高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 3 Literature》3-1Introduction

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高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 3 Literature》3-1Introduction_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 3 第1课时.单词拼写1There were a lot of sad s_ when the war ended.2Dont be c_ to anyone.3Shes s_ herself to try to lose weight.4After his parents died, he became an o_ and went to a w_ in London.5Shes a productive n_ and has written many n_ so far.答案:1.scenes2.cruel3.starving4.orphan, workhouse5.novelist, novels.单项填空1_and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.ASurprisingBSurprisedCBeing surprised DTo be surprising答案:B解析:考查形容词作伴随状语的用法。题意:托尼又惊又喜地站起来领奖。所填选项与happy并列,应为形容词,说明主语的状态,A、D两项都表示主动意义,意为“(物)令人吃惊的”,C项表示原因,意义不当。surprised为形容词,表示“(人)吃惊的”。2Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally_.Afriendly BvariousCcommon Dchangeable答案:A解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:绿色产品正变得越来越受欢迎,因为它们非常环保。friendly此处意为“好用的;无害的;”environmentally friendly意为“环保的”;various“各种各样的”;common“普通的”;changeable“易变的”。3He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_was seen at its best when he worked with others.Atemper BappearanceCtalent Dcharacter答案:D解析:考查语境中名词的运用。character“性格”;句意为:当他与别人一起工作时,他的性格展现出最好的一面。4Did Henry paint the whole house himself.He_because he doesnt like to climb a ladder.Ahadnt painted Bhad it paintedChad painted it Dpainted it答案:B解析:由句意为“因为他不喜欢爬梯子”可知“他让别人刷的房子”。have sth. done“使某事被做”,指做事情的人不是句子的主语。5More and more people would like to live in the countryside_there is fresh air and lower price of housing.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhen答案:C解析:考查定语从句。句意为:越来越多的人喜欢住在乡村,那里空气新鲜而且房价较低。where引导定语从句,且在从句中作地点状语。.完形填空One evening, sitting at the window sewing, my mother called me, “Come here,”she said. “_1_”. She held my head against her_2_, and after a puzzled moment I felt a_3_foot drumming on my cheek. “You see?”she said, “Its alive. You can_4_it, cant you?”I accepted it, as I accepted everything, without_5_. It was as good a place for the baby to be as any others and I never_6_about why it got in or how it would finally get out.A baby would come? I_7_noticed. That there were soon_8_of us would not make any difference to me. I had my place, starlike in my small universe. _9_, certainly not a baby, could_10_that.I was_11_, however. I soon found that things_12_a great deal. I had never been the_13_. Now I was no longer the youngest. I was simply the one in the_14_. My sister had certain_15_because she was the oldest, and my brother was the baby, the son, the much_16_boy. More than that, he had all sorts of things that never came to me.As he grew, it became_17_that my brother had been the center of everything. People smiled when they saw him. He made them happy_18_by being there. And he had the sort of childish beauty that always turns heads and draws a second_19_. He was so charming that he was immediately loveable. Later he also turned out to be_20_, although perhaps not quite as clever as I was.1A.LookBSeeCListen DStop答案:C解析:据下文“She held my head against.I felt.”可知。2A.stomach BbackCside Dshoulder答案:A解析:下文谈到baby即将出世,可知作者应在腹部听。3A.strong BhardCsoft Dtiny答案:D解析:谈到腹中的婴儿,当然应是tiny foot。4A.believe BfeelCnotice Dtouch答案:B解析:因为是头贴到妈妈腹部,所以feel正合适。5A.surprise BdelayCtrouble Deffort答案:A解析:上文谈到了“接受一切”所以说“一点也不惊讶”。6A.worried BarguedCregretted Ddoubted答案:D解析:据下文的why.和how.可知此处应为怀疑。7A.hardly BcertainlyCpossibly Dwillingly答案:A解析:hardly“几乎不”;该句为主题句,和下段形成对比。“我并没在意周围发生的一切,因为这对我没有影响。”8A.two BthreeCfour Dfive答案:B解析:根据下段,“我、小弟弟、姐姐”,所以有三个孩子。9A.Anything BSomethingCNothing DEverything答案:C解析:由句意“没有什么能改变我的中心地位,包括即将出生的婴儿”知选C。10A.improve BthreatenCcompare Dprevent答案:B解析:与本段的中心吻合,“什么也不能对我在家庭中的地位构成威胁”。11A.curious BcarelessCwrong Danxious答案:C解析:本句用了however,与上文构成了意思上的转折。12A.improved BchangedCincreased Ddisturbed答案:B解析:理由同11,“我很快发现情况有了很大变化”。13A.oldest ByoungestCcleverest Ddearest答案:A解析:“我从未是最大的”,下文谈到“My sister.because she was the oldest.”。14A.family BhouseCmiddle Dtrouble答案:C解析:既不是最大,也不是最小,那当然是中间的(middle)。15A.manners BknowledgeCopinions Drights答案:D解析:既然“she was the oldest”,那当然她有权利了。16A.admired BblamedCfavored Dloved答案:D解析:loved“受人喜爱的;招人喜欢的”。