新译林英语五年级下册5B Unit3练习题2

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111 学生姓名: _ 年级: 科目_英语 练习内容一选择( )1.Helen often _ in summer. A swimming B swims C swim( )2.-_do you go to school? -By school bus. A Where B How C When ( )3.He likes his new school _. A either B many C very much ( )4._often go to the park on Sunday afternoons. A I and Nancy B Nancy and I C Nancy and me( )5.He doesnt think _. A so B this C too ( )6.They _the way to the park. A not know B dont know C doesnt know( )7.How does Yang Ling get _? By bus. A to home B home C cinema( )8.How do you get to the hospital? I get _by taxi. A there B to there C the hospital( )9.Can you show your new book _ us? A to B for C with ( )10.We live near the zoo.We often go _ on Sundays. A to there B here C there( )11.I can _. A ride a bike B by a bike C by bike 二、从B栏目中选出与A栏相应的答句。h A B( )1. Would you like some coffee? a. Eight.( )2. How many lessons do you have? b.Theyre Jims.( )3. Where do you live? c.Because its my birthday.( )4. When does David go to the zoo? d.I live near City Library.( )5. Whose clothes are these? e. Sorry, I dont know. Im new here.( )6. Why are you so happy? f No, I dont.( )7. Do you see my footha11? g.He visits his uncle.( )8. What does he often do on Sundays? h.Yang Ling and Su Hai.( )9. Who cleans the classrooms. i.Yes, please.( )10. Ho,r can I get to the bookshop? j. Every weekend.三、根据中文意思将句子补充完整,每格填一词。1.我怎样才能到达书店?你可以步行。How do I get to the _? You can on _.2.沿着这条路走,电影院在你的左边。Go _ this stree , the cinema is on your _.3.我奶奶经常向警察求助。My grandma often _ a policeman for _.新课 标 第 一 网4.这辆车满了。我们乘下一辆。The bus is _. We can take the _ bus.5.沿着这条路走,然后在第一个十字路口向右转。 _ _ this _, and then _ _ at _ _ _.6.向阳中学就在你的左边,你不会找不到的。 Xiang Yang middle school is _ _ _, you _ _ it.四、 判断下列画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。( )1、shoe shop ( )2、trousers traffic ( )3、mushroom show ( )4、station taxi ( )5、walk what ( )6、over stop新课 标第 一 网 111

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