. owing D. owed 6. Where are they? They be in the forest for its getting darker and darker. A. mustnt B. wont be C. cant D. shouldnt 7. Steve is ill in hospital. he is absent from class. A. I wonder B. No wonder C. I think D. I have no idea 8. It was only after he failed in the exam he realized that he had wasted so much time. A. which B. that C. it D. /9. Those who the rules of history will be punished by history. A. stand for B. go against C. look for D. lean against 10. The couple never have words because they have with each other. A. nothing in common B. much out of the common C. few in common D. much in common 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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