高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 3 Literature》3-4Cultural Corner

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 3 第4课时.单词拼写1In the past, many people suffered from s_because of a lack of food.2He a_enormous wealth through trade.3Always chew food well before s_it.4She gave me a b_of flowers.5Today we m_for all those who died in wars.6Have you read the_(章)on the legal system?7He is a man of_(低下的)birth.8The case never came to_(审理)9The first part of the plan has been safely_(完成)10Most of our students_(获得)five Agrades in their exams.答案:1.starvation2.accumulated3.swallowing4.bunch5mourn6.chapter7.humble8.trial9.accomplished10attained.短语翻译1a huge amount of_2bring sth. to the attention of sb. _3a bunch of flowers _4in rags _5search for _6缺乏食物 _7生活水平 _8把某人关进监狱 _9付账 _10由于的结果 _答案:1.大量的2.使某人关注某事3.一束花4.衣衫褴褛5.寻找6.a lack of food7.the standard of living8.put sb. in prison9.pay the bills10.as a result of.完成句子1我哥哥四十好几才结婚。My brother got married_ _ _.2由于这场大地震成千上万的人无家可归。Thousands of people became homeless_ _ _ _the big earthquake.3您是付现金还是用信用卡?Are you_ _cash or by credit card?4在以后几天中,他们逐渐熟悉了这个小镇。_the next few days, they_ _ know the town well.5她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。She_ _her passport, but_ _.答案:1.in his forties2.as a result of3.paying in4.Over, got to5.searched for; in vain.同义句转换1The teacher spoke loudly in order to let all his students hear him.(1)The teacher spoke loudly_ _ _all his students_hear him.(2)The teacher spoke loudly_ _he could_ _by all his students.(3)The teacher spoke loudly to _ _ _ by all his students.2It rained yesterday, so we didnt have the football match.(1)It rained yesterday. _ _ _we didnt have the football match.(2)It rained yesterday. _ _ _, we didnt have the football match.(3)We didnt have the football match. _ _ _it rained yesterday.3He had difficulty in paying the rent.(1)He had_ _paying the rent.(2)He_ _with the rent.4The reason why he didnt attend the meeting was that he was ill.He was ill. _ _he_ _ _the meeting.5This street is more than 30 meters wide.(1)This street is more than 30 meters_ _.(2)_ _ _this street is more than 30 meters.答案:1(1)in order that; could(2)so that; be heard(3)make himself heard2(1)That was why(2)As a result(3)That was because3(1)trouble in(2)had difficulty4Thats why; was absent from5(1)in width(2)The width of.完形填空Charles Dickens was born in 1812. He was_1_of a clerk in a government office. When Charles was still a little boy, his father was sent to prison for_2_. In those days, men who_3_quite small amounts had to stay in_4_until the debt was paid.When Charles was 12, he had to work in a factory. The only formal education he_5_was a twoyear schooling at a school for_6_children. His career as a_7_of novels began in 1833 with short stories and essays(散文)in periodicals, and in 1837, when he was 25, his short stories were_8_into the novel “The Pickwick Papers”, which made him the most_9_author of his time in England.Charles Dickens had_10_of the unhappy life of many poor people. In years of hard work in various_11_jobs, Charles met many people, young and old, rich and poor, happy and_12_. He had unusual energy and unusual powers of observation.Dickens_13_were much better or much worse than they would be in real life. The novels of Dickens are_14_of life, observation, and energy, and his own energy seemed_15_. Many of his novels like “Oliver Twist, David Copper field, Great Expectations”, _16_attention to the unsatisfactory social conditions that existed in England over a hundred years ago. Dickens was loved by the broad mass of the people.“A Tale of Two Cities” is one of his famous novels. It was_17_in 1859. In this novel Dickens gives a vivid description of the French Bourgeios Revolution that_18_in 1789.His sudden death in 1870_19_thousands of people who were waiting for his next book. Instead, they bought and wept over(为哭泣)a picture called“The Empty Chair”,_20_the desk and chair that he would no longer use.1A.the friendBthe sonCthe writer Dthe daughter答案:B解析:Charles Dickens出生于1812年,他是一个政府小职员的儿子。2A.murder BdebtCcrime Dstealing答案:B解析:从下文特别是“.until the debt was paid”可知,“他爸爸因欠债而被关进了监狱”。3A.earned BmadeCowed Dstole答案:C解析:由下文可知,此处是“当时,哪怕是欠很少数目的债也要蹲监狱直到还清债务”。4A.prison BschoolCstreet Dchurch答案:A解析:stay in prison意为“蹲监狱”。5A.accepted BreceivedCreturned Dgained答案:B解析:这里谈论的是Charles接受的教育。“他所接受的在校的正式教育只有两年”。receive education意为“接受教育”;是习惯搭配。6A.normal BunusualCdisabled Dpoor答案:D解析:由文章内容可知,Charles小的时候,家里很穷。7A.reader BwriterCinventor Dcritic答案:B解析:由下文可知,此处说的是他作为小说作家的职业始于1833年。8A.collected BtranslatedCpublished Dchanged答案:A解析:在1837年,他25岁时,他的短篇小说被收集整理成小说The Pickwick Papers。