17A.strange BobviousCserious Dspecial答案:B解析:“It becomes obvious that.”,“渐渐明显的是”。通过下文的一系列描述,可得出这是一个显而易见的事实。18A.usually BcuriouslyCgradually Dsimply答案:D解析:simply“仅仅;只”;他只需待在这儿,就能逗得大家开心。usually“通常”;curiously“好奇地”;gradually“逐渐地”。19A.look BsmileCcare Dcomfort答案:A解析:他孩子气的美使人看了又想看。20A.ordinary BperfectCclever Dsimilar答案:C解析:下文和我进行比较用了clever,又用了also,故选C。perfect“完美的”;与although矛盾。ordinary“普通的”;similar“类似的”;均不合题意。.阅读理解Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident, not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion(提升), happiness and security(安全). As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do so long as they can earn a living. Some stay long at a job and learn to like it, others move from one to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation. Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion(混乱)is that there never has been a proper vocational(职业)guidance in our educational institutions. Nearly all grope(摸索)in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what their salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them.Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependents with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and, in many ways, determines social position in life, selection of friends, leisure and interests.In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest. Nothing is more pathetic(可悲)than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and at last make you an emotional damage and a bitter person. Consideration should also be given to various aptitudes(明智). Far too many people have stores of abilities and talents that are not fully used or are even left dormant(睡眠). Being aware of latent(潜在的)talents will provide you with the incentive(激情)to keep working in face of difficulties and disappointments, because you will know for sure that you are doing the best for yourself and have the confidence that you can carry out what you set out to do.At this point it would be useful to note the differences between occupation and profession. An occupation is employment, trade or business. It does not necessarily require great mental ability. It cares for people with standard basic education and enough skill to carry on work to satisfy the need of a society. Professional employment demands extensive college or university training and requires a strict and comprehensive(全面的)public examination. You should not attempt to enter a profession career unless you have above average intelligence and have determination to spend time for studies.1The point the writer is making about the main defect(缺点)of choosing a suitable job is_.Athe young people are moneymindedBthey face much competitionCthey have no working experienceDthey are not aware of their latent talents答案:D解析:判断题。A有较大干扰性。从文中我们看到moneyminded是一部分人的缺点,但并不是年轻人寻找工作时的main defect。从第一段“Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities.”而在第三段“Being aware of latent talents will provide you with the incentive.”作者又强调了知道自己潜能的重要性,因此D为最佳答案。2In emphasizing(强调)the importance of choosing a job in relation to success in life, the writer makes one of the following statements_.Awhether the job sets a pattern of lifeBwhether the job suits youCwhether the job will destroy your talentsDwhether the job determines your social position in life答案:B解析:细节题。从第一段最后一句得此答案。3What is the authors opinion about the common factor shared between occupation and profession?ABoth provide service for mankind.BBoth satisfy the need of a society.CBoth require academic(学校的)aptitude.DBoth have to fulfill strict examination.答案:B解析:深层理解题。最后一段作者提出“It(an occupation)cares for people.to satisfy the need of a society.”下文又指出“Professional employment demands.and requires a strict and comprehensive public examination.”而public examination在此指the need of a society,因此尽管occupation and profession对人们的要求有所不同,换句话说,profession对人的要求更宽、更广,但它们都必须要顺应社会的需要。4A suitable title for this passage is_.AJobhuntingBEarning a livingCDifferences among Different JobsDChoosing a Career答案:D解析:主旨大意题。全文讲了在选择职业时人们的错误意识,接下来作者提出了选择职业的几条建议,因此D为最佳答案。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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