9A.interesting BinstructiveCpopular Dunknown答案:C解析:小说The Pickwick Papers使他成为他那个时代英国最受欢迎(popular)的作家。10A.experiences BstoriesCtimes Dmaterials答案:A解析:由上下文可推知,“Charles Dickens有着与众多穷人一样的不幸的生活经历(experience)”。11A.unimportant BunfairCunpleasant Dunlucky答案:C解析:由unhappy life, hard work等来看,此处说的是Dicknes在各种各样(various) 艰难的工作中,他结识了很多人这些为他后来的创作提供了素材。12A.poor BsufferingCold Dmiserable答案:D解析:通过上文的young and old, rich and poor可推知此处说的是“幸福的和不幸福的”。在这4个词中只有miserable与happy相对。13A.novels BcharactersCworks Dactors答案:B解析:前面说Dickens在多年的劳动中结识了各种各样的人,此处说的是Dickens笔下的人物要么比真实中的更好,要么比真实中的更差。14A.full BtiredCcareful Dafraid答案:A解析:从上下文来看,此处说的是Dickens的小说充满了生活气息、想像力和活力15A.limited BendlessCgreat Dpoor答案:B解析:前面说“他的小说充满了生活气息,充满了想像力和活力”,由此可断定“他本人的精力似乎是无穷尽的”。endless是形容词,意为“无边的;没有穷尽的”。16A.drew BaskedCdevoted Dfixed答案:A解析:他的很多小说像雾都孤儿、大卫科波菲尔等所关注的是一百多年前在英国所存在的令人不满意的社会环境。draw attention to固定搭配,意为“关注;让人去注意”。17A.published Bcome outCreviewed Dcollected答案:A解析:双城记是在1859年“出版”的。18A.broke away Bbroke downCbroke out Dbroke up答案:C解析:“双城记生动描写了爆发于1789年的法国资产阶级革命”。break out意为“爆发”;不能用于被动语态中。break in为“闯入”;break down为“抛锚;破裂”;break up为“分解;破碎”;都不符合语境。19A.struck BshockedCterrified Ddisappointed答案:B解析:句意为“正当人们盼望着他的下一部作品问世时,他的突然离世震惊了成千上万的人”。20A.insisting BwatchingCrealizing Dshowing答案:D解析:他们恸哭并购买了称作“The Empty Chair”的画,这幅画表现的是他不再使用的桌椅。.阅读理解Since 1989, Dave Thomas, who died at age 69, was one of the most recognizable faces on TV. He appeared in more than 800 commercials(商业广告)for the hamburger chain named for his daughter. “As long as it works,”he said in 1991, “Ill continue to do those commercials.”Even though he was successful, Thomas remained troubled by his childhood. “He still wont let anyone see his feet, which are out of shape because he never had properfitting shoes.”Wendy said in 1993. Born to a single mother, he was adopted(收养)as a baby by Rex and Auleva Thomas of Kalamazoo in Michigan. After Auleva died when he was 5, Thomas spent years on the road as Rex traveled around seeking construction work. “He fed me,”Thomas said, “and if I got out on line, hed beat me.”Moving out on his own at 15, Thomas worked, first as a waiter, in many restaurants. But he had something much better in mind, “I thought if I owned a restaurant,”he said, “I could eat for free.”A 1956 meeting with Harland Sanders led Thomas to a career as the manager of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that made him a millionaire in 1968.In 1969, after breaking with Sanders, Thomas started the first Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers, in Columbus, Ohio, which set itself apart by serving madetoorder burgers. With 6,000 restaurants worldwide, the chain now makes $ 6 billion a year in sales.Although troubled by his own experience with adoption, Thomas, married since 1954 to Lorraine, 66, and with four grown kids besides Wendy, felt it could offer a future for other children. He started the Dave Thomas Foundation(基金会)for Adoption in 1992.In 1993, Thomas, who had left school at 15, graduated from Coconut Creek High school in Florida. He even took Lorraine to the graduation dance party. The kids voted him Most Likely to Succeed.“The Dave you saw on TV was the real Dave,”says his friend Pat Williams“He wasnt a great actor or a great speaker.He_was_just_Joe_Everybody”1What is the article mainly about?AThe life of Dave Thomas.BThe dream of Dave Thomas.CThe schooling of Dave Thomas.DThe growth of Dave Thomas business答案:A解析:这是一道主旨题。通读这篇短文可以看出,这篇短文主要讲述了Dave Thomas的一生。2What do we know about his childhood?AHe lived a poor life.BHe had caring parents.CHe stayed in one place.DHe didnt go to school.答案:A解析:这是一道细节题。第二段描述了Dave Thomas童年的生活。他出生在一个单身母亲家庭,被收养后,生活一直十分贫穷,甚至连一双合适的鞋子也没有。3Choose the right time order of the following events in Thomas life.agraduated from high schoolbstarted his own businesscbecame a millionairedstarted a foundationewent Harland SandersAe, b, c, d, a Ba, e, c, b, dCe, c, b, d, a Da, e, b, c, d答案:C解析:这是一道顺序选择题。短文的内容告诉我们,Dave Thomas在1956年遇到Harland Sanders,1968年成为百万富翁,1969年开始自己经营,1992年开办基金会,1993年在高中毕业。4“He was just Joe Everybody.”(in the last paragraph)means_.ADave was famous BDave was ordinaryCDave was showy DDave was shy答案:B解析:这是一道理解句意题。比较Dave Thomas的朋友Pat Williams所说的话“He wasnt a great actor or a great speaker. He was just Joe Everybody.”可以判断出,Joe Everybody指的是“普通人”。5What is the name of Dave Thomas business?AThomas.BWendys.CLorrines.DRexs.答案:B解析:这是一道细节题。从第一段第二句中“He appeared in more than 800 commercials for the hamburger chain named for his daughter.”我们得知,Dave Thomas business的名字是Wendys。